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Our Generous Leader announces His creation of "THE PARTY FLAG CONTEST"! Starting today, “THE PARTY FLAG CONTEST” will begin. All loyal Inner and Outer Party Members, including proles, are ordered to enter! “THE PARTY FLAG CONTEST” will end when Wonderful Leader has decided upon a winner!

DIRECTIVE ORDERS: All designs MUST contain basic elements of Cubist Core Principles and Proper Marxist-Leninist Thought.

Designs NOT containing these elements will be denounced and their artistic graphical creator will be condemned and sent to The State Re-Education Arts Camp for extensive rehabilitation.

Comrade Contestants may enter, are encouraged to enter, multiple examples of The Party Flag posted in this thread. Contest Winner Comrade will receive an additional 5 kilos of beets per annum and an extra 10 liters of vodka per month as well as provisional membership in The Inner Party for 1 year (if Comrade is an Outer Party member or a prole). If winner is an Inner Party member, Comrade will be allowed to attend 1 State Politburo meeting (non-voting) and be issued a provisional State Politburo Exclusive Shopping Club membership card (use expires after 1 visit).

Non-participants in “THE PARTY FLAG CONTEST” will be purged, shipped to The State Gulag Fun Camp, their beet and vodka rations reduced to 25%.


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Anyer Marx wrote:

Oh, I know it is early, but this is magnificent!

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How about a suitably adoring flag PLUS a stirring, National Anthem to Obama. But it's sung, unfortunately, by a comrade whose singing talents were long ago redistributed downward such that he is no longer envied by the Great Singers of Collectivism such as Barbara Streissand (ObaMemories), Neil Young (Teet Your Children), etc.

However, since Vimeo somtimes is notoriously slow in loading (and there is no YouTube version), Red Square will be more pleased if I merely provide the link rather than embedding it:


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Comrade Marx! Excellent! Great Leader texted me saying that he is tempted to close the contest and end it before the first day is over and choose your entry! However, In his wisdom, he decided to allow more time for other entries.

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Here are some flag designs from the past...








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Beloved Brother Square! Those are EXCELLENT submissions! So many to choose from, I'm positive that Great Leader Party Members will have a wonderful time reviewing them, they all capture the essence of Cubism and Marxist-Leninism! I feel a warm tingling feeling running up both of my Socialist legs!

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So far I am voting for Comrade Marx's Boot and Snake Disposal flag.

I may vote for others later as well.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:So far I am voting for Comrade Marx's Boot and Snake Disposal flag.

I may vote for others later as well.
Yes. I agree. Very good flag.

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I voted for the Comrade Marx's Boot and Snake Disposal flag by placing it in the right-hand column among Laika's headlines.

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So it's moved to Laikas headline column,

Ain't nothing more than an endorsement by Red Square.

Cast yo own vote wisely, ya unnerstan, creepy-ass Cracka?

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El Presidente,
I'm quite sure that you can't use the French battle ensign for this particular contest.

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Comrades! Be aware that there is NO VOTE in this contest from Party Members! Great Leader alone will decide in his vast wisdom, what is the best flag for The People! Wonderfully Wise Leader cares nothing for the opinions of The Masses.

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Napolitano Flag.png
My apologies for being late to the Party... I only hope that Red Square will be lenient in his judging of my flag.

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Lt Comrade!
You are not late! Equality of Outcome is always assured!
Interesting submission I have to say.
Great Magnanimous Leader has yet to decide so that all can submit.
But when He decides to decide, a Party Communique will be issued forthwith.

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"O'say does that Obamaaaaa - banner yet wave,
O'er the land owned by the State and the home of freeeeee ~ shit."


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Alas, alas, I am not artist. I am poet. Instead of flag, may I submit song? This is last stanza from one of my poems, entitled "Hymn from the Hustings (Song of the Proles)":

...So pour the last libation down the sink,
And pay the pickled piper, who demands
A surtax on the hemlock in our drink.
Come, let us kiss and part. And let our hands
Wave gaily from the quicksand as we sink.

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RedDiaperette wrote:Alas, alas, I am not artist. I am poet. Instead of flag, may I submit song? This is last stanza from one of my poems, entitled "Hymn from the Hustings (Song of the Proles)":

...So pour the last libation down the sink,
And pay the pickled piper, who demands
A surtax on the hemlock in our drink.
Come, let us kiss and part. And let our hands
Wave gaily from the quicksand as we sink.

So beautimous, Comrade. You made Lenin cry.


