
Obama Launches PR Campaign To Counter Scandals

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With an Eight-Year Plan as ambitious as the Obama regime's, scandal eruptions are going to be a given. Thankfully, the mainstream media is happy to help with damage control. Hand in hand with the Party's PR Directorate, they run a successful campaign of convincing the unwashed masses that they CAN indeed trust their government and that anyone who thinks otherwise is an enemy of the state. I prove my loyalty by submitting this piece of visual propaganda for the Party's PR campaign.


We're from the government and we're here to help.
Your friendly faceless bureaucrats are on the job.
Secretly working to advance the party's agenda.
Mistakes will be made, people will be harassed, and rights will be denied.
No worries... we will not be held accountable.
A public service message from the National Union of Progressive Brownshirts

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It's raining men from government agencies!


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Red Square wrote:It's raining men from government agencies!

We are adding a wing to the IRS office and increasing the size of our force to inventory the additional government workers hired by the Obama administration.

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You forgot the government agency women...

Former IRS official Lois 'Lame' Lerner: as crooked as her fingers

Lois lerner taking pledge edited.jpg

Former secretary of inebriation, Hillary Clinton, doing the only thing she's good at:

drunk closer with title.png

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If I were married to Bill, I'd be tempted to drink, too =-p

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M84 wrote:Image
If I were married to Bill, I'd be tempted to drink, too =-p

I don't think it's Bill's infidelity that causes the MTE to partake of spirits. I'm sure that she and Bill have both had many extramarital sexual encounters with women.

I went to school with a brother and sister. The sister was openly gay. One day in school she made the comment to her brother, "It's bad when your sister gets more pussy than you do." He immediately started crying. True story.

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The People will be safe from The Raining Men only when all citizens are government employees. I figure we will have accomplished this goal within the next 3-1/2 years.

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I believe everything Obama said because of this very video:

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Captain Craptek wrote:The People will be safe from The Raining Men only when all citizens are government employees. I figure we will have accomplished this goal within the next 3-1/2 years.

Hauptmann Krap... It is not necessary to achieve full government employment to ensure a draught of G-men.

We need only reduce the middle class to abject poverty and break their will to resist. Once they are broken, they shall either acquiesce to the inevitable…

Those who cannot resist the urge will sell their teabagging souls apply for positions as public servants to avoid unemployment. They will help provide entitlements to the proles.

The rest -- mostly the low information voters -- will find it more efficient to serve the state as proles.

Since we already have established the Inner Party to monitor the perpetual State machine, once we have the remaining divided thus, we place the machine into motion…middle level Apparatchiks to serve the State by providing benefits to the Proles and Proles to serve the state by receiving said benefits. Thus the Circle of Life is complete.

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Only Dear Leader can make such funny jokes. Yes he can!