
Islam woven into the fabric of the USSA

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As our most glorious wannabe caliph Dear Leader has said, Islam is woven into the fabric of USSA's history. So, comrades, can you tell us stories about the USSA's great historical figures such as George "Muhammid" al Washington, Ben Al Fraquin (not to be confused with the modern comrade Al Franken of the collective of Minnesota), Ibraham bin Linqin, Touma al Yefferson, Ya'qub bin Madison and others? Imagery welcome and encouraged. Thanks in advance, Comrades!

Please note that by posting such stories, you hereby give the right to include them in new, revised history lessons for schools using Common Core.

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Betsy in a Burqa.jpg
Every school-child knows this nation was founded upon Islam.

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Wait a minute...does that make the Confederacy the "good guys" in the American Civil War? I mean, right now ISIS is fighting for their right to take slaves. Doesn't that make the Union evil for opposing that which was ordained by Muhammad?

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Bin Adiqt Arnold, became famous for taquiyya (deception)

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You will find many answers to your questions here -

How Islam Built The Very Fabric of America

Komissar al-Blogunov
7/31/2014, 1:12 pm


- See more at: ... 14651.html

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A couple more proofs from the hysterical archives. Remember, winners write the history and ... B. Hussein Obama won.

ahmad washington.jpg
muhammad franklin.jpg

Ivan Betinov wrote:Wait a minute...does that make the Confederacy the "good guys" in the American Civil War? I mean, right now ISIS is fighting for their right to take slaves. Doesn't that make the Union evil for opposing that which was ordained by Muhammad?

The whole 'Civil War' was nothing but another Christian Crusade against Caliphate States of America (CSA) waged by the evil Rethugs. Even the so-called 'Emancipation Proclamation' was code-speak for closing the borders and outlawing the spread of Sharia Law.

Any 'history books' that say otherwise haven't been purged and corrected are nothing more than propaganda by the Eastasian Eurasian Eastasian traitor Goldstein Guiliani Goldstein.

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Comrade Red Square, most equal and glorious image as always! This will go well in helping them go from those evil bewigged white slave owning dudes (even John Adamswho never owned a slave and was always against slavery!) who should be ignored and criticized to our Founding Mooslim Fathers. Of course none of them are as great as our most glorious caliph Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama.

But the Kommisar of Kommon Kore has informed me that in reinventing Abraham Lincoln into Ibrahim bin Linqin for all the good young comrades to read about in our indoctrination education camps we could use an image of him. After much debate at numerous conferences in Hawaii, $500 per plate dinners, Star Trek impersonations in Vegas, and even some gambling charged to the People's expense account, the Kommittee has determined that the new Ibrahim bin Linqin character requires a proper Mooslim beard. In other words, he needs something more akin to successor and evil typical white Rutherford bin Hayes except way more unkempt. Rutherford bin Hayes, as we know, is that evil typical white guy who was a predecessor to Dear Leader and required a denouncement by Dear Leader for failure to federally fund the telephoneeven though he had one installed in the White House. This is why Rutherford bin Hayes is not on Mount Rushmore, according to Dear Leader.. It is also why bin Hayes is not woven into the fabric of the USSA. Rather, he is merely a scrap that can be found in the closeout bin at the local Hobby Lobby where all reichwing rethugs shop.

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Soviet Mike Komsomolets wrote:Every school child should be issued this book.

Agreed SMK... In fact, Arabic should be the ONLY language of the Declaration and Constitution, just as it is for the Holy Qu'ran. And similarly, every school pupil should be required to memorize them in Arabic, with the hope that one day a trusted Imam may reveal to them what all of those unknown foreign words mean.

Konservative_Punk wrote:
Soviet Mike Komsomolets wrote:Every school child should be issued this book.

Agreed SMK... In fact, Arabic should be the ONLY language of the Declaration and Constitution, just as it is for the Holy Qu'ran. And similarly, every school pupil should be required to memorize them in Arabic, with the hope that one day a trusted Imam may reveal to them what all of those unknown foreign words mean.

Kommon Kore (or any current curriculum) doesn't indoctrinate teach the jugend of today Next Tuesday cursive. How could they possibly be expected to learn this squiggly stuff Arabic?

