
The Saddest Fluke of the Government Shutdown

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The Parks Department couldn't install the barriers around her fast enough to keep the crowds out.

Ushanka tip to General Secretary for the idea.

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The Department should now be renamed to "Parks and Procreation Services."

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The Republicans have punished her with a baby!

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It is obvious that the whole thing is a Rephooligan conspiracy. So was Monica! FORWARD!


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That might not really be so sad. Not always children of hippies become hippies. The caption of this picture reads "Children of hippies have the most fun."

But yes, if she makes another Fluke, fluke her.

And it sucks how complicated it is to upload something in this site.

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John Frum wrote:And it sucks how complicated it is to upload something in this site.
You must save the image to your computer first, then use our Editor for the Rich to upload it, then insert into the post.

Here are some useful tips:


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Red Square wrote:
John Frum wrote:And it sucks how complicated it is to upload something in this site.
You must save the image to your computer first, then use our Editor for the Rich to upload it, then insert into the post.

This is typical of the way the "Rich" treat us. Even their "Editors" force us to load stuff against our will. Outrageous!

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From People's Encyclopedia:

Sandra Fluke is a native of Saxton, Pennsylvania, and graduated from Pennsylvania's Tussey Mountain Junior/Senior High School in 1999. In 2003, Fluke graduated from Cornell University with a major in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies.

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John Frum wrote:From People's Encyclopedia:

Sandra Fluke is a native of Saxton, Pennsylvania, and graduated from Pennsylvania's Tussey Mountain Junior/Senior High School in 1999. In 2003, Fluke graduated from Cornell University with a major in[highlight=#ffff00] Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies[/highlight].

The lovely and bloated Sandra will be in great demand by business and industry. I'm certain she'll contribute much to the betterment of society - many scholarly volumes and graduate level lectures. She has prepared her mind well, and will excel with the shovel when the time comes.

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Naughty words alert!

Ha! You got that right, dear Craptek! Ha, ha, ha! And, HA!

Those of us "in the know," i.e. those who actually attended college, and some who haven't, know that any degree conferred on anyone that ends with the word "Studies" is flat-out bogus. That includes B.A., B.S., M.a, M.S., PhD. Yeah, all of them. BOGUS!

We Progs just love this crap because it gives us so much power over the very people we give power to. (by conferring these degrees)

Because of this new "paradigm" I am working diligently to get my PhD in "Anything Possible to Get Government Grant Studies".

I am encouraged to find this is offered in all Ivy League Shitholes, as we refer to them in the Midwest. Yeah, I know "Fly-Over" people are to be shunned, but they have a fairly decent joke, as dumb as they are, that shows how they really feel.

This was told to me by engineering students who have 4.0's. (Yeah, they're so stupid.)

We have a Yacht Club here on the Wabash.

Yeah, We got one o them Yacht Clubs! Ha, Ha, Ha,!!!!!

Just a pretentious term for a bunch of drunk canoe guys goin' down the Wabash.

Found out later, it's really just a bar on the Wabash where canoers say stuff like that.

No actual canoeing actually takes place.

This is how fun I find "Flyover People."Yeah, I do love Indiana. This state rocks! And, there's plenty of limestone to prove this!They just hate"pretense."

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More feminism is necessary.
Men should be banned.


Komrade. Do we not fight for equality, equal wages, and equal height-hamburgers? Are you not fighting for the very thing us True Komrades ™ vow as enemies?