I've been receiving emails from the oppressed masses since the inception of this Party Organ. Many an exploited toiler, upon discovering the People's Cube, clicked on the "FEEDBACK" button with a rough, calloused finger to share his/her/its excitement, to report a thoughtcrime, denounce friends and neighbors, or to submit for re-education.
Since this Party Organ is a collective effort, we must share these emails with everyone. Nobody at the Cube is getting paid, so non-material incentives like these are long overdue.
(For censorship purposes we are only using first names or initials. But the Party knows who you are!)
* * *
The funniest damn thing I have read, will continue to read and spread
Shalom Always,
Steven from Texas
I have been going through your site since linking there from whatfinger.com. I don't know if I've laughed so hard in decades! I'm afraid I will end up waking my wife with hilarious guffaw coming from our office. Thanks, Comrade for allowing me to join...
Vladimir Smith
Your stuff is very funny...and smart.
Rabbi Aryeh Spero
Brilliant! Unfortunately, most Americans are not on the same page to understand your humor. And, also unfortunately, more and more Americans are learning to understand your humor. In any event, your blend of art and politics are unmatched anywhere.
You're a national treasure. I'm so glad you're on our side. Keep up the great work.
SOMETHING's gotta make me laugh these days, and you're KILLIN' it.
Dawn O.
You guys are the funniest thing going on the net! Good thing they can't tax humor.. OR CAN THEY?!
Pete in Las Vegas
Oh man, I came across this site and I haven't been able to move from it in about 2 hours! Laughing, thinking and really, really thinking.
This website makes me so happy that I am practically crying tears of joy. I can not say enough good things about this site, I have used the propaganda tools availible here extensively already just in the short time I've known about your existence.
I adore your site. I always end up wiping tears from my eyes because you guys are freakin' hilarious. Just wanted to let you know.
Thank you for your site. I don't think I would survive without it and the incredibly creative people who contribute to it!
Ya know, your website gives me hope--at least we will have something to laugh about in the internment camps....
THANK YOU! The People's Cube is a great public service and frankly, it's hilarious! My ancestors fled Lithuania several years before the Bolshevik Revolution. My father made us read "The Gulag Archipelago" and all things Orwell in high school. It is a shame to see a form of it here in America. Still, I thank you for this necessary service!
Joe in Pennsylvania
Wow, thank you! I haven't laughed so much since National Lampoon magazine in the 80's. You are now my homepage and I bought a few shirts for the holiday work reprieve. Keep up the good work!
I happened across the People's Cube tonight while looking for a diversion to avoid Ovomit's SOTU. Your site ROCKS. Count me in as a regular. Your stuff is brilliantly hilarious. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charley J.
Thanks so much for keeping me laughing and giving me a glimmer of hope
that there are still THINKING people out there.
Dave W
Marvellous site. Absolutely love it and consider myself lucky to have found it.
And boy, do I know what you mean by "I've seen the Future and Ran Away"
Born and grew up in a Soviet satellite country, moved to Western Europe in the 80-ties and now I'm watching in horror how the totalitarian stench slowly moves in into countries that used to be the bedrock of equality, tolerance and democracy. And I watch dimwit politicians and media promoting this slowmo suicide. And the clueless post-1990 generations, still believing that they can teach the world a thing or two about human rights and democracy – despite that they have never lived a day having a shortage of anything.
So where do I go now? Back to behind the former iron curtain?
AWESOME blog! - You guys have an excellent sense of humor. And, oh boy, you have no idea how much I have enjoyed reading it. I'm Cuban and lived in Cuba for 29 years so, suffice to say that I know exactly how this kind of regime work and how they exploit these "useful idiots" here in America, Latin America, Europe and everywhere. Shame on those who live in freedom but praise communist dictators and portray them as "Robin Hood" heroes, but nothing in this world would convince them to move to any of those countries and give up all the things we take for granted in this country. God bless America!
Humberto Moreno
Thanks for the laugh!
Absolutely brilliantly funny with a point. I have bookmarked your site and will return often.
