
Kagan Endorses Che Gourmet's Breast-Milk Ice Cream

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I remember so well the hearings before my confirmation. That awful ReichWing Senator Tom Coeburn had the audacity to ask me whether I would deem it constitutional for the Congress to enact legislation requiring every American to eat three specified vegetables every day. With my nomination then hanging in the balance, it was necessary for me to answer that I had not formed any opinion on such issue and that it would be inappropriate for me to express an opinion on it. Fortunately, now that my nomination has been confirmed and I'm already serving on the Supreme Court, I am finally able to "come out of the closet" as Kagan Gourmet. (I had thought of "coming out of the closet with the pseudonym "Chegan" -- with the "Ch" pronounced like a "K" -- in order to honor my mentor, Che Gourmet, but I realized that as a selfless servant of the Collective, Che Gourmet would neither want, nor permit, such laudation, so I abandoned the "honorary pseudonym" idea.)

What inspired me to "come out of the closet" was the REUTERS news article about Che Gourmet's Progressive embrace of the latest scientific advance in Michelle Obama's campaign for proper nutrition for the masses: Breast-Milk Ice Cream. See my screen-capture of the article immediately below:


Che Gourmet's immediate embrace of the idea exemplified his understanding of the duty of the Leaders of the Collective to provide for the "feeding of the masses" in order to entice them to be compliant with policies we must establish for the Collective Good. We know the Nanny State is a necessary precursor to the Collective State, and Che Gourmet (who always keeps up with the latest in scientific advancements in the Culinary Sciences) immediately understood how easily a Mammary State could hasten completion of our nearly-complete establishment of the Nanny State. Great minds run on the same track, as exemplified by Lenin's great-granddaughter, Leninka, who instantaneously recognized the importance of this new development by saying, "The Mammary State is the Gateway to the Nanny-State Collective." Indeed, it's been shown that it's the most effective way to render docile the angry and unruly right-wing males, who, sadly, comprise a large majority of the people known as "tea-partiers."

Thus, now that I have Life-Time Tenure (which is even better than Government Employee Union Seniority), I am free to answer Senator Coeburn's question: Not only is the Federal Government empowered (under what Rep. John Conyers so wisely called the "Good & Welfare Clause") to specify three vegetables for all Americans to eat every day (carrots, broccoli and beets) but it's also empowered to require daily consumption of what we know to be the Ideal All-Natural Dessert, capable of docilizing males to enable them to conform their behavior (and political beliefs) to our Progressive Agenda. What's that desert? Breast-Milk Ice Cream.

It's so effective, that Che Gourmet, who has operated a large dairy farm for decades, has already expanded the operation to include production of Breast Milk and Breast-Milk Ice-Cream:

Inspired by Che Gourmet, many leading progressive women have begun working for him on his Cow Milk & Breast Milk Dairy Farm in order to inspire other progressive women to start Che Gourmet Breast-Milk Franchises throughout the country. Immediately below is an educational poster about both the cow-milking and breast-pumping operations at Che's Cow-Milk & Breast-Milk Dairy revealing for the first time just a few of the leading Progressive Women being "milked" at Che's Dairy:


These progressive gals are setting examples for all women. Even those who had never before lactated found the special procedure established by Che Gourmet to be stimulating, soothing and udderly utterly delightful, and they were thrilled to learn they had such lactational powers without it being necessary to first become pregnant. After thorough research into age-old "wet-nurse" practices, Che Gourmet synthesized and modernized the procedures to make them work more quickly. Che said, "Even though I despise the Capitalist concept of "Intellectual Property" and protection of Proprietary Secrets, I have decided -- for the Good of the Collective -- to employ a capitalist-pig lawyer to procure such legal protection for my procedures, and all women (I prefer to call them "gals") who undergo the procedure are required to sign a "State Secret" agreement to protect the Collective's ability to prevent Capitalists from stealing the procedure.

However, Che concedes that not all progressive gals are suitable candidates for the Breast-Milk division. For example, recently, Che was forced to make difficult decisions on a group of four who applied for acceptance into the program. He had to send one of them to the Cow-Milk division, but the other three were deemed ill-equipped for either division.

