
Day of Rage: Occupy Wall Street, Get Free Bull Rides

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The Party is organizing a world-wide revolution again - coming to your neighborhood beginning September 17, under the title "Occupy Wall Street." It appears that cockroaches are not only best friends of the modern revolutionary, but also the role models!

Image Let the Day of Rage begin
with the People's Cube leading the way!

Raise your collective awareness here:

As for the very last link, the NKVD is already investigating who chose that silly title without asking me first. The saboteurs shall be punished!

The above sites are filled with amateur agitation and propaganda materials. I have already improved on some of them (see above and below). Feel free to create more acceptable visuals out of their feeble sketches and post them here.

What is our one demand?
Abuse capitalist prosperity and freedoms now!
Bring deodorant!

Oh, and do you think these could be made into nice T-shirts and bumper stickers?


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Comrade Square - may I call you Red? - I am shocked - SHOCKED!! - that these proles would dare to use a word such as "square" without proper Party approval (and appropriate/sufficient bribery).

Indeed, this so-called "Day of Rage" leaves one longing for those delightful days of, say, Tian'anmen Square (no relation, I'm sure), or even the Bastille (all six prisoners included at virtually no additional charge).



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First it was "Raves". Now it's "RAGE". I sure hope Vibeka Lyman will be providing the fire for this event.

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Comrades, may I respectfully say WHAT THE FLUCK? Flash mobs being only the beginning - we need to think big, comrades! Hoovervilles! Global chaos! joblessness and freelove between unwashed persons! These are the things of the future... a future so rosy it will make the streets run RED! (quickly packs his bags and starts to head north with the wife and children).

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Red Square,

As always, you are so right left-- How fortunate we are that cockroaches are now formally recognized (even by the United Nations) as our Allies. They've had enough of the Capitalist Abuser of Mother Nature's Creatures (a.k.a. Orkin Extermination) attempting to obliterate them from The Planet. How can they forget or forgive the spine-chilling (well, it would chill cockroaches' spines if they had spines) commercials in which Orkin guarantees to exterminate cockroaches simply desiring to enjoy a warm hot-tub with the Earth-Spoiling Humans. They will be great allies for us in our war against Capitalism in favor of our Fearless Leader's Progressive New Philosophy known as Capitolism.


--GAIA Minister Neytiri

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I'm confused Comrades. We're going to throw shoes at Wall Street?


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Comrades, let's not forget to thank the sponsors of this glorious revolution against capitalism, without which this protest would be impossible: cell phones, the internet, Google maps, Starbucks, George Soros, Apple, Nike, and last but not least, Michael Moore.

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Czar Czar, I suspect that you'd also find, not far below the surface, SEIU and ACORN (regardless of what they're now calling themselves), as well as the usual collection of wackos freedom fighters and provocateurs forward thinkers.

People, if you still haven't yet, you really need to read Ann Coulter's new book "Demonic" - it has little to do with demons and everything to do with the history of mobs. Her timing was exquisite.

Now where was I?

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I've heard rumors that someone on the inside has been questioning the prog credentials of the Peoples Cube. We need to squash this quick...

Occupy the peoples cube copy.jpg

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Red Square wrote: Oh, and do you think these could be made into nice T-shirts and bumper stickers?

Image Image Image Image Image

Is that strawberry ice cream??? I Love strawberry ice cream!!!

I Strawberry Ice Cream Debt
I Strawberry Ice Cream Progs
I Strawberry Ice Cream Dems
I Strawberry Ice Cream Socialism
I Strawberry Ice Cream Obama (....Although I believe Dear Leader is partial to [highlight=#000000]VANILLA[/highlight]...according to Maxine Waters and the Congressional Black Caucus)


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Comrade Goldstein,

It's quite suitable that your postings above remind us of the importance of ice cream, which, of course reminds of of the importance of minimizing stresses on Cows caused by mass-production dairies, the avoidance of which inspired our Most Progressive Ice-Cream of All, (but which, paradoxically, may be Barney Frank's least favorite, which may be unsafe for work).

--Kagan Gourmet

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Conflicting messages are coming through my tinfoil ushanka:

"absolutely no rioting, no looting, no violence, no property destruction"

"Let the US Days of Rage begin..."

Comrades, what to do?

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Oh! I see that the rrrevolussionnnn is finally reaching the core of Capitalism! First Tunisia, then Egypt, Greece, and then the United Spanish Socialist Republic

Image in which I had taken part, mostly laughing the crap out of me. Even wrote a li'l book about the so called spanish revolussssionnnn
Now I see that the Glorious Revolution has been exported from the USSR (yes, Spain was the last european country to be revolting, but we invented this whole thing... at least the gurus say so...

And all that about using Facebook and drinking a latte while doing the revolting thing, you know, disrupting the system from behind inside...

PS: good point about the deodorant. We skipped it... what an awful week...

PPS: if you bring deodorant, make sure it has not been tested on animals or little orphans. Or else you will be reported to PETA.

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Thank God Stalin Che Kongress. We'll finally be able to show up those tea-party-terrorists! Rage! (Footnote: remember to check your rage at Broadway lest we appear to be an unruly mob.)

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Komissar Blogunov wrote:Conflicting messages are coming through my tinfoil ushanka:

"absolutely no rioting, no looting, no violence, no property destruction"

"Let the US Days of Rage begin..."

Comrades, what to do?

You simply must vent your rage in an imaginative fashion.

Simply put, use your destructive tendencies in a constructive manner...

Does that help clear things up for you?

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Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote:
Komissar Blogunov wrote:Conflicting messages are coming through my tinfoil ushanka:

"absolutely no rioting, no looting, no violence, no property destruction"

"Let the US Days of Rage begin..."

Comrades, what to do?

You simply must vent your rage in an imaginative fashion.

Simply put, use your destructive tendencies in a constructive manner...

Does that help clear things up for you?
Ahhhhh, I has it. See something, destroy something - but peacefully. Thank you, comrade.

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Looks like an opportunity to "redistribute" a new flatscreen or two...

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Could someone bring a tanker truck filled with air freshener to Wall St.? The odor is still wafting all the way down here to the People's Commonwealth of Virginia, Northern District.