You are geniuses:-)
Shirley Jean Dobler
I don't know who you are or where you went to school or where you grew up (NY, NY I guess) or exactly just how much knowledge you actually wield at your finger tips but you are BRILLIANT. You routinely put to words and expose tactics and designs I never could have on my best day. When I start making movies about the Crimes of Collectivism, I want you as an advisor and associate. You're like family I never met. Best and look forward to meeting you,
Mike Villano
Love, love, love your website! Love it. I appreciate the Soviet design and it is quite effective as history has proven, but the new twisted, American, satire is spot-on and gives me a chuckle daily.
I do believe only those whose scales have been removed from their eyes can truly appreciate The People's Cube!
Laura Mitchell
First let me say, Gosh! I wish I were smart enough to comment at the Cube! I've left a couple of little tidbits there, but when I read other people's comments, I realize I'm not nearly as clever as I've always thought. I am gobsmacked by the talent at your site. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us.
I am the Publisher/Deaditor-In-Chief of Girls and Corpses Magazine. Would you be interested in running the Helen Thomas Formaldehyde spoof cover as an ad in our print magazine? This would be a free ad in Girls and Corpses for your website. Love the cover!
Rot on!
Robert Steven Rhine "Corpsy"
"So many corpses... so little time."
I just wanted to say you have a great site, I don't know if your biography on Wikipedia is true but it if so you are truly amazing. You have firsthand experience that no Liberal in this country has ever had. And even if it is not true I still think you and ThePeoplesCube.com is a national treasure. I just wanted to say thank you I have read a lot of your serious articles as well as your satire and you are spot on. This country is on dark times but has fared worse and as a nation we can get through this and sometimes a little humor can go a long way. So once again I want to say thank you for a great site and a very interesting self history if you ever wrote a book I would be more than happy to read it.
David Clark
Hi, People's commissars, thanks for a great site! You gave me a good laugh! I just regretted I didn't discover you earlier, but as we say in Russian (I hope retired KGB will translate for you!): Лучше позже, чем никогда!
Alex, Socialism Survivor
You're the best. I need more time on my job to peruse the internet. Hard to fit it all in.
Wow! I think I am in love! For lack of a more academic word, f@#$% AWESOME site y'all! If I got paid more, or if I was on the Obama dole/figurative Commy food stamp, I'd send you a monthly stipend! (However, if my Main-Man Barack gets his way... Well... You get the end game!**). Keep up the good work!
Love and rockets,
I loved it ALL! It's a dense site (which is a positive, btw), so picking out one image or page or one thing is impossible. However, if you were to pay me to go through the entire site and provide university level feedback, I am sure I could... Um! Ya! Anyway. The entire concept is great. Visually and conceptually consistent. The Photoshop is flawless, too. I see it as?...?... bi-partisan(slash)pro Obama/Commy Comedy/lighten up everybody, where as my girlfriend (an uber liberal) sees it as a right wing hate slam to The prez. An educated woman with a degree in English Lit, irony (and in your case HEAVY irony) as an art form is often lost on her. She sees literally. But I do GET it! Too bad her... More for us!** So the fact that you can make us question and guess is a big plus! Whatever side of the fence you are on, the site is top notch, high quality and full of shits and giggles!
Bottom line, love the site. Every line, image, and page is a treat. The world needs more of this! Anyway...? WHO ARE YOU? WHERE ARE YOUR FROM? WHAT'S THE MISSION? DOING THIS FOR FUN? A PROJECT? MONEY? POLITICAL LEVERAGE? WHO IS FUNDING YOU? WHY?! WHY!?!?!?!?!!! DO SPILL! I haven't been to every page, but I couldn't find any individual info on who was/is responsible. I did see a link to several videos through your site. The muslim/Osama look a like with info on hiding a bomb up your ass. Your work, too? If so... wow!
Again, keep the good work, comrade!
Best, Bob
Associate Professor of Foundations
Comrades, I am inspired by the cube! I am sad to report the IT Dept where I toil for the capitalists has blocked the site. I have found however that I can forward graphics to my email address and distribute them to other sympathizers in this manner! I also share items from your site with all friends and family back in the Co-op. Your are doing great work and the creativity of all who contribute is nothing less than incredible.