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Comrade RedDiaperette!
I denounce you in front of the Contest Committee!
Please read directive closely, nothing mentioned about song submissions! The 1st lesson learned in Re-Education Program is not to assume because it is not written, it can be so!
However, your song creation brought me great pride in your talent, at the same time I was composing your denunciation warrant, so as you can see, I was very conflicted! However, True Marxist-Leninist Thought overcame me and the warrant was presented.
Do not sell yourself short Comrade, have seen examples of your graphical ability and the Committee has decided that if you comply with Party Order and submit a flag design in the proper manner, your beet rations will be restored and not be dispatched to The State Gulag Fun Camp, so you still have time to re-habilitate yourself.

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Welcome Comrade new guy. (You look familiar, perhaps something I read in my younger days...)
While your enthusiasm and creativity are acknowledged, use caution in starting a "contest" <spit> as there is kapitalist overtones of a single winner, making others less equal and causing widespread damage to self esteem. I have beets to tend to, enjoy your stay.

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Tovarichi Ambassador!
MiniTruth Re-History Directorate has ruled and announced that in this case, Great Leader's wise decision to implement a "One Winner" in this contest does not negate "kapitalist overtones of a single winner. We all well know that Great Leader's wisdom in political matters is sacrosanct, so while I commend you on "proper" Marxist-Leninist-Cubist thought processes, in this case only, I caution you to adhere to the 1st Principle we all have learned and loved that "Great Leader is NEVER wrong about anything he wants to amend because soon we all will forget the original"!

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Che' Ramie wrote:Tovarichi Ambassador!
MiniTruth Re-History Directorate has ruled and announced that in this case, Great Leader's wise decision to implement a "One Winner" in this contest does not negate "kapitalist overtones of a single winner. We all well know that Great Leader's wisdom in political matters is sacrosanct, so while I commend you on "proper" Marxist-Leninist-Cubist thought processes, in this case only, I caution you to adhere to the 1st Principle we all have learned and loved that "Great Leader is NEVER wrong about anything he wants to [highlight=#FFFF00]amend[/highlight] because soon we all will forget the original"!

Amend what?

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Although trip to Gulag Fun Camp is sounding like ... fun, I must obey direktives and display my lack of artisticness. Perhaps one of Dear Leader's themes:

Or version for staging areas:

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You have been deemed as re-deemed my dear Comrade Diaperette! Outstanding submissions!

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Anything and everything Magnanimous Leader wishes to "amend" by Comrade Captain! Whatever suits the needs of the People Party! His whim is our law as you know all too well.

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Che' Ramie,

As you may not be aware that even though we all are equals, some are more equal then others. I happen to be just as equal as you, but through many years of toiling through the ranks doing everything only 'for the children' ™ at no thought of recompense at all for my socialist efforts, my equal status is now more than yours to the point that I have butlers and maids and I now own yachts.

Your new here and you have made quite a good impression so far but you need a little guidance, step into the............

ImageFor a few minutes so that other Comrades can't hear the rest of this. Let me help mentor you a bit. Just to be clear for you, Red Square is top dog leader here on The Cube. So far he's taken kindly to you, but any other references in your posts to another great leader other than our beloved Red Square might cause him to suspect that your loyalties lie elsewhere and trust me you do not wish do anything to arouse Red Squares suspicions. In fact, fine toadyism toward Red Square and Red Square only when invoking leaders will get you far, and is a much admired trait and should be cultivated in yourself as much as possible as you progress here. I'll work on how to develop your future backstabbing and the proper way to drop dimes on your fellow Comrades when they exhibit suspicious behavior later. Secondly, remember as noted everything we do is 'for the children' ™ and my kids yacht needs a new dinghy so send me some underneath the table cash to my Cayman Islands bank account for my most equal advice that I just gave you or I'll denounce you to Red Square personally.

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Hmmm..points are well taken...however I have the impression that I've stepped on a few Cubist toes? If that is indeed the case, my sincere socialist apologies to all Party Members, The State Politburo, all State Ministers and their functionaries. I prostrate myself before the Party and beg for the opportunity to be re-habilitated.
Is that a sincere sounding as I thought it should appear? Thank you Commodore Comrade (Point in fact; All Great Leader references referred to RedSquare in my posts anyway but I felt the need to de-base myself in front of the Party) My payoff contribution to the children is in the mail

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Red Square wrote:I voted for the Comrade Marx's Boot and Snake Disposal flag by placing it in the right-hand column among Laika's headlines.
Dear Leader of Leaders; Does this posting mean the contest is concluded or will you dane to permit more postings? I am still working on my masterpiece submissions

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Commodore Snoogie Woogums wrote:...but any other references in your posts to another great leader other than our beloved Red Square...
While it may be pointless to point out, the leading (from behind) leadership of our Dear Leader Comrade President Barackzebub Husseinovich Obama may also be referenced here in the infinite cubism of The Cube's infinity. Of redness.

It goes without saying, so I said it.

But bear in mind that this is ONLY because our dear People's Director Red Square is not currently President. Which could change.

That is all.

