
Megyn Kelly is no Seven of Nine; she is One of Sixteen

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Last week on her FOX News Kelly File, Megyn Kelly asked audience members if we thought there was any resemblance between her and a character from Star Trek called Seven of Nine. She then posted the same question on Facebook, with a video.

The guys on The Kelly File crew are big fans of Star Trek (and apparently of Seven of Nine)! Do you see the resemblance?
In response to her post, someone commented:

One is an emotionally cold robot that engages in groupthink and attempts to destroy anyone that doesn't bow to the collective's global agenda. The other is just a character from Star Trek.
Indeed, Seven of Nine was a formerly human Borg drone who assimilated individuals into the Borg collective until the Voyager crew separated her from the Hive Mind and she returned to humanity, painfully learning how to live as an individual once again. She is the poster girl for "the Individual over the Collective."

Comrade Kelly, on the other hand, is devolving in a different direction. Having joined the collective of 16 media dronettes, she has assimilated into the NeverTrump Hive Mind and may as well start calling herself One of Sixteen.

"The Individual over the Collective" days are gone. Instead, Megyn Kelly increasingly looks like the Borg Queen, masterminding and launching coordinated attacks on individuals, exploiting her cable network as a conduit for transmitting messages to the NeverTrump Borg.


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Dear procreative appendix of Red Square,

I think our glorious comrade Megyn Kelly was talking about the wrong fiction series.


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Resistance equals voltage divided by the Current Truth. You will be assimilated. We are Prog.


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I don't know about the 1/16, but my Stierlitz Line-O-Matic™ analysis says that she isn't 7/9:


Notice the differences in the pink, blue, and purple lines and the top and bottom of the face in red.

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Comradess Log Thruster,

Thank you so much for pointing this out. I have noticed this Kelly girl morphing into something I don't recognize. I used to love her but, that's all over now.

I would like to suggest that she consult a new plastic surgeon, one that can recognize the sure signs of a flap malfunction just in front of her ear. When they finally take up the slack and eliminate those nasty tell-tale wrinkles, maybe then will she have some renewed credibility and become a 10 out of 10!

Until then, I just can't bring myself to support her. I'll admit, appearance means everything to me. That's what life is all about! Right?

p.s. Keep thrusting those logs!

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The Trouble with Tribbles...facts, foreign policy, conservatism, pro-life, message discipline, campaign managers, FOX News, CNN, Hugh Hewitt, NATO, Mexicans, Muslims, Low Energy Jeb, Little Marco, Lying Ted, Child Molester Carson, Ugly Rand, Fiorina's face and Megyn's bloody "wherever".


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Image Image
With all due respect .. ahem! The problem isn't with Ms. Kelly as the BOR (Bill O'Rielly) refers to but with Sean Trannity and his incessant infomercials along with others at Fox Trump news

And while Ms. Kelly has had some shameful performances… her dreadful fawning ‘interview' with Michael Moore being one example…. She has tried to act as a journalist at times.

Full disclosure – I'm a Ted Cruz supporter through and through – but she did hold his feet to the fire in one recent stint, pressing him for specifics when she felt he was dodging the question.

Not so with Sean Trannity, in most ‘interviews' he simply lets Don J. spew his unfiltered effluvium unchallenged.

At least you can say that in most cases Ms. Kelly is ‘fair and balanced' unlike the rest of the Fox Trump news network, and that is probably why Trump is afraid of her.

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Comrade Torcer wrote: Image
With all due respect .. ahem! The problem isn't with Ms. Kelly as the BOR (Bill O'Rielly) refers to but with Sean Trannity and his incessant infomercials along with others at Fox Trump news

As the Apostle Sean likes to remind us, he is a "registered conservative". You should not doubt his conservative street cred simply because he now endlessly fawns over Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump's not so long ago liberalism has been forgiven and shall be forgotten. Besides. Trannity should not be held accountable for his blatant hypocrisy. Trannity is simply repeating whatever he heard earlier in the day from Rush.It is not everyday that one gets to hobnob with a billionaire. Forgive him. He knows not what he do.

Celebrate, comrades! We have won!

Antiquated "registered conservative" positions like Life, limited government, tax cuts, reduced spending, military strength, social conservatism, localized health care and the Tenth Amendment are now dead. The debate now is simply a debate about whose totalitarian will better rule us. Mr. Hannity and other GOP "purist" now recognize the evil of their ways and are now embracing a more active and more liberal position on important debates of the past.Mr. Trumps rise to the top of the GOP as its likely nominee will undoubtedly give us 8 more years of Obamaism. This glorious reality could not have been so without Mr. Trump and without conservative obfuscation. Next Tuesday is here! And so soon will be next Super Tuesday.