I discovered your site by accident while searching the web for material that my thirteen year old could use in a school report. He and I spent an hour that night exploring the site and reading the articles and graphics and howling with laughter. There were many "teachable" moments before we book marked the site and returned to researching his report.
I have purchased a couple cubes and some other merchandise and will be a loyal fan and recruiter until we are, at last, victorious or completely censored. Thanks for helping us laugh in such seriously trying times!
Dear Reds,
This is without doubt one of the coolest sites on the Net. Though I'll probably be executed or incarcerated for life for saying so, the Cube is the one site I recommend to everyone. I recognize the danger of saying this, since it expresses my sense of freedom and non-conformity to today's idiotic yet meaningless standards.
Please continue to educate us, the masses, in ways to resist well meaning, Green, educated elitists that are so much smarter than we are. Despite my ignorant and uneducated, not to mention counter-cultural belief that freedom is a Good Thing, I hope to survive long enough to pass these ideas along to my children. I hope without hope that this will not lead them to a Democratic Gulag. Ummmm, I mean Cultural Stabilization Center for the Socially Proscribed.
Regards and Good Luck,
Timothy Morgan
You guys are unbelievably hysterically funny and very bright. I'm gong to make a habit of reviewing and even studying the material you lay on here. Truly outstanding work.
So Cal Mike
You guys are A RIOT!! A conservative version of the Onion, and I love it. Keep up the good work. I'm always on the hunt for this kind of this.
Absolutely the best website on the internet! Thanks for helping the people.
Holy shit your site is the funniest, wittiest, smartest site on the (evil capitalist) internet!! I love it !!!!!!!!!!!! I love satire....... However, it is absolutely SICKENING that really there is no satire at all. Everything written is coming true. Although your site brightens my day, it terrifies me. Are we truly f***ed ?? As Reagan so eloquently stated, are America's better days ahead? I sadly think not. What can we do? Where can we go? But yeah, your site effing rocks! I am so ecstatic in my misery!!! Yay for misery!!! Yay for equality!!! Yay for having no money!!! Yay for having no heat... nor bread... So anyway, thanks for your site.
I've been an avid reader of the Peoples Cube for some time now. Love your work.
I have a request. The 'local man claims responsibility for own problems' piece is hilarious.
Can I have permission to translate it into Dutch and publish it on my Dutch-language blog?
I may have to alter some names and specific sentences to make it more recognizable for a Dutch audience. Of course, I will refer to the Cube as the original source.
Keep up the good work.
Herman Benschop
The Netherlands
Dear Tovarisch Koob,
Thanks for continuing to mine the rich vein of ironic humor engendered by our stupid Obummer Administration. You're doing a marvelous job! Keep it up & you're sure to be awarded the Order of Barack (but only as a slap in the face to the previous administration of the People's Cube, you understand).
Thanks again, Tovarisch, for your magnificent efforts to expose the ugly facts of Kapitalism that keep threatening to the kill the beautiful fantasy-land of Kommunism! Remember that great oafs from little ACORNS grow!
Just spent several hours snickering my way through the depths of your site – which I linked to entirely by accident and good luck. Kudos and pats on the back for what you're doing!! It's a huge understatement to say I'm blown-away by the sheer magnitude and creative smorgasbord of material you're presenting. And I never tired of the digging – there was always some truly creative reward to be found.
Jim S.
Comrades, I love your website. It inspires me towards the Glorious Collectivist Utopia like nothing else does!
Todd R.
This website has buggered me right up, I didn't think Americans had a sense of humour.
Mike Whelan
If it weren't for the CUBE I'd have lost my mind a long time ago. Thanks for keeping me sane!
Doug E.
Thank the anti-Supreme Being for People's Cube. I would become an alcoholic without you. Over the years, I've been upset over politicians. I've been angry but never before have I felt sick to my stomach. Or felt like drinking so much. Truly, thank you for the escape to sanity.
Karen H.
Who are you guys and how do we get to use some of your phenomenal material for our web site?
What is the proper procedure for using your wonderfully insightful, stinging and most importantly funny signs and graphics for yard signs and for more future protest signs. I live in a very progressive university area neighborhood and have been looking at comrade Chomsky's signs that many of my neighbors have been displaying for the last eight years (many of which are now coming down for some odd reason) and I think it is high time I let them look at a sign of mine.
