
Micro-Rant for Our Precious Kollektive Environment

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(motherlat) E pluribus, unum щ
(polskilat) E pluribus, unum szcz
(germanlat) E pluribus, unum schtsch

There you have it: борщ, barszcz, borschtsch!

To transmit the simplest indoctrination, we (still!) abuse those tiny alphabetoslaves who self-identify as "litterae" resp. "γράμματα".

Transmitting, letter by letter, αβoslaves aching, hundreds of electrons moaning...

Worst of all, transatlantic transmition ― the tiny fellas coerced to fight the rise of the oceans (which now, in Messiah absentia, skyrockets like Trump's overcomb!).

Komrades, how many electrons, those precious gems of our Kosmos, are u―s―e―l―e―s―s―l―y. burnt and .a―i―m―l―e―s―s―l―y. blown into our firmament, while gigatons of sulfuric carbon rain down on kollektive kapitas!

Yet, while taking (heavy-heartedly!) αβoslavery and implied electronocaust as granted, there still are les petites différences. Just see our Motto, that korrektenvirowokeness, comrade!

The culprit and the winner, both are obvious. Here you "haf" "zat" dark, complexly convoluted, metaphysic-heavy lingo of the region which gave us Hölderlin, Hegel, and Hit Herr Führer. Ja, Hegel...

And there, the sunny, bubbly, happy yazyk of Motherland! No Hegelian schtsch, tscht, schtz, tschz, tssch, tzsch (even chtsschutzsch!) ― only rusticoproletarian щ, ш, ч. Hah, Kollektive Environment Защищающийся (= zashchishchayushchiysya = za-shchi-shcha-yu-shchiy-sya = defendig oneself)!


And after all, why "alphabet"?
Still bitterly clinging to αlpha-n-βeta? When will you progloswitch to al'abjadia (الأبجدية, al-abdzhadiya), white maaan? Your "burden", white maaan? As anyway al-Lahu ak-Bar (PBUH) inventocreated all this?

But here the solution!
Courtesy of our beloved Komrad|ette|ixiz|e Helios aka Sun ― solariotransmittism!
Tear open the window, and roar/yell/shriek/scream/screech/... or holler-n-thunder yer progressive kontent out, towards Komrad[x] Sun!

Then, as ordered by our Party's SOS (the Solariotransmittive Organic Sustainability), your right now emitted kontent will be carried, at warp speed, towards the very center of the Galaxy ― our dear Komrad[x] Sun. Here, according to Newton's Rule Number.. well, skip the boring minutiae, so, your kontent will bounce back ― this time as solar wind, thus engulfing the whole globe!
Sure, the 2 x 8:20 seconds must be put up with (well, it's anyway faster than our beloved NYT, no?). And then ― ze Environment, ja? ze Umwelt!

        Mystery item No. 1

Possibly better yet: Komrad[x] Aeolus alias Wind ― ventotransmittivity!
Tear open the window, and roar/yell/shriek/scream/screech/... or holler-n-thunder yer progressive kontent out, into Aether!

As decreed, Komrad[x] Winds will swiftly & happily carry your thoughts, reflections, whatever-it-was all around the world.
Yet remember: Don't transmit, um, inkorrekt kontents! (it may, repeat may, happen that a cudgel, possibly adorned with nails on the business end, does a spotless landing on your mug, you enemy you).

        Mystery item No. 2


Rantus finitus.

Zou... and now i vill haf a nice borschtsch barszcz борщ vit many many kascha kasza каша for tavari|schtsch|szcz|щ belly!

щи да каша пища наша.
szczi da kasza piszcza nasza.
schtschi da kascha pischtscha nascha.

(old Motherland saying, from the (fat!) years there)
(meaning: krautsoup and kasha [that's] our food.) __ (sauerkraut included, kanyechno!)

        Mystery item No. 3

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You been traveling that Laika Planetary Desk Wormhole connecting Russia - Mars - Texazistan lately?


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Komrade 'pelipsky, you seem to be on to something...

With that "rant" of mine: I just woke up one morning, like totally woke, the "rant" fully formed (no idea how? by whom? which way?) in my mind, and felt literally ― literally! ― forced (again: how? wherefrom? why?) to write it down, as if I were a fing somnambulic medium remotely controlled by Doktor Caligari!


By Marsia Marxian Kommunist Manifesto, dear Komrade Putout (and Komrade Rodent, so to say, right behind her), they both would korrektly embellish the above rudimentary visual representation of (Martian-aglow?) Dummkopf! Alas...

        Mystery item No. 4

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Komrade GD, if we're all going to die from 'tha covid' 'ain't nobody got time' to worry about the environment. When we're all dead from 'tha covid' the environment can do whatever it wants.

Mystery Item #3 made me hungry especially since I am avoiding carbs at the moment.

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... Mystery Item #3 made me hungry especially since I am [highlight=#ffff00]avoiding carbs[/highlight] at the moment.
Zis iz best for ze Enviro-Umwelt!

NO Karbon! . NO Korona! . NO Kapitalizm!
Dekarbonize! . Dekoronize! . Dekkkapitalize!

"Mystery #3 made me hungry"...
Tcha, but Users Manual of Mystery #3 says explicitly:
... and zen i vill dream zis! ... _ (dream, not gorge on! ja?)

Here, train your unshakable willpower, comrade!
You go, girl - bliny, ukha, kholodnik! kishki, pel'meny, pirozhki! kolachi, tsukaty, kvas!

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... Mystery Item #3 made me hungry especially since I am [highlight=#ffff00]avoiding carbs[/highlight] at the moment.

"Mystery #3 made me hungry"...
Tcha, but Users Manual of Mystery #3 says explicitly:
... and zen i vill dream zis! ... _ (dream, not gorge on! ja?)

Here, train your unshakable willpower, comrade!
You go, girl - bliny, ukha, kholodnik! kishki, pel'meny, pirozhki! kolachi, tsukaty, kvas!

I have a perfect fix for when I find my will power getting a bit shaky and those carb cravings start creeping in. I just watch this. VOILA, will power in FULL FORCE...

        Mystery item No. 5

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... [when] those carb cravings start creeping in. I just watch this ...

        Mystery item No. 6
Hah! Toppest enviro-good, your vid!

Not only makes a comrade's appetite shrink (like korrektly busted balls, you know..).
No no, it also makes one to regurgitate and puke! Ja, UMWELT! Sustainability!
Cook once, eat twice! Or thrice! Ja, Endlosschleife! Loop forever!
Kybernetics! Enviro salvaged! The New Man!