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El Presidente wrote:
Comrade Torcer wrote: Image
With all due respect .. ahem! The problem isn't with Ms. Kelly as the BOR (Bill O'Rielly) refers to but with Sean Trannity and his incessant infomercials along with others at Fox Trump news

As the Apostle Sean likes to remind us, he is a "registered conservative". You should not doubt his conservative street cred simply because he now endlessly fawns over Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump's not so long ago liberalism has been forgiven and shall be forgotten. Besides. Trannity should not be held accountable for his blatant hypocrisy. Trannity is simply repeating whatever he heard earlier in the day from Rush.It is not everyday that one gets to hobnob with a billionaire. Forgive him. He knows not what he do.

Celebrate, comrades! We have won!

Antiquated "registered conservative" positions like Life, limited government, tax cuts, reduced spending, military strength, social conservatism, localized health care and the Tenth Amendment are now dead. The debate now is simply a debate about whose totalitarian will better rule us. Mr. Hannity and other GOP "purist" now recognize the evil of their ways and are now embracing a more active and more liberal position on important debates of the past.Mr. Trumps rise to the top of the GOP as its likely nominee will undoubtedly give us 8 more years of Obamaism. This glorious reality could not have been so without Mr. Trump and without conservative obfuscation. [highlight=#ffff00]Next Tuesday is here! And so soon will be next Super Tuesday.[/highlight]

Neither of which will come, El Presidente. They never do. So, what will happen next? Nobody knows. It's an upside down world.

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Glorious comrades, do not waste good beet-shoveling breath on Cruz or Trump. In your heart of hearts you all know it's gonna be Hilary!

The only way out for korrekt kollektivists like ourselves is creating our own state by conquering the principality of Sealand and turning it into "Kubeland":


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A little clarification is in order, comrades:



Megyn Kelly is ridiculed here not because she is critical of Trump, but because she is UNcritical of Michelle Fields and the rest of the "offended women" crew, and because she knowingly promotes an obviously dishonest and dirty scheme, designed to damage a Republican candidate on "women's issues."

Not only are they deploying the "progressive" Democrat tactics, they are also legitimizing and perpetuating the false "War on Women" narrative. By doing so, they are also legitimizing and perpetuating identity politics, along with its ultimately collectivist rules and the collectivist mentality that spawned it.

Here on the Cube we spent a lot of time ridiculing "The GOP War on Women" narrative, which Kelly and her Kollektive of 16 have now dragged back into the game, making half of the GOP voters accept it as a norm. This makes Kelly fair game.

It's also funny how so many "true" and "pure" conservatives are claiming that Trump is not conservative enough for them, while at the same time they use liberal tactics to bring him down - deploying Political Correctness, forwarding leftist memes, and sinking deeper and deeper into a collectivist mindset. And let's not forget their penchant for labeling Trump supporters as angry, toothless hillbillies - straight out of the liberal elitist playbook. I wonder how long before these "true" conservatives begin to accuse Trump of being a Global Warming denier.

Verily, uncontested absurdities of today become accepted slogans of tomorrow.


I have already said elsewhere that I can see strengths and weaknesses in both Trump and Cruz. From the height of my experience and understanding of the world in general, and this moment in history in particular, I can see that Trump would make a better and a more effective president. That doesn't mean that I hate Cruz or his supporters.

If Cruz wants to build a shining city on the hill, I'm all for that - except he can't start building anything on top of what we currently have, or his city will be no more durable than a sand castle. First of all, we need a big wrecking ball to demolish the ugly politically correct structures in Washington and elsewhere, along with all the political shantytowns that grew around it. Trump is a perfect wrecking ball who is willing and capable to do the job. THEN - and only then - can people like Cruz come in and start building their shining city.

I just wish Cruz and Trump would join forces and defeat the establishment together - they have enough combined votes and delegates to do that. Such a move could really turn the tide - and they both have an extremely rare and lucky opportunity to change history together. Cruz is still young, he could serve as VP for 8 years and then become the next president - and he would still be younger by then than Trump is now.

But Cruz continues to fight a vicious fight against Trump even though he can't possibly gain on him at this point; the best he can do is deprive Trump of the magic number of delegates. That only helps the establishment's plan of a brokered convention, where they will appoint a korrekt nominee - and it won't be Cruz either. I can't help but think, with all due objectivity, that at this point in the game Cruz may be putting his personal ambition above saving this country - in spite of all his claims to the contrary.

I also realize that both of them have probably gone too far in alienating one another to make peace. The same is true of many of their supporters. And that is the real tragedy of our time.