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Warren Peas wrote:
....Kommon Kore (or any current curriculum) doesn't indoctrinate teach the jugend of today Next Tuesday cursive. How could they possibly be expected to learn this squiggly stuff Arabic?

Komrade Peas, you must understand that cursive writing is completely unnecessary to be a member of the dependent class. All one must know upon graj-iation is how to vote for all the komrades on the ballots with the "D" after their names. Then, all the graj-uates have to do is find their way to the local welfare office and sign on the dotted line with an "X" to begin their careers as useful idiots. The komrades with the "D" after their names will take care of the rest.

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Warren Peas wrote:
Konservative_Punk wrote:
Soviet Mike Komsomolets wrote:Every school child should be issued this book.

Agreed SMK... In fact, Arabic should be the ONLY language of the Declaration and Constitution, just as it is for the Holy Qu'ran. And similarly, every school pupil should be required to memorize them in Arabic, with the hope that one day a trusted Imam may reveal to them what all of those unknown foreign words mean.

Kommon Kore (or any current curriculum) doesn't indoctrinate teach the jugend of today Next Tuesday cursive. How could they possibly be expected to learn this squiggly stuff Arabic?
Tracing paper. What else? Besides, if they can learn to repeat slogans Korrekt Thoughts™ without knowing what these words mean, surely they can copy squiggles and repeat nonsense syllables Holy Quranic Words™ as well.

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Is izlam woven into the fabrik of Komrade Glorious Leader's mom jeans?

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Gummipuppe wrote:Is izlam woven into the fabrik of Komrade Glorious Leader's mom jeans?
It is unclear whether Islam was woven into the fabric of Our Glorious Leader™'s Mom-Jeans, but they were most likely woven by Muslims in Bangladesh, so in a manner of speaking, yes. However, it is commonly accepted that Islam was almost certainly woven into the fabric of his father's genes, and therefore, into his father's dreams as well.

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Korrekt Kollektivist Kursivism:
Children of the Commune.jpg
RedDiaperette wrote:
Warren Peas wrote:Kommon Kore (or any current curriculum) doesn't indoctrinate teach the jugend of today Next Tuesday cursive. How could they possibly be expected to learn this squiggly stuff Arabic?
Tracing paper. What else? Besides, if they can learn to repeat slogans Korrekt Thoughts™ without knowing what these words mean, surely they can copy squiggles and repeat nonsense syllables Holy Quranic Words™ as well.

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BTW, I like Benedict Arnold. He had every reason to give up. Others took credit for his success. He spent his money for the cause and Congress found him indebted to Congress. On and on and on. Frankly, I would betray too. So that you know.
Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:Image
Bin Adiqt Arnold, became famous for taquiyya (deception)

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Here's a story from my past. It does involve Persian fabric, in case some of you are worried about my being off-point. (this can happen)

Way back when I was living in a loft in Manhattan, my boyfriend brought home a rug for us to enjoy. I didn't know where he got it but, there it was. I loved it! It was so beautiful!

Cut to 20 years later when a college friend of mine asked me to accompany him to the Hearst mansion in California.

We chose the tour that involved going to the rooms that Churchhill once stayed. Lo and behold, the very first room we saw had on it's floor the very same rug my boyfriend brought to me in our loft.

I verified with the tour guide that Hearst had, indeed, made copies available to the masses. I was shocked and amazed that I had one.

This is a true story. I don't make these things up. Isn't that cool?

There! See! Persians (Muslims) DID contribute to the very fabric of America!

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Pamalinsky wrote:Here's a story from my past. It does involve Persian fabric, in case some of you are worried about my being off-point. (this can happen)

Way back when I was living in a loft in Manhattan, my boyfriend brought home a[highlight=#ffff00] rug for us to enjoy[/highlight][highlight=#ffff00]. I didn't know where he got it but, there it was. I loved it! It was so beautiful![/highlight]

Cut to 20 years later when a college friend of mine asked me to accompany him to the Hearst mansion in California.

We chose the tour that involved going to the rooms that Churchhill once stayed. Lo and behold, the very first room we saw had on it's floor [highlight=#ffffff]the very same rug[/highlight] my boyfriend brought to me in our loft.

