
Confusion over Bernie's vs. Dear Leader's views on economy

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Comrades, I am very confused here.

I thought the beauty and glory of the Party™ and the state-run media was a Current Truth which we could all believe equally. So, Dear Leader, in his final, historic, glorious, stupidendous teleprompter read State of the Union speech pointed out how glorious his reign has been. He has cited the Progress™ of the country since those horrible dark days of the Bushitler.

Indeed, after seven years of glorious Dear Leader's fine stewardship of this country, there is no unemployment (what's 94 million people of working age not working?), the world greatly respects us (like when Iran took our sailors), we have been healed because we elected our historic First Black President™ (who stirs the pot and race baits at every chance he can), nobody wants for anything, there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow flag for homosexuals who sue Christians over idiotic reasons, everyone is getting free universal high quality health care that costs them the same as leasing an expensive car and carries a $6,000 deductible which includes free abortions (with the added benefit of the baby's parts being sold for "research" and profit for the abortion business) and free sex changes so you can experiment with any of the 50+ genders that FascistBook says are possible, and we live in an era of lollipop forests and everything else from the game Candy Land.

So then another candidate running for our party's nomination to succeed the greatest leader in world history named Comrade Bernie spouts all this doom and gloom. He claims people don't have jobs, that the big corporations are taking money from everyone, that there is political corruption everywhere, that people are hurting, that families are suffering, and that there are just so many problems that he needs to fix.

Comrades, this would work if we had a rethug president right now. But we have the greatest mind in the history of the world running things. There are NO problems according to the Current Truth. Just review Dear Leader's historic, glorious final SOTU where he properly congratulated himself for solving every problem known to man. So why is Bernie stirring the pot?

We can't say that this is the fault of the racist, hate-filled RethugiKKKan Congress that doesn't like Dear Leader only because he is the historic First Black President™. No, Dear Leader has a mighty Pen and Phone™ that allows him to get around rethugiKKKan obstructionism and hate. His glorious soaring rhetoric (teleprompter reads) also solve the world's problems through the sound therapy created by the sound of Dear Leader's most glorious voice.

So, I don't understand why the Party does not deliver a consistent message. Can't we all be on the same page?

Bernie should simply tow the Party Line and go along with Dear Leader's self-congratulatory glorious historic final State of the Union speech. He should simply say that only he (Bernie) can protect Dear Leader's legacy and prevent evil racist rethugiKKKans from undoing Dear Leader's glorious Progress merely because they don't like the idea of a First Black President™. Why all the doom and gloom? It's disrespectful to Dear Leader and is even borderline racist.

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Progress is moving forward Comrade Vlad Linen. We do not question who we support or the ideas of the government. That is what the government decides.

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The Party Line™ fluctuates for the Greater Good™. You will fluctuate with the Party Line and you will like it.

As someone pointed out on our Facebook page, if you are confused it means you took time to think.

Next time simply use doublethink to avoid those pesky internal contradictions. Cognitive dissonance is real!

Not to be outdone by Obama's books, "The Audacity of the Dope" and that classic Obama tale, "Dreams of my 'Who-Be-yo'-Commie Daddy?".....Bernie also has a book. Volunteers needed (hint hint). Bernie told me he needs a new graphic designer for his new sponsor "Preparation H". They obviously loved his slogan "FEEL THE BERN". Bernie wants a picture of him--angry with that finger-pointing thing--along with his party slogan and a tube of the Prep H lube.

Is that our next president in the middle? Dear Hillary? She looks like she's taking it in the a** and of course she's doing for the "little people".

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MattCvetic wrote:Is that our next president in the middle? Dear Hillary? She looks like she's taking it in the a** and of course she's doing for the "little people".


Hillary is fighting the system and the right-wing conspiracy !

Following a path set by one of our Progressive Fathers- Eugene Debs

Hillary may be fighting the system and running for President from prison
like Debs did!

Thank you Debs for showing us the way


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I believe Her Thighness, our beloved MTE would sooner go to prison for the crimes of her incompetent subordinates, than become "one of those housewives who sit at home baking cookies and having teas...". After all, the Clinton family honor is at stake.

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With a sad and heavy heart, [color=#C0392B]Ivan the Stakhanovets[/color] wrote:I believe Her Thighness, my our beloved MTE...

By the way, Ivan... was one case of [highlight=#800000]Hanoi Beer[/highlight] enough?


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[color=#C0392B]Comrade Putout was toying with Ivan when she[/color] wrote:
With a sad and heavy heart, [color=#C0392B]Ivan the Stakhanovets[/color] wrote:I believe Her Thighness, my our beloved MTE...

[highlight=#FFFF00]By the way, Ivan... was one case of [highlight=#800000]Hanoi Beer[/highlight] enough?[/highlight]


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Red Square wrote:The Party Line™ fluctuates for the Greater Good™. You will fluctuate with the Party Line and you will like it.

[highlight=#ffff00]As someone pointed out on our Facebook page, if you are confused it means you took time to think. [/highlight]

Next time simply use doublethink to avoid those pesky internal contradictions. Cognitive dissonance is real!

Comrade Direktor, I sometimes get these urges to think for myself, what should I do about them? Go down to the Jiffy-Lobo? Or would voluntary reeducation take care of that?

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Comrade Vlad,

I too was confused by Comrade Sanderz criticism of Amerikans' glorious leader. We are a poor nation but we are able to get glorious MSNBC (Comrade Matthews is truly a revolutionary spokesman) and NPR. We follow Comrade Klinton's campaign that promises to follow Dear Leaders's vision of a truly utopian socialist society and we cheer for her because she embraces the vision of hope and change" and she looks pretty bonita in her orange pantsuit (although we would prefer the shade of Revolutionary Red).

Then I remembered that our Hero of the Revolution, Che', was a randy young revolutionary at 13, and he spread the revolution to many campesinas in 1941, which happens to be Comrade Sanderz's birthday. Could Comrade Sanderz be the offspring of the revolutionary loins of Che'? Could he be the leader of the next evolution in the Revolution?

Viva la Revolución gloriosa!

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In another thread a modest [color=#C0392B]Comandante Cero[/color] wrote:
Your Our women should be are especially excited at the thought of meeting me the great Bill Klinton since I am he is a champion for women's rights.

I will be sending my fellow revolutionaries updates...

Yours in the revolutionary struggle,
Comandante Cero
Edén Atanacio Pastora Gómez!!

Didn't you recognize me?!! I never thought I'd see you again!

How'd that situation in Nicaragua turn out?

BTW - I had twins! Juanita is a pharmacist and Juan is a computer programmer... thanks for asking!

(Look how skinny I was... I never retain water when I am in the Revolución Gloriosa!)