I can't stop the infighting elsewhere, but at least I can do it here on the Cube. Some older members may remember that there once was a similar fight among our members around 2011, which caused some of them to quit the Cube and we never saw them again. Unfortunately, at the time I had some family problems and was unable to intervene. I'm not going to let that happen again.


No trashing or misrepresenting of candidates is allowed.

You can praise those you like all you want, but please leave the negativity outside of the Cube where it belongs.

If you can't make a witty, intellectual, and positive comment about your candidate without trashing his opponent, you can always go to Facebook, Reddit, or any of the other outlets where that kind of material will be better suited.

No posts that insult, diminish, misrepresent, or disrespect a candidate or his supporters are allowed. Any such posts will be deleted, so don't even bother. If that doesn't help, I will close the thread for comments.

If that doesn't help, I will have to freeze the entire Cube until the general election because I can't possibly monitor all threads and argue potentially thousands of talking points that paid pundits make every day about each of the candidates. There are many great discussion forums for that. The People's Cube is a different animal - and I'd like to keep it that way.

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....aaaaand back to the beet fields, all of you.

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If that makes some of the comrades happy, Facebook has removed my post from the People's Cube page, that had a link to this thread and a picture of Kelly as the Borg Queen.

Apparently, someone has complained and the censors didn't hesitate. They didn't notice the same post on my other page, which is a lot less visited.

The same happened to my Facebook post about Stalin's granddaughter, even though it wasn't disparaging towards her.

In general, I noticed that Facebook has recently been limiting the Cube exposure to its users. This results in a radically diminished number of clickthroughs, which used to bring us a lot of readers.

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Comrade Director, I don't facebook, but the link at the top right of this glorious page of truth (the one that links to facebook) still has your "Borg" image...

As Dear Leader teaches:


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Ivan - that's really weird. On this page - the latest post is to your thread on Bandaids and White Privilege, dated April 1 - while today is already April 6. That means that all the posts I made in the last 5 days have been removed.

But perhaps there is a glitch and others can still see them? Let me know.

User avatar
From my Obamaphone, that link goes to m/ and the post about Stalin's Granddaughter and Meghan The Borg lead off the list.

We need to get you off of that private server that Craptek had installed next to the crapper in his treehouse...

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:From my Obamaphone, that link goes to m/ and the post about Stalin's Granddaughter and Meghan The Borg lead off the list.

We need to get you off of that private server that Craptek had installed next to the crapper in his treehouse...

I can confirm that Stalin's Grandbaby is at the top of the page. I don't have a Facebook account and am running with multiple privacy, security, and adblocking extensions on my browser. Maybe it's just your account or computer Komrade Red. You may want to try clearing your browser's cache, basically your browser will remember pages to load them quicker and sometimes when the page changes the browser won't pick up on it and it'll still load the remembered page that doesn't have the change.

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Thanks! I can see it now too, after a made a new FB post. Really strange. On the other hand, my Chrome has been acting up lately. Maybe it's related.

However, the fact remains that the reader reach on Facebook is being limited now, causing us to lose previously great traffic.

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If anyone is wondering how to present candidates in a Cubist way without insulting his competition, here's a good example.

Petition to stop Trump: only the State can be generous!

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:From my Obamaphone, that link goes to m/ and the post about Stalin's Granddaughter and Meghan The Borg lead off the list.

[highlight=#FFFF00]We need to get you off of that private server that Craptek had installed next to the crapper in his treehouse...[/highlight]


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Biff Henderson wrote:
2 masters.jpg
One cannot serve two masters.

I think you're mistaken Biff, the picture on the left is just the Kube in its' new experimental X-17 Battle Armor.

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Comrade Stierlitz wrote:
I think you're mistaken Biff, the picture on the left is just the Kube in its' new experimental X-17 Battle Armor.
Comrade Stierlitz,

The ConserProg Dronette Newzcandy dons battle camo more devious than its predecessors. The streamlined unit is meticulously starved, sculpted and preened, the eerie china-doll grin says look but don't touch.

Comrade Biff

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Similar to some Republicans who throw tantrums over Trump's candidacy:

I've had my misgivings about Kelly in the past but she is consistently tough on all candidates. If anyone doubts her conservative cred. she exposed Bill Ayers, Ward Churchill, as the malcontents that they are to a new generation that may not know of their deeds. She was not easy on any of them. She calls Wasseman-Scultz on her craziness, and the left on their baby harvesting. Baby Harvesting is the only topic that anyone else covered. Dr. Carson was a frequent guest on her show before he entered the race and became a Trump acolyte.

She has her conservative street cred.