
Armed man shot by security at Obama Express Food Market

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St. Petersburg, Florida -- Police say a security guard shot and killed a man at a convenience store named after President Obama.

He was identified as 23-year-old Jhai-quel Rai-Tez Black. He and another man entered the Obama Express Food Market, at 1400 18th Ave. S, about 3:30 a.m. and were apparently arguing, police detectives said. During the dispute, Black produced a handgun and began waving it around, police said.

Two armed uniformed security officers who had been patrolling the exterior of the store came inside, confronted Black and fired their weapons, police said. Black died at the scene.

No charges were anticipated at this time, police said. The investigation is ongoing.

In the meantime, has a long list of Jhai-quel Rai-Tez Black's arrest records.


This is not a spoof. Is it me, or do you also get an eerie feeling that "Life imitates the People's Cube" stories are beginning to happen too frequently for comfort?

The Obama Express Food Market has its own Facebook page. Since the first "like" was made on June 7, 2013, we assume that's when it started.

I imagine this conversation at the time: "Let's call our store Obama Express! With a name like this, there's no way there'll be a shooting inside."

Twenty months later, Jhai-quel Rai-Tez Black: "Let's go to the Obama Express! I'll pull my gun and see if anybody dares shoot me."

These Facebook comments on the Obama Express Food Market add to the story:

- Food is very good prices are good too. BUT the people they let hang outside is bad for business!

- Name of store says it all. Keep on driving.

- This is sickening. Barack Hussein Obama is the worst president in history. He is destroying this country. And this store is a disgrace. If anyone disagrees, then tell me something he has done better than any other president. I will destroy you with facts.

- Yu just mad cracka that my boy got a store in the hood lololololol n bush didn't have one n yo hood fk yu
ee the rest of the conversation and the screenshot here.

All in all, this story - Black man shot at a convenience store named Obama Express Food Market - is a perfect summary of Obama's presidency: a low-budget cameo version of events in Washington and elsewhere, with all its manipulative marketing, starry-eyed idealism, outright stupidity, appeasement, anger, lawlessness, and divisiveness - with a necessary addition of the natural law that inevitably puts everything in its place.

If someone in the future wants to see a synopsis of Obama's legacy, they'll need to go no further than this story on the People's Cube.


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Red Square wrote:This is not a spoof. Is it me, or do you also get an eery feeling that "Life imitates the People's Cube" stories are beginning to happen too frequently?
If I say yes, do I get shipped off to Siberia? I'm actually surprised this isn't a chain in Chicago...

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M84 wrote:
Red Square wrote:
This is not a spoof. Is it me, or do you also get an eery feeling that "Life imitates the People's Cube" stories are beginning to happen too frequently?
[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img] If I say yes, do I get shipped off to Siberia? I'm actually surprised this isn't a chain in Chicago...

There are openings at the Gulag Apprentice. If you volunteer, you can be shipped off to Alaska.

Komrades, how can the operators of this establishment be allowed to SELL anything?
Being named for Glorious Leader, it should give away everything it has.

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LOL! Obviously, he got killed because he's Black. I bet he was just in there to buy a bag of Skittles.

Bill G wrote:Komrades, how can the operators of this establishment be allowed to SELL anything?
Being named for Glorious Leader, it should give away everything it has.

Komrade Bill, I am sure that the store has lots of armed robberies and shoplifters "undocumented shoppers" so plenty of its profits get "redistributed" to those who deserve "a fair share." I would be willing to bet that, because of this redistribution, Komrade Glorious Leader was undoubtedly proud of the establishment, until now.

This is yet more proof that we must implement Komrade Glorious Leader's "common sense approach" to register, ban, and konfiscate the guns of law-abiding citizens to stop shootings like these from happening and make us all "safe." It's "for the children."

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If Dear Leader had a store.............

Dazed but not confused by the Current Truth

Red Salmon

User avatar just posted this story with a link and a h/t to the People's Cube:

HILARIOUS: Shooting At the Obama Express Food Market

Charles C. Johnson at is a good guy with whom we met and had a great time in Florida last fall (not to be confused with the other Charles Johnson of the Little Green Footballs, who is quite mad).

