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CAPTION THIS: Obama putting the 'fun' back in 'funeral'

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Make your own caption. Placing various objects in President's raised hand is optional.

And in case you need a blank...


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That's what I was thinking. In my whole lifetime this is the first fun-eral where people actually have fun. Never thought of it that way.

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"Ha, ha, ha! Yeah, that's a joke. Ha, ha! I'm not totally illiterate, ha, ha, ha. I know it isn't pronounced FUN-eral, I just wanted to see if you knew it wasn't pronounced FUN-eral. Ha, ha! How do you like my hair, by the way? Today it's all black. Do you like it? I do. I love my hair. My hair is so easy to color and manage. I think it's sexy, don't you? I really like it black like this. Do you want me? I want me, I look so good. You want me too, don't you?"

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Hmmm I don't have the talents to do so, but it would be fun to see the laser beams that would mostly assuredly be emanating from Michelle's eyes at this point – yikes!

Addendum – maybe having the laser beams set that paper on fire.. or something..

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[color=#C0392B]Comrade Šterpin[/color] had an excellent idea when he/she wrote:Hmmm I don't have the talents to do so, but it would be fun to see the laser beams that would mostly assuredly be emanating from Michelle's eyes at this point – yikes!

Addendum – maybe having the laser beams set that paper on fire.. or something..

Meanwhile Comrades, it appears that Michelle wants to take the "fun" out of funeral and put the "F. U." back in

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Callmelennie wrote:Meanwhile Comrades, it appears that Michelle wants to take the "fun" out of funeral and put the "F. U." back in
Thanks for the idea!


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Basic Fun-eral Instinct:

As world leaders exhibit the basic instinct of leadership in gathering at the stadium ceremony commemorating the death of South Africa's Nelson Mandella, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama encounter a distraction by the Danish Prime Minister Ms. Thorning-Schmidt putting Sharon Stone's Basic Instinct to shame.


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Comrades, I think someone with more equal talents than I could indeed make a fine collage.

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Chedoh wrote:

Comrade Chedoh you have shed the light of the Party on an unreported failure of our previously disgraced Secret Service. Your second photo depicts FLATUS intervening in a hostile attack against Dear Leader (PBUH) by the blonde "White She-Devil" attempting to destroy the Huxtable family structure that Moochelle and Barry demonstrate to the public.

Availabilty of choom details are not available, but clearly the "Playa in Chief" had slipped his leash and eluded protection by the Secret Service. It is entirely possible but not yet confirmed that prostitutes in South Africa are cheaper and/or more skilled than their South American counterparts--Secret Service officials have yet to comment.

Had FLATUS not sacrificed her own self, Dear Leader might have "hooked-up" causing an embarrassment,