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First Submission by:
Politruk Che' Ramie

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TPC Party Flag.png
Second Submission By;
Politruk Che' Ramie

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Tovarichi wrote:Oh, NOW he gets the equality thing...
Yes Comrade Tovarichi..I have been re-hab'ed in a most gentle and sincere Socialist manner by Dear Comrade Commodore! I'm all on board now kind sir!

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El Presidente,
I'm quite sure that you can't use the French battle ensign for this particular contest.[/quote]
Comrade Krasnodar, I thought El Presidente's flag the most equal, but you make a good point about not overtly stealing redistributing using other battle ensigns. So, I submit the following for our dear leader's consideration as a battle ensign for use in the face of agression by third, second or fourth-world countries. I believe it captures his yellow streak, while also appropriately displaying the American international symbol of cowardice peace, being the white feather:


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Red Square wrote:I voted for the Comrade Marx's Boot and Snake Disposal flag by placing it in the right-hand column among Laika's headlines.
Comrade Red Square, I blush the color of undistilled beets to think that my humble submission, inspired by the collective Cubists, would make a Laika headline. I will say (before I hear the train whistle) that I did not build the flag, the We at the Cube did!

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:WE DIDN'T BUILD THAT!!
... which would not have been possible without the Guvmint, which therefore actually built that.... hummana-hummana- I think I hera a train whistle ...

User avatar
Che' Ramie wrote:
The attachment TPC Party Flag.png is no longer available
Second Submission By;
Politruk Che' Ramie
Nice work, new comrade. Yes, most equal.
Image Mind your manners, respect your elders, and tend to your beets and you just might delay that inevitable train ride for a bit;

Thats also pretty good advice for avoiding the golden shovel of knowledge, truth, female hormones, and civility, as operated for the State by Commisarka Pinkie... In my time here, only one has suffered four whacks in one post and lived to tell of it, though humbled, he is respectful and cautiously aggressive at the same time, one evening I he may offer you a glass of homemade vodka behind the people's tractor barn. Again, nice work on the flag.

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My payoff contribution to the children is in the mail

I see our little chat has now paid off quite handsomely Comrade in my selflessness and purely altruistic sweet and innocent motives to mentor one of the masses. You will do quite well from now on. Always remember as progs we are just like the Government, we are just always here to help to make things so much better for all and always scheming about ways to rifle through your wallet or purse to wring out even more taxes out of you.

User avatar
Anyer Marx wrote:
Red Square wrote:I voted for the Comrade Marx's Boot and Snake Disposal flag by placing it in the right-hand column among Laika's headlines.
Comrade Red Square, I blush the color of undistilled beets to think that my humble submission, inspired by the collective Cubists, would make a Laika headline. I will say (before I hear the train whistle) that I did not build the flag, the We at the Cube did!


Now there is some fine toadying and sucking up that just brings a tear to my eye. You Comrade have earned the...................

swab of truth award.jpg

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KrystynaKorrekted wrote:
RedDiaperette wrote: ...
So beautimous, Comrade. You made Lenin cry.

The attachment lcry.jpg is no longer available

Volodya says, "I never cry, madame Comrade. This is slander. I may let a certain (comrade who shall not be named) dress me up as the Easter Bunny and pretend to campaign for Bush 43, but I never, ever, cry."

bust of lenin bush.JPG

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Dear Red Square,

I wish to lodge a formal complaint with "The Party Flag" contest announcement committee. I assert that Comrade Marx, in an act of willful piracy has taken my "thought" (and I use the word figuratively) and submitted it in his own name. As proof, I offer the following link to official TPC archives. PROOF IS HERE

It should be noted that I named this file "Thought Crime" in the full knowledge that some future thought criminal might be tempted to use it as his/her/its own - thus sealing his/her/its fate.

I patiently await your decision.

Captain Craptek (the humble)

Thought crime.jpg

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Comrade Red Square,

Disregard my last post. I see a bribe contribution from Comrade Marx his just arrived to my Paypal account. Sorry. My error.

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Comrade Squirrel - it pleases me (Us) to see your retraction. It was sounding perilously close to you claiming that the design in question was "yours", and - as Comrade President has eloquently stated - YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!

As we all know, it takes a village. And a few rubles here and there to grease the village.

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I cast numerous votes for Comrade Marx's flag!

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I see a bribe contribution from Comrade Marx his just arrived to my Paypal account.

Hummmm......Craptek has got a himself a Paypal account? Gotta save this info with some of the rest of my past clippings just in case the info comes in handy in the future. Let's see where to file, where to file?????.... oh, here is a good spot for it.


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Lt. just_a_car wrote:
Napolitano Flag.png
My apologies for being late to the Party... I only hope that Red Square will be lenient in his judging of my flag.
There is no late. Merely different allocations of the time ration. Glorious flag comrade!