Tom F., a long time enjoyer of your work and website.
Great site! Promoting here in Atlanta, Charlotte, NJ and anywhere else I can. Very impressive! I haven't laughed so hard in the last 20 yrs. Keep up the GREAT TRUTH!
John P.
You have a wonderful website!!! So creative and informative. I love reading it and the links are always worth the time to read too. I hope your website is very successful and that you continue to keep it going for a long time! I will support your advertisers as I have the money.
Ann E. (5th generation Texan)
You gentlemen are brilliant! Now that our President has signed the order to close Gitmo, you could do something on the order of "The War on Terror, a catch and release Program"
Frank M.
AWESOME!!!! Keep up the great work. At last! Someone who understands what's really going on.
Ron (Concord, CA)
This is the funniest stuff I've ever found on the web. Making fun of communists. I love it. Keep it up. It helps my depression over the election results.
Ruth K.
I have just surfed in your site and I have to say it is one of the last sparkle of humor and an ironic approach to a unfortunate truth.
We face the same dumbing down in Brasil (Lulamania) and South America. Would you be so kind as to express, following your pattern, the plans of Mr. President Hussein Obama for South A.? I'm sure he will support the left-inspired bolivarianism as well as the drug/kidnap bisiness of FARC's armies, whom by the way, are members of Foro de São Paulo, the larger left organization in Latin America founded by President Lula.
Guilherme V. (Brasil)
You are just the greatest site ever! I laugh out loud every time I visit. Good tension reliever in these uncertain times. Thanks for all you do.
The O-s
Hello Comrad! I have to say, you are truly talented. The witty headlines you come up with and the original images... just excellent. Your site is top shelf.
Sincerely, 20th tier blogger
Cheryl C.
Hello Comrad, kudos on your site. It has given me hours of fun. And it really pisses off liberal friends...priceless.
Max H. (Alabama)
I love your website, and I check it everyday, though I don't often leave comments. I was wondering however in all seriousness whether or not any sort of an "I'm beet of the week (with pinkie's artwork)" bumper sticker something is/will ever be available? Basically, I am looking for some sort of way to advertise the cube on my car.
William U.
I just stumbled on your site by accident and WOW I must say Kudos Komrads Kudos. I will have to come up with a cool Kommie name and register just to be part of the fun.
Awesome website. I wish my friends who think Socialism is better than sliced bread would take a gander.
Joyce S.
Dear Komrades
I'm a new member to the collective. You are truly amazing! Your writings have such grace. I feel I as if I was lost but now I've found… I was so blind but now I see! Amen Komrades. God Bless!
Komrades, I'm 3rd generation Russian/American. Tell me, is it genetic?
You guys are amazingly funny! Great, great site. The Michelle "Shovel" pictorial is HILARIOUS!
Comrade! I wanted to express my appreciation for the humor & great art in the face of the sobering circumstances of our times. I've been a lurking big fan for years.
Tim P.
Don't stop pointing out stuff with satire, I LOVE it! Just wanted to let you know that I laughed so hard at this visit to the People's Cube that I think I may have hurt my tummy, my ribs are sore.
Grannie in Montana
You guys are AWESOME! How can a group be so scary and funny at the same time? So ... thanks, for the funny but more so for the scary.
A New Loyal Reader, Shovel Ready
I came across your blog. LOVE it. Have had a blast reading through it. You never know how or where you will find something that is a gem, and this is a gem, but life is strange that way. Of course, I had to share it on my blog
...and there's more where it came from.
Awesome website... extremely entertaining...
The talent demonstrated throughout this site is inspiring. Thank you!
Scott in Plainville, MA
But don't share my info. I'll be black-listed. No joke.
A thousand thanks to Maharushi for turning me on to you guys. May you soar into the kozmos like Sputnik. Your satire is the epitome, the pinochle as it were, of enlightened humor. A WMD in the current kulturkampf. They will have to pry my mouse from my cold, dead hand before I delete yoozeguyz. I laughed so hard at the FAQ page, I had to remove spittle from my screen with my little red squeegee.
