
Riot Logic: Pro tips for social media puritans

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What is riot logic? It's the belief that any superficial parallel can be made to justify your emotional rage and assure everybody of your moral superiority.

Sound like fun? Well, you too can become a Social Media Puritan and an expert in Riot Logic! It's not hard. In fact, the less you think about it, the better. Here are some useful pro tips to guide you on your way to becoming the next SMP (trade secret - being White has certain advantages for SMPs).

Here we go!

  1. You can blast someone else's shortcomings more effectively if you use lots of profanity while claiming to be more like Jesus. Use that reprimanding tone! For example, "Listen here, you dumb*&^%! Wear a !##%%$* mask in public! Jesus said to love your neighbor! Just what the *^%# do you think you're doing not wearing a mask? Do you want to cause the next genocide? You're such a *%@#.
  2. Make superficial parallels like comparing the Boston Tea Party with random looting. Don't let the facts get in the way! Things like the tea being a direct assault on the livelihood of the colonists and the fact there was no looting of private businesses are distractions that require historical knowledge. Don't go there.
  3. Compare AntiFa with Allied soldiers attacking Normandy. Nazis were known for acts of bullying, intimidation, and destruction of property before they really went big and started a campaign of mass ethnic slaughter. AntiFas are only known for bullying, intimidation, and destruction of property, but so far have only beaten a few elderly people bloody. So, yes, they're just like the soldiers who hit the beach at Normandy.
  4. Conditional statements are simple and easy for the masses to understand, and they flood your synapses with the dizzying rush of self-righteous indignation. Here are some well tested starters to get you warmed up: If you don't wear a mask in public, you support police brutality! If you oppose police brutality, you should cheer when retail stores and Black owned businesses are burned to the ground!
  5. Turn Whiteness to good advantage with White Guilt™. For example, you can regurgitate the usual talking points of a) All Whites are racist, and b) Only Whites are racist. Are you White? So much the better! You can bathe in false guilt while enjoying the rush of moral superiority that comes with flaunting your self-flagellation in front of your White friends who "don't get it." Show those losers that you know more than anybody what it's like to grow up Black in the inner city even if you've never been there.

Well there you go. With just a few pro tips and by paying close attention to those memes, you can become the next Social Media Puritan and get noticed! At the same time, you'll become giddy with excitement as those angry and tearful emojis start rolling in with more angry posts of affirmation.

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Evil Smiley wrote:Image
Joe Biden and an unemployed male peaceful protestor of color share their potatoes and cooking fire supplies with other hungry peaceful protesters...

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:Image

This is a famous Soviet statue titled, "Cobblestone is the weapon of the proletariat." It glorifies the struggle of the proletarians for their freedom and against oppression, which they gloriously achieved by throwing rocks at the bourgeoisie and ultimately creating their own state on the ruins of the burned-down country, where they became completely free but without any paved roads, food, or businesses.

This is also an educational aide and an example to follow for all the protesters in capitalist countries that still suffer the inhumane oppression of paved roads, abundant food, and unbroken storefront windows.


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To paraphrase Jackie Chan, "Riot Logic my ass." Blam! Blam! Blam!

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Red Square wrote:
Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:Image

This is a famous Soviet statue titled, "Cobblestone is the weapon of the proletariat." It glorifies the struggle of the proletarians for their freedom and against oppression, which they gloriously achieved by throwing rocks at the bourgeoisie and ultimately creating their own state on the ruins of the burned-down country, where they became completely free but without any paved roads, food, or businesses.

This is also an educational aide and an example to follow for all the protesters in capitalist countries that still suffer the inhumane oppression of paved roads, abundant food, and unbroken storefront windows.


Most esteemed artist and The People's Bus tour guide with the microphone, explaining to visiting tourist's the local culture and sites they purchased a ticket to actually see and learn about the local culture.

This Educational Aide must become curriculumized in The People's Reeducation Schools immediately.

This Oppression of Chaos Theory - which is why, 'pelipsky is dialing Red Square using TPC™ issued equipment specially designed to thwart C.H.A.O.S. --- This Oppression of Chaos Theory depicted in your slide presentation --- what if some folks don't want to be oppressed by C.H.A.O.S Theory that states "paved roads, abundant food, and unbroken storefront windows." are Signs of Oppression™?

Do you think there's enough out of date primer in a warehouse behind Tractor Barn #2 to just paint over some of the signs pointing out these Signs of Oppression™ posted by Agents of C.H.A.O.S? We could start with that Twit Sign of C.H.A.O.S. who sez she 'lives' at Gracie Mansion. She may 'stays' there...but she live, somewheres else.

And besides, the horned rodent's mythical mind is in the Real Spin Zone with War and Peace Peace IS War. So much dram-a of actual live Life and that's all the 15 seconds a comrade's life is worth in the years he's allotted to inhabit the earth. So much, up in smoke...

As 'pelipskya told this by Ph.D. Psychologist instructing 'pelipsky that because there was no God, the universe was chaos ...."yeah, but if the universe was really chaos - we wouldn't have the scientific method."
But then again, the Professor was lecturing a mythical horned rodent about reality. So, there's that to consider...

forelock tug,

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Out of Karakter: To be fair, Obama did call for peace in a well worded statement, "The small minority of folks who've resorted to violence in various forms, whether out of genuine anger or mere opportunism, are putting innocent people at risk, compounding the destruction of neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment and detracting from the larger cause. So let's not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves."
Yes, a disaster as a president, but he's correct here.

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You are right, Blogunov: Hopey Changey correct, here.

As for "disaster as a president", this thing circulates in the Web:


How much of that protest|riot|ing - also outside of Amiland - is "community organized"?
(and following long prefabricated "scenarios", of course - just waiting for a spark).

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And before we know it, Talking Point #3 is already used to create the korrekt narrative by the People's Hero Young Pioneer, David Hogg.

David Hogg: My grandfather was in Antifa during WWII

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If Riot Logic were a video it's soundtrack would be 21st Century Schizoid Man.

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Weapon of the Proletariat.jpg
Булыжник — оружие пролетариата. Now that's inspiring. Encouraging the disadvantaged to rise up and overthrow the existing social order so that a new totalitarian government could be ushered in. One that imprisons and shoots its citizens on the suspicion of wrong thoughts. Are we seeing Next Tuesday™ in our lifetime? I'm wiping away proud, socialist, and above all AntiFa tears.

Thanks for the history of the statue!

I am 3 rd gen anti Bolshevik; but I find it inspiring.
Probably because I sent 8 years having President GWB look down his nose at me; and the pained look of condescension when he talked at (not to) me.

With my many degrees (and over 30 years working as a "SUIT") to my "bettor" I have always been DEPLORABLE.GETTO WORK FOLKS!

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Pro tip: Release all the criminals from the jails because coronavirus just before you instigate riots.

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Here is how the grief-stricken mobs demonstrators show their grief and mourning at the death of the man they have already forgotten about they lament: In my neighborhood, they broke all the windows of a funeral home. A funeral home. Where honor is shown to the dead and where mourners go to grieve.

[Sorry to have wandered out of character at the end. The bile keeps rising in my throat. My mother was buried from that funeral home.]