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Only EBT is accepted as payment at das Obamma Phood Martt.

Hammer and Loupe wrote:If you volunteer, you can be shipped off to Alaska.

Hell, sign me up now. I'll bring along the Komatsu 360, Big Eddie and Mean Phil, and their two D-10 Cats. It might be a little hard on the Trans-Alaska highway roadbed but once we get there the natives'll greet us with open arms.

Further, 40 below keeps the riff-raff out.

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Red Square wrote:This is not a spoof. Is it me, or do you also get an eerie feeling that "Life imitates the People's Cube" stories are beginning to happen too frequently for comfort?
Thought experiment: What event might generate a similar eerie feeling that life imitates Infowars stories?

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Dedhedvedev wrote:Thought experiment: What event might generate a similar eerie feeling that life imitates Infowars stories?
We can say that life imitates Infowars stories when the Wall Street Journal publishes a full confession by the Federal Reserve Chairman admitting that his basement contains 30,000 weaponized army guillotines and 1.6 billion rounds of ammo as part of a vast conspiracy by the Elders of Zion to enslave the world through New World Order for the Bilderberg Group and other Jewish bankers by means of suppressing the noble Occupy movement and destroying the World Trade Center (Bush did it because Prescott was a Nazi) in order to start an illegal War for Oil against Muslims and now also against Putin's Russia that is only trying to defend itself against the Jewish Nazis in Ukraine who crucify babies to please their neocon masters in the US State Department.


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Red Square wrote:
Dedhedvedev wrote:Thought experiment: What event might generate a similar eerie feeling that life imitates Infowars stories?
We can say that life imitates Infowars stories when the Wall Street Journal publishes a full confession by the Federal Reserve Chairman admitting that his basement contains 30,000 weaponized army guillotines and 1.6 billion rounds of ammo as part of a vast conspiracy by the Elders of Zion to enslave the world through New World Order for the Bilderberg Group and other Jewish bankers by means of suppressing the noble Occupy movement and destroying the World Trade Center (Bush did it because Prescott was a Nazi) in order to start an illegal War for Oil against Muslims and now also against Putin's Russia that is only trying to defend itself against the Jewish Nazis in Ukraine who crucify babies to please their neocon masters in the US State Department.

Hear! Hear!

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Red Square wrote: We can say that life imitates Infowars stories when the Wall Street Journal publishes a full confession by the Federal Reserve Chairman admitting that his basement contains 30,000 weaponized army guillotines and 1.6 billion rounds of ammo as part of a vast conspiracy by the Elders of Zion to enslave the world through New World Order for the Bilderberg Group and other Jewish bankers by means of suppressing the noble Occupy movement and destroying the World Trade Center (Bush did it because Prescott was a Nazi) in order to start an illegal War for Oil against Muslims and now also against Putin's Russia that is only trying to defend itself against the Jewish Nazis in Ukraine who crucify babies to please their neocon masters in the US State Department.


I KNEW it all along!

I would not be surprised if Alex Jones (who still has much to learn about a good conspiracy ) has a People's Cube account...

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:
Red Square wrote: We can say that life imitates Infowars stories when the Wall Street Journal publishes a full confession by the Federal Reserve Chairman admitting that his basement contains 30,000 weaponized army guillotines and 1.6 billion rounds of ammo as part of a vast conspiracy by the Elders of Zion to enslave the world through New World Order for the Bilderberg Group and other Jewish bankers by means of suppressing the noble Occupy movement and destroying the World Trade Center (Bush did it because Prescott was a Nazi) in order to start an illegal War for Oil against Muslims and now also against Putin's Russia that is only trying to defend itself against the Jewish Nazis in Ukraine who crucify babies to please their neocon masters in the US State Department.


I KNEW it all along!

I would not be surprised if Alex Jones (who still has much to learn about a good conspiracy ) has a People's Cube account...

We are on the investigation to find out if it is true. You shall get the report Next Tuesday.