"The sting in a rebuke is the TRUTH." B.Franklin
Peace out my invisible brethren! Know you are loved by a well meaning stranger!
Been laughing with tears in my eyes while crying for the past. Truly miss Joe and his "friends', if they were still alive. Yeah, those were the good old days. Anyhow, just tried to join and your server is kaput. Will try later.
P.S. I have warm clothes, but no shovel. Will the party help me?
I have printed out Six copies of Get Out Of Gulag Free coupon for myself in the Comrades Common Commode and have given Six to my friends and reserved Six for the Party's environmental preservation's fund but ask do you see anything wrong with a total of 666???
I was driving in traffic today when I hear you on the radio talking to God Himself!
Not bad for a Commie! Hope your server crashes after half the nation tries to connect. Your fine fork deserves to be spread all over the place. Keep going!
Congrats on your Rush appearance! I found your site last year and have been spreading the word at every opportunity. Rush will give it some well-deserved exposure.
Onward! Upward! Oleg RULES !!!
PW (Esq.)
Somerset, PA
I am disgusted by your parody of our founding fathers. Pre-Columbian life was indeed wonderful. The men would hunt and fish all day, and the women did all the work. The WASP invasion screwed it all up. I have to admit though, Ben Franklin does have a striking resemblance to Dick Cheney.
Ridgefield, WA
Of course, I LOVE YOUR site!!!!!!!! How could one not. This is just tooooo good. If I ever get depressed I'll rush to your site and get funny fix. Keep it up, it's GREAT!!!!!!!!
Absolutely love ya man!
Time for a bigger server cuz' you're famous now. Thanks for making me laugh.
I just wanted to tell you that I heard you on RUSH LIMBAUGH, and checked out your site, and it looks great! You have a tremendous sense of humor. Keep up the great work
Hi Comrade. While riding my bicycle in Berkeley this morning I heard you on Limbaugh's show. I think our friends the Democrats are yearning for the creation of the Life Style Police. Hot rodders, male body builders, Hippies, recreational basketball players, and much more.... time wasters could be prohibited with such cops..
Berkeley, CA
Your site reminds me much of MAD magazine which I read 40 years ago as a kid. This is great! Thank you for calling Rush's show yesterday and providing your Web site address. Talk about guerilla marketing at it's best! Examples such as yours simply have to be driving the liberals bonkers. I believe this is why it is so important to them to control the content of talk radio. It's also the reason their own boring broadcasts will never succeed without government subsidy.
Scottville, MI
I want to thank the Dear Leader for allowing the humble Comrade Puperinko to finally "come out of the gulag" so to speak now that the capitalist, self proclaimed Doctor of (Alleged) Democracy, Rush Limbaugh has exposed headquarters to our class enemies. Of course, Comrade Puperinko will be honored if the Dear Leader wishes him to go back under cover to further the cause.
You are so far out into humorous correct analysis that most certainly the Peoples Press under President/Dear Leader Horrible Hillary must investigate, castigate and eliminate-- all for the children, of course. We can never ever subject them to God, truth, liberty, freedom, personal responsibility, independence and all of those 'capitalistic' evils.
God Bless and well done
Hey I'm one of the millions who discovered your web site yesterday while listening to Rush. Great Job! You are one of the people that America exists for. Those fleeing some country hell bent on implementing a George Orwell "1984" scenario, running from "doublespeak" and hoping for some better fate than befell Winston. Doesn't it frost your cojones to find the far left developing their own version of doublespeak here? I sometimes think people like you are our last hope. That is sane people who have not developed BDS, who appreciate the opportunities here because they have lived in the truly oppressed areas of the world. I used to meet folks in the medical field who came here from former Soviet satellites who couldn't understand why we natives didn't appreciate what we had. I guess the grass is always greener across the fence, right? Anyway welcome and thanks for enhancing the American experience!
I love your website! I heard you speaking with Maha Rushie yesterday...I'm so glad you are in our country and are pointing out the parallels to communism that liberalism is. I've been saying this for years! We must fight them at all costs and prevent them from implementing more socialist programs on U.S. soil. Your website helps to do just that!
