
Democrats: Then and Now

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To continue with "then and now" theme...


Democrat 1861 - It's my right to force other people to work my fields

Democrat 2012 - It's my right to force other people to pay for my healthcare

Based on a suggestion by Michael Geer

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Off character:
That's a really good one. You can also summarize it as
Then: "It's my right to force others to work for me"
Now: "It's my right to force others to work for me"

Goes to show some things never change.

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THEN: We must help the world fight off the forces of Fascism!
NOW: We must help the world fight off the forces of US Fascism!

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Comrade Hillary is working with her fellow Stalinstic Apparatchiks at the UN in an effort to confiscate weapons from uppity proles & into the hands of dictators & Mexican drug cartels where they belong.
This, comrades, is completely different from her Democrat predecessors who implemented gun control under Jim Crow in the 19th C, because that was 200 years ago & the world is totally different today & government officials are smarter more deserving of a monopoly of power against us uppity proles, who should submit quietly & do what we're told.
Because the new 14th Amendment forbade any state to deny “the equal
protection of the laws,” gun control statutes aimed at blacks could no longer
be written in overtly racial terms. Instead, the South created racially neutral
laws designed to disarm freedmen.

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We've come a long way, New Soviet Youths!

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The lead image made it to the American Thinker's daily cartoon today. That marks three days in a row of non-stop, back-to-back Cube illustrations. Makes us feel like their house painter! ... be_14.html

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And we also got a great endorsement via this cartoon at Ace of Spades -

Open Blogger wrote:Apropos of nothing in particular, here's a poster image I stole from the witty and urbane People's Cube website.

The guy who runs the People's Cube, Oleg Atbashian, is a Soviet-bloc immigrant who has been force-fed the crap sandwich of socialism all his life, and he came here to get away from it. So you can imagine that he's not real happy that he is now seeing the same policies that have destroyed his homeland being implemented here. And couched in the same rhetoric.

Fortunately for us, Oleg has compiled his witty and urbane thoughts on such matters into a book, Shakedown Socialism, which sounds like it's worth checking out.

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Red Square wrote:The lead image made it to the American Thinker's daily cartoon today. That marks three days in a row of non-stop, back-to-back Cube illustrations. Makes us feel like their house painter! ... be_14.html

Red Square wrote:And we also got a great endorsement via this cartoon at Ace of Spades -

Open Blogger wrote:Apropos of nothing in particular, here's a poster image I stole from the witty and urbane People's Cube website.

The guy who runs the People's Cube, Oleg Atbashian, is a Soviet-bloc immigrant who has been force-fed the crap sandwich of socialism all his life, and he came here to get away from it. So you can imagine that he's not real happy that he is now seeing the same policies that have destroyed his homeland being implemented here. And couched in the same rhetoric.

Fortunately for us, Oleg has compiled his witty and urbane thoughts on such matters into a book, Shakedown Socialism, which sounds like it's worth checking out.


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I can't do a decent graphic and I'd be too creeped out to do one anyway...

[table][tr][td] THEN: 1944[/td][td]NOW: 2012[/td][/tr][tr][td] Social Democrats: You'll do as we say or you'll die in the streets.[/td][td] Democratic Socialists: You'll do as we say or you'll die in the streets.[/td][/tr][/table]

Red Square wrote:The lead image made it to the American Thinker's daily cartoon today. That marks three days in a row of non-stop, back-to-back Cube illustrations. Makes us feel like their house painter! ... be_14.html

Comrade Atbashian gets well-deserved people's recognition for tireless dedication to country and has been nominated by the People's Commission on Shovel Ready Projects for a 2013 Stimulus Grant.


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Democrat_Rights_1961_2012 copy copy.jpg

In ancient Egypt, Democrats made life extra miserable for the proles by ordering them to make bricks without the aid of straw, yet to keeping the same quota of bricks.

Today's Democrats have not changed in the way they make life extra miserable by removing anything that would make it more tolerable.