
POSTER: We Will Barry You! (Nikita Khrushchev, 1956)

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“We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.” - Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959

The veracity of this quote is being questioned by the progressives all over the Internet, but I remember recently coming across this quote in print, cited from the memoir of some American journalist or politician (unfamiliar to me) who had a chance to speak with Nikita Khrushchev personally. This quote was part of the private conversation he described.

Whatever the case, it sounds authentic and I have no reason to doubt that Khrushchev might have said this. After he was replaced in a peaceful coup by Brezhnev in 1964, Khrushchev was officially maligned in the USSR as a clown and a blabbermouth; his very name became a joke. Like Joe Biden, he was prone to saying the damnedest things. He may have said this quote too; whether it was a tactical error or not, he meant every word of it.

No one can doubt he said "We will bury you" because the whole world saw it. He might have as well said "We will Barry you" - it would still be correct, although he shouldn't have been running his mouth about it before time.


The idea of "We will Barry you" came from our friend Michael Geer.

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All this time I thought Comrade Khrushchev said "We will marry you!"

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Our greatest sorrow of the last century was the collapse of the U.S.S.R. due to socialism. Our greatest joy of this new century will be the collapse of the U.S.A. due to socialism. There's a lesson here somewhere, but my head hurts from trying to figure out what it is.

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Capt. Commie wrote:All this time I thought Comrade Khrushchev said "We will marry you!"
"We cannot expect the Americans to jump from being heterosexual to same sex marriage, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of gayness until they suddenly awake to find they are married to a same-sex person."
- Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev

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Barry? Marry?

I'm thinking it could go either way...

Although, in the long run, a good, permanent marriage to Barry could provide us with the rope to hang ourselves with...

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The truth has a cutting edge, does it not. And these foolish, sleeping Americans thought we would go away instead of infiltrating their government.

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An unholy alliance it was once called. Now it is called holy matrimony.

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Where might a loyal comrade find a "We Will Barry You" bumper sticker in the dried goods store? These ration stamps are burning a hole in my pocket.

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Another version of WE WILL BARRY YOU!


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Esteemed Leader Red Square,

I do say that this poster is one of the most relevant educational posters of This Tuesday™. Not only is it a culmination of every thing Nikita Khrushchev believed in, but it's also a great tribute to the decades of hard work the Teachers Unions have contributed to us seeing these ends.

If it wasn't for them reeducating the unwashed masses decade after decade, decrying Amerika, revising and rewriting history and destroying the sense of patriotism and nationalism with the future generations of the New Plantation™, then hanging such a poster would all but be in vain. But thankfully, it's not.

Such important educational knowledge shouldn't be confined to the posts on this thread. Oh, no. It should be proclaimed from every T-shirt, ball cap and thug-style hoodie, too!

Just as we're constantly reminded of how 'kool' (and dead) Comrade Che is with T-shirts and other trendy stuff, a tribute to Nikita's prophetic statement should be made for ALL to see and understand exactly WHO and WHAT is the historic connection with our Dear Leader other than being some black "community organizer" communist guy who's buddies with a domestic terrorist and his fundamental role today.

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Comrade Red Square and Sugar Daddy Bear,

This poster, alone, is more equal than I could ever have imagined!

I mean, how equal can you get?

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I would offer my last beet for a copy of this poster!

Beet 4.jpg

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Comrade Craptek - that beet looks awfully fresh; where did you get it? Hmmmmm?

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Comrade Craptek,

I always wondered what a beet abortion looks like. Now I know.

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I.M. Craptek, Sugar Daddy Bear, and others -

Please clarify which one of the several graphics you were talking about. I may as well make it into a real printed poster through Zazzle.

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I'm partial to the 1st one posted @ 8:47. A mere likeness of Nikita causes a tingling in my elderly left thigh...

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Esteemed Leader Red Square,

I'm referring to the poster at the top in your first post in this thread with the Dick Cheney impersonator raising his fist. Also I think it would be most excellent to have the "We Will Barry You" bumpersticker-size graphic that's underneath be made for T-shirts and caps.