
Escape from Minneapolis

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The Minneapolis City Council has stated their are determined to disband their Police Force. How soon will it be before other cities take up this glorious idea?

Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender says Minneapolis Police will be Abolished

Lisa Bender.jpg

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) tweeted her support for a Minneapolis City Council member's call to disband the city's police department in the wake of George Floyd's death.

This is Ilhan Omar with Keith Ellison who is the Attorney General of Minnesota

Ilhan Omar with Minnesota AG Keith Ellison.jpg

And a statement to Ilhan Omar from Rep. Steven Smith

Rep Steven Smith.jpg

This is AG Keith Ellison's take on ANTIFA

Keith Ellison - ANTIFA Handbook.jpg

Alternative idea's put forth so far include sending in "Social Workers" and medics.

Social workers. EMTs. Unarmed “community-oriented” street teams. These are the people who would be dispatched to deal with 911 calls.

Question: Will social worker's hand out teddy bears or milk and cookies to calm a violent situation?

Here are a few more questions for Minneapolis residents that might popup after the police department is disbanded:

* Will Minneapolis residents still be able to get a mortgage?

* Will Minneapolis residents be able to purchase car insurance, health insurance, or even life insurance?

* Will people living outside of Minneapolis be able to obtain insurance if they work in Minneapolis?

This may well be how the city council members see Minneapolis after the police department has been disbanded (minus the rainbow's, flowers, and unicorns that will surely be there for everyone to enjoy).


However, criminals and rioters will see Minneapolis a different way...


And this is likely how everyone else will envision Minneapolis after the police department has been disbanded

Escape From New York - Opening Scene

Escape From New York - Terrorist pilot

Note: I have always enjoyed watching the pilots speech. It's sounds like something the Symbionese Liberation Army might have stated.

Patricia Hearst - Symbionese Liberation Army.jpg

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DAY 1:

Disband the police.

DAY 2:

"That's a nice little city you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it."


I tried to find a Youtube video of this episode, but they've all been recently removed for copyright violations. Coincidence? I think not.

Also, if law enforcement becomes disbanded and I violate someone's copyright, who's going to enforce it and how?

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It's Komissar al-Blogunov's Riot Logic: Pro tips for social media puritans.

Step 1: Make Every Where a No-Go Zone
Step 2: Re-Enact Manifest Destiny of Migratory Settler's for new agrarian utopia upon which to live and work the Korrect Way.

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Minnesota mayor Jacob Frey was booed and kicked off the stage at a BLM rally

The Boy Wonder does it again...

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If the police department disbands, and cultural sensitivity teams takeover responding to crimes, the Somali influence will take over and the only culturally acceptable solution will finally be SHARIA law. Morality police will rule the streets, punishment will be severe and due process will be nonexistent. Personal property will be gone. Since the issue is never the real issue, Racism will be gone, (wink wink...) sit back and watch the show on your newly acquired "struggle" flat screen...

Next Tuesday could come as soon as this Tuesday good Comrades!

When I was an undergrad a rich grand child of a hyper lib Dem paper man (elected to House in NY but he was a Cali!) said America had a bad court system. Rich could get away with murder. As a Grad student she backed up her words with action. Killed 2 men! a bad exJarhead got her off. F.Lee Baily. She was Patthy Hearst!

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We are always against the police when we have no power. And then when we have siezed total power you know what we do. We create a total police state.

We aren't against police. We are against you having police.

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Comrade Otis wrote:We are always against the police when we have no power. And then when we have siezed total power you know what we do. We create a total police state.

We aren't against police. We are against you having police.
Indeed. When we are once more in power and once more need to arrest people for breaking lockdown edicts, we will not use police. We will use Agents of Public Equality and Safety. (See above, APES.)

No more lock 'em up! Back to lock 'em down! Which sounds like an excellent slogan for a T-shirt or bumper sticker. I must see to the manufacture of same. Perhaps in a slave shop factory in Wuhan....

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I read this comment on The People's Cube™ Facebook page on this topic


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Progresista Bender wrote:Image

Love that, the most recent darling buzzword of Globalia™ (haughtily wallowed around also by Frau Merkel, zat mad cow, and all ze odzer apparatchiks of Yuropistan).

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Antonio Salazarinski wrote:... Jacob Frey was booed and kicked off the stage at a BLM rally ...
Here's Boy Wonder's shmaltzy ingratiation, alas rejected, in full expressive detail: 3 minutes.

(frankly, all that brouhaha is an effing cult)

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Antonio Salazarinski wrote:... Jacob Frey was booed and kicked off the stage at a BLM rally ...
Here's Boy Wonder's shmaltzy ingratiation, alas rejected, in full expressive detail: 3 minutes.

(frankly, all that brouhaha is an effing cult)

Frey reeks of 'shmaltzy ingratiation' and so does his dancing.

Looks like Frey and Trudeau BOTH need to take some dance lessons from Frau Merkel

        Mystery item No. 1

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Let's recall that it was Vladimir Lenin who proposed first the dissolution of police in April of 1917, six months before the Communist Revolution in Russia.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... Frey and Trudeau BOTH ...
K-K-KultuRRRRal AppRRRRopRRRRRiaaashuuun !!!!!!!

(here: ze RRR vit ze Cherman tRRRRRilll !)

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Antonio Salazarinski wrote:... Jacob Frey was booed and kicked off the stage at a BLM rally ...
Here's Boy Wonder's shmaltzy ingratiation, alas rejected, in full expressive detail: 3 minutes.

(frankly, all that brouhaha is an effing cult)

Frey reeks of 'shmaltzy ingratiation' and so does his dancing.

Looks like Frey and Trudeau BOTH need to take some dance lessons from Frau Merkel

        Mystery item No. 1

Frauline Merkle's dancing was the fantasy for many a young East German.

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Antonio Salazarinski wrote:Will Minneapolis residents be able to purchase car insurance, health insurance, or even life insurance?
Of course, comrade! Haven't we solved this problem with health insurance coverage of sex-changes? Just make it mandatory for insurers to sell to Minneapolis residents -- and prohibit any price discrimination. Then, when insurance rates rise dramatically for everyone, claim "market failure" and use it as an excuse for governmental takeover of yet another part of the economy. What's not to like?

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Our reader Chuck Pydynkowski sent me his version of the same, which he made a day after the city council announced their intentions.