P Q , I heard you on Rush's show yesterday. Awesome!! I've had you link in my favorites for several months now. Right next to LGF and Hot Air.
Conroe Texas.
P.S. Happy to see your site hasn't melted. : )
Great website! I'm happy that Rush turned me on to your site. I enjoy this type of humor. It reminds me of my days years ago as an avid Mad Magazine reader. Keep it up. I have emailed my conservative friends about your site.
I don't believe it!!!!!!!! What a site.
I went to what is "the peoples cube" and split my sides. We run a private voucher program in Buffalo NY for poverty level families and pay for a good part of their tuition so they don't have to attend inner-city public (failing) schools. Your parody (truth) is fantastic. I joked with the young lady that runs our program (1400 kids a year)
that we should get the Peoples cube and hand it out at our annual luncheon!!!
I heard about you on Rush.
Keep up the good work.
Dear "Red", at Red Square....I heard you on Rush last Friday, and finally penetrated the Iron Curtain that was clogging my access to your fortified gulag. "Dittos", and congrats on your unique style of political satire. No wonder, MahHa Rushie was so impressed! I'm glad he warned you, and us, that your server would be overloaded...but like your waiting for Rush, it was well worth it. Good luck, and keep it coming!
To Red Square I say "Mega Cubes" for duping the top Capitalist Lackey a.k.a. Rush Limbaugh into unwittingly enshrining you on Mount Rushmore for your clever, triple-agent impersonation of a satirist in exposing the Founding Fathers' diabolical plan to set in motion a process to ultimately subject the entire world to the tyranny of individualism. Non-God Bless the Collective.
I am so delighted to have found this website while listening to Rush, I am goosestepping with glee! LONG LIVE THE MOTHERLAND.
Comrade Ivannafight
I found out about your website while listening to Rush Limbaugh the other day. You, guys, are doing an AWESOME job!!!! Such creativity and a keen sense of humor can be demonstrated only by someone who has already been exposed to a "progressive thinking" mindset of the former Soviet Union. Kudos to you for standing up for America!!!!!!
I'm currently serving in Iraq and will be more than happy to share your works with the rest of the soldiers.
God Bless
2LT VS (A Russian/Ukrainian name)
Killer site. I just sent a link to everyone in my book. The Goreculator bit had me p***ing my pants. Thanks for the laugh and I will visit again soon.
Esteemed Comrade,
Greetings! It occurred to me that a vicious cycle began when I first visited your website. While reading (and laughing hysterically at), the content and posts I unfortunately had many refreshing thoughts. while this was oddly pleasurable, I realized that I was guilty of a Thought Crime™ and must submit myself for re-education™ lol - (whoops, did it again).
You see comrade, I am hopeless and can only function when fully indoctrinated. The shame I feel will pass (quickly of course).
I respectfully submit myself for re-education™ I look forward to serving our many titted Empress™ while the United States suffers the worst presidency (Damn! did it again . grrrr) ever.
Redsquare -
I've been a profligate thought criminal for decades, and the anguish of not knowing where to turn myself in for proper punishment has been a terrible burden. Thanks for enlightening me, comrade! Now my next quandary is to decide if it will feel better to take my punishment or to enjoy the thrill of the chase, now that I know the identity of the authorities.
Have just stumbled onto your site...and I must say: WOW!!!
Outrageously funny and right on the mark. Keep after the phony left they deserve everything you give them...
Comrade Cannon
Atlanta, Georgia (not the former Soviet Province)
I may be one of those pussified liberals, and I think Limbaugh is an idiot windbag, but "The People's Cube" is one of the funniest sites I have ever visited. Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Comrade Mark
I'm an avid reader of People's Cube. I just wanted to say that I appreciate what you're doing to encourage an open dialogue from both sides of the aisle. Few Americans today actively engage in meaningful, objective discourse to address the complex and morally significant questions on the national agenda today.
I subscribe to the People's Cube newsletter and regularly send your emails to friends and family. Thanks for being a voice of reason.
In Liberty,
Keep up the good work! Humor is a powerful weapon; hope they don't outlaw it!
Efraim, Israel
And there's more where it came from...