I verified with the tour guide that Hearst had, indeed, made copies available to the masses. I was shocked and amazed that I had one.

This is a true story. I don't make these things up. Isn't that cool?

There! See! Persians (Muslims) DID contribute to the very fabric of America!
Who doesn't enjoy a fine rug? Congrats Komrade Alinsky... Just one question: Is The Party™ aware of your exploitation and philandering on the backs of the Persian Working Klass?

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Konservative_Punk wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:Here's a story from my past. It does involve Persian fabric, in case some of you are worried about my being off-point. (this can happen)

Way back when I was living in a loft in Manhattan, my boyfriend brought home a[highlight=#ffff00] rug for us to enjoy[/highlight][highlight=#ffff00]. I didn't know where he got it but, there it was. I loved it! It was so beautiful![/highlight]

Cut to 20 years later when a college friend of mine asked me to accompany him to the Hearst mansion in California.

We chose the tour that involved going to the rooms that Churchhill once stayed. Lo and behold, the very first room we saw had on it's floor [highlight=#ffffff]the very same rug[/highlight] my boyfriend brought to me in our loft.

I verified with the tour guide that Hearst had, indeed, made copies available to the masses. I was shocked and amazed that I had one.

This is a true story. I don't make these things up. Isn't that cool?

There! See! Persians (Muslims) DID contribute to the very fabric of America!

Who doesn't enjoy a fine rug? Congrats Komrade Alinsky... Just one question: Is The Party™ aware of your exploitation and philandering on the backs of the Persian Working Klass?

No, they're not! I do resent your implication that I, personally, participated in willful exploitation of the Persian working class. In fact, I am very offended by your implication! Prepare yourself for a lawsuit where you will eat humble pie, not rugs.

Good luck with that.

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Pamalinsky wrote:
Konservative_Punk wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:Here's a story from my past. It does involve Persian fabric, in case some of you are worried about my being off-point. (this can happen)

Way back when I was living in a loft in Manhattan, my boyfriend brought home a[highlight=#ffff00] rug for us to enjoy[/highlight][highlight=#ffff00]. I didn't know where he got it but, there it was. I loved it! It was so beautiful![/highlight]

Cut to 20 years later when a college friend of mine asked me to accompany him to the Hearst mansion in California.

We chose the tour that involved going to the rooms that Churchhill once stayed. Lo and behold, the very first room we saw had on it's floor [highlight=#ffffff]the very same rug[/highlight] my boyfriend brought to me in our loft.

I verified with the tour guide that Hearst had, indeed, made copies available to the masses. I was shocked and amazed that I had one.

This is a true story. I don't make these things up. Isn't that cool?

There! See! Persians (Muslims) DID contribute to the very fabric of America!

Who doesn't enjoy a fine rug? Congrats Komrade Alinsky... Just one question: Is The Party™ aware of your exploitation and philandering on the backs of the Persian Working Klass?

No, they're not! I do resent your implication that I, personally, participated in willful exploitation of the Persian working class. In fact, I am very offended by your implication! Prepare yourself for a lawsuit where you will eat humble pie, not rugs.

Good luck with that.
Perhaps we can settle this out of court. Are you willing to share your rug with a certain member of the kollektive in exchange for a retraction of the implication of exploitation? Bear in mind that age old adage: From each according to her ability, to each according to his need. I just happen to be in need of a nice rug at my dacha. The Party is likely to look favorably on your contrition.

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Komrade KP (kitchen police) Now, that was BAD! I now understand why you took the description: Taste Tester, etc.

Good One, KP. Very funny. And true! ; • )

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Pamalinsky wrote:Komrade KP (kitchen police) Now, that was BAD! I now understand why you took the description: [highlight=#ffff00]Taste Tester[/highlight], etc.

Good One, KP. Very funny. And true! ; • )
It is my job to ensure that all things are done in good taste. That inkludes dekorative rugs and the spaces they okkupy, Persian and otherwise. Just bekause we are kommies, does not mean we should abandon good taste and aesthetiks, so long as we do not konsider ourselves superior to the tasteless, unwashed masses simply bekause we possess something that they do not.