
PajamaBoy: Let's talk about getting health insurance

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I received this important directive from our Dear Leader today:


So I'm here to talk with you about getting health insurance ...


Unfortunately I also followed his directions to drink hot chocolate which is like Jonestown Kool-Aid to us cats, so I am off to the vet. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves about getting health insurance while I am having my stomach pumped.

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Get well soon, Meow.

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That egghead dork is wearing glasses so nobody will punch him in the face. Punch him in the face anyway. And then ask him if he's signed up for ObamaCare yet, because if he doesn't scamper his little tutti-fruity ass out your sight right now he's really going to need it.

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That OFA graphic is missing a line. It should read:

Wear pajamas
Live in parents' basement
Drink hot chocolate
Talk about getting health insurance

An alternative might be:

Can't get a job
Can't move out of parents' basement
Can't get laid
Can't even get health insurance because the website's always down

In the meantime, I see a new flat cutout character.

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Oh no! That's going too far. It's just a poor innocent dog, for crying out loud. Come the revolution there will be a terrible price to be paid for the cruelty of the poor put-upon cats and dogs owned by you silly-ass commies.

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Commie Pinkie wrote:In the meantime, I see a new flat cutout character.

Yes, he should be included in all the important decisions of history. "Who was that supercilious little policy wonk spouting democratic party talking points? He solved all our problems with the Treaty of Versailles. Now the Germans are really going to pay through the nose for that war!"

"High ho, away!!!"

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:I see a new flat cutout character.
Here you go. What shall we name him?

For a larger transparent PNG, click here (linked so as not to slow down page load).


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There are more lines, I just don't have time for the pics.

- I'm always the one I've been waiting for, but tonight I'm hoping to change that!

- How'd you like to feel a thrill up your leg?

- I'm the comrade who puts the "pro" into progressive.

- The State said we have to... Is mandatory.


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There seems to be just a tad bit of blow-back from the masses as to the use of pajama boy to get the hipsters talking about the glories of O-care. I suggest that our propaganda might try and use a different cultural icon to get the young hip low information voters talking.

Yes, a beloved and favorite character that has totally endeared himself to the hipsters previously through the lens of liberal Hollywood.


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Yes, Mom and Dad, I know I live in your basement, and that I am now in my 374th week of "FUNenployment" while I wait for the world to recognize the genius of my one-person stage production, "Twink in a Onesie." That's why I know that you are both wrong when you tell me ObamaCare won't lower your health insurance costs or raise its quality. My Obama told me that your healthcare will cost less and be better. So go get me some more mini marshmallows for my chockie-drink and get ready for a nappie change because I'm about to soil myself again while wearing the ironic hipster expression all great artists wear when they create.

(Yeah. I know. It won't fit on the graphic.)

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Red Square wrote:
Commissarka Pinkie wrote:I see a new flat cutout character.
Here you go. What shall we name him?
We should name him Don. As in, "Don we now our gay apparel."

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"I wonder where they got the idea
that a wimpy-looking white guy in glasses could sell BS?"

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"Today's hip is tomorrow's hype." -- Edward Abbey

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I think we've answered the eternal question: "Where's Waldo?" He's living in his parent's basement, wearing a onesie, drinking cocoa, and harping about Obamacare.

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Red Square wrote:What shall we name him?

He's been named #PajamaBoy

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Comrades, I can not help but get whipped into such a progressive fervor that I feel a need to wear a dress when I see the new standard of American masculinity.


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Good idea, Tovarichi!


Wear a bunny suit. Tell parents to get ObamaCare in case you shoot your eye out.

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Not to snow on your parade comrade square, but do we expect Pajamaboy to be around anything that can shoot unless if it is in the hands of a loving government representative?

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Red Square wrote:Good idea, Tovarichi! -picture- Etc, etc, etc...

Thumbs up!!! That's it!

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Most Equal, Comrade People's Director Red Square! Nicely done...

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Seems like Pajamaboy has his own short film!

Just like the birds and the bees, Government Healthcare is also a "uncomfortable conversation"!
Guess he's going to learn from his parents how hes gonna get screwed in the very near future.

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Drink Kool-Aid. Get a job on MSNBC. Become Obama's Pajama Boy. #RachelMaddow

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Meet Ethan Krupp: Pajamacare boy and Organizing for Action employee

Pajamacare boy is Ethan Krupp, an Organizing for Action employee and the subject of ridicule after OFA created a social ad encouraging everyone to sign up for Obamacare


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What are these psychopaths laughing about, the asexual Pajamaboy? And how about Comrade Michelle? It is her demand we all discuss bringing in the New Year with talking about Obamacare during Christmas dinner. FOX news makes me sick.

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HA!! I wondered if that might kill the thread!

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[color=#C0392B]R.O.C.K. in the USSA[/color] was partially right when he wrote:HA!! I wondered if that might kill the thread!

I'm wondering if you might be thinking of doing the same to PajamaBoy?!


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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Comrades, may I present #PajamaBoy's friends!
How curious is it that the Obamacare is being sold to us with such a strong emphasis on LGBT, when gay comprise only 2-3 per cent of the population, and the drag queens below are even a smaller minority within that minority?

Something tells me we are being cleverly played.

That is, one part of the population - the opponents - are being taunted and goaded to react with anger and say something politically damaging, for which they'll be forever ridiculed, and a crowd of MSM reporters eagerly awaits in the bushes with their mics, cameras, and pre-scripted commentary.

The second part of the population, conditioned to hate the first part, is gullible enough to do any stupid thing in the world if they're told that it would annoy the "bigots." They'll vote for things that are against their own self-interest just to spite the other side.

So the clever folks who sell Obama's policies have figured out they can get what they need by leading people to believe that when they sign up for Obamacare they're only helping a poor oppressed minority against a dimwitted bully - when in fact they're signing up for the takeover of this country by authoritarian collectivist crooks.

In a way, it's like a smartass telling a kid "This bully says you're a wimp and you'll never touch this frozen flagpole with your tongue." As a result, the kid gets stuck to the pole, the "bully" gets punished, and the smartass laughs and collects winning bets.

This happens not just with Obamacare. Remember all the grotesque, provocative things Obama and his posse did or said during his presidency. The result is always the same: our side gets enraged, the media portrays us as intolerant bigots, racists, homophobes, islamophobes, misogynists, etc. - and rallies the public. The gullible LIVs rush to defend the "underdog" and help the Democrats get their way - win elections, pass legislations, appoint their people to key positions, etc. We get screwed and the producers of this show clink glasses backstage and collect their winnings.

This may explain why the Left has recently become so absurd that satire no longer applies. You can't parody a self-parody and you can't outclown a clown.

The Pajama Boy seems to be part of this strategy, along with all the over-the-top LGBT support for Obamacare and this president in general. E.g., as if by magic, just as #PajamaBoy hashtag started trending on Twitter, immediately published a hit piece titled Conservative Twitter hate-loves Organizing for Action's new Obamacare meme, while also Tweeting this line: Conservative Twitter gets homophobic on their new Obamacare piñata: #pajamaboy - despite the fact that not a single conservative quote contained the aforementioned irrational fear of homosexuality.

So far our side has been merely reacting at what the other side is throwing at us - often reacting in a predictable way - unwittingly playing into their hand in a game that is rigged and controlled by them.

You may not like the word "proactive," but this is how they operate: they initiate the action and we merely react to it, like animals to an irritant.

Not that we shouldn't keep mocking their absurd actions and ideas, but we should stop being merely reactive and start initiating our own constructive actions and ideas. And the next time they throw another irritant at us and we want to react to it in the usual way, we should pause and think if that is not the reaction they are betting on.

And now, without further ado, the promised article:

Drag Queens Promote Obamacare

A group of drag queens in Louisiana has decided to use their cross-dressing talents to help promote Obamacare. Wednesday Night Tea — “a unique, interactive drag queen show held every Wednesday at Central Station in Shreveport, Louisiana” — has partnered up with the non-profit Out2Enroll to help market Obamacare to the LGBT community. Out2Enroll focuses on informing those in the LGBT community about the benefits of Obamacare and on enrolling them in insurance plans and events in cities across the country.

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Looks more like Comrade Marx!

Red Square wrote:Our friend at The Looking Spoon goes the way of Duck Dynasty:


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An updated Photo for the evolution of aircraft nose art using onesies


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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Comrades, may I present #PajamaBoy's friends!
I'm so totally gay now ... for ObamaCare!

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PajamaBoy reminds this comrade of hero in Atlas Shrugged - Phillip Reardon. As member of Friends of Global Progress, took evil brother to task.

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Commodore Snoogie Woogums wrote:An updated Photo for the evolution of aircraft nose art using onesies



Please remove the false eyelashes. That is NOT a biplane!

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Probability that his jammies have a flap in the back is approaching 1.0

Probability that the flap is being used for designed purposes is approaching 0.0

If you like your onesie, you can keep your onesie. PERIOD.

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Collected from various sources:






At this time I would like to make it clear that the College of Engineering for the Glory and Benefit of the People (a/k/a "Why Shovel Comrade, Use This D-10 Caterpillar with Earth Moving Blade") located at the University of Wisconsin is in no way associated with the Counter-Revolutionary Subversive "College of Letters and Liberal Arts" (a/k/a "Why Shovel") unfortunately located some distance to the east. "The East may be Red" but not in any productive sense.

Further, it should be noted, and clearly visible to the veriest tiny sproglet, that the College of Engineering has done its best to distance itself from "those people" in every way, including physically and geographically.

Finally, I never went to "that side" of the campus without backup, and anybody who says different is going to get their proletarian arse re-engineered to my exacting specifications.


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Little known FACT... PajamaBoy used to be BanjoBoy!


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Comrades - this is disturbing...

OK, we know why these Pakistani Paramilitary soldiers are detaining Captain Craptek - he never has any pants on. But why would this friendly Muslim country want to detain our own PajamaBoy?

And look who appears to be running things - Vladimir Puddin'!! He does have a cute puppy with him though.


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I catch myself daydreaming like this all the time...


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Comrade People's Director, may I point out in answer to your most glorious exposition above regarding the recent in-the-faces-of-the-right gaiety of the Obamacare folks that it's also the embodiment of more than one of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, most notably "polarizing your target", but others as well.

Me, I haven't had hot chocolate in years.

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Mom's basement... where all the magic happens!


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If you likes your precious, you keeps your precious.


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I believe we've used up the next 3 years allotment of pixels on this thread!

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Ethan - never give up your day job!