Recently, a number of these prominent and powerful progressive women have launched an educational tour to make ordinary women not only aware of the widespread acceptability of breast pumping in business contexts as well as social contexts but also make them aware that breast-pumping will be one of the hottest growth industries in the Twenty-First Century as more and more gals learn two important things: First, they don't need to become pregnant to lactate, and Second, gourmet breast-milk, breast-milk ice cream, breast-milk cheese, and countless other derivative products will become "cash cows" that will soon eclipse oil. Indeed, it's one of the reasons behind the new slogan, "Pump Breasts, Not Oil." Also, there can be no doubt that even the popular term "cash cow" will be quickly eclipsed by "breast cow," which should not be confused with "cow breast," which is really a udder matter. In the future, reference to one having a pair of "cajones" as a way of characterizing a person as being "gutsy" will be eclipsed by having a pair of "breasts." Indeed, it might even eclipse the ever-popular expression, "stitattesatahw."


(Viewers who typically need reading glasses may find some of the text in the above image difficult to read, and if such is the case, clicking the image will load a larger, easier-to-read version.) Of course, the progressive women shown above were not the first to display these techniques for photographers so ordinary women can understand that breast-pumping is welcome in the Board Room of any Capitalist entity whose Board of Directors is dominated by Progressive Thinkers, that breast-pumping during work at home and community work (such as Soccer-Mom tasks) is quite easy for multi-tasking gals, and, most excitingly, that breast-pumping is welcome at cocktail parties among the socially-enlightened. There can be no doubt that it would quickly become a better world and help hasten the arrival of Next Tuesday if all gals were to pump breast-milk "for the Collective" (i.e, for Che Gourmet) every day.

But the Board Room, the everyday world of ordinary chores, and social events are not the only circumstances in which Progressive Women can apply their multi-tasking skills by pumping breast-milk while also attending to other responsibilities. Our own esteemed Spymaster Anna Chapman has "come out of the closet" to reveal how she was able to pump-breast milk while handling her most challenging spy-mission assignments:

After giving me permission to use her picture shown above, SpyMaster Anna Chapman also sent me this note from her to be published immediately below the picture:

As you can see from the above image, Che's ability to speak/write in Russian has gotten a little rusty (Rooskie?), but he can be forgiven such small lapses given the enormous nature of his contribution to The Revolution. Everyone knows the correct Russian expression for what this picture inspires one to say is: "sgujatesattahw." Not only has my use of this Che Gourmet Brand Battery-Powered Breast-Pumping Harness not interfered with my missions but it has also often helped me accomplish my missions on many occasions because the sight so totally mesmerizes my male adversaries that they let down their guards and other reflexes deprive their brains of needed blood, which has thereby enabled me to dispatch them quickly without even breaking a sweat-- thus, I've never failed in any assassination assignment while pumping my breasts at the same time.

This should be an inspiration to all Comrade Gals (I use the term "gals" since it's preferred by the Hero of the Revolution, Che Gourmet) that our feminine capability of multi-tasking makes it possible for us to pump our breasts during virtually any other worthwhile activity-- soccer-mom duties, birthday parties, shopping, attending funerals, etc. The list is virtually endless. Soon we'll have a special feature to be titled, "Breast-Pumping Women of the Cube." I have no doubt that the esteemed Auntie Semitic will eagerly submit an entry.
--SpyMaster Anna Chapman

Despite all the wonderful developments since Che Gourmet launched his Gourmet Breast-Milk Ice Cream operation for "Breast-Feeding the Revolooshin," however, there have been setbacks. At this point I must say that I, like all loyal Comrades here at the Cube, am loathe to speak ill of another member of the Inner Party, but the circumstances leave me no choice.

We all know what wonderful work Gore has done for the Collective and especially for The Planet and for GAIA (and for his own bank account-- but of course, that type of Capitalist Backsliding is permissible for such High Party Officials), but Comrade Gore (known also by many other names such as Goracle, Gorbels Cube, Da Gorgle, etc.) has strayed from the path of knowing the difference between The Truth and The Current Truth. It seems that the recent exposures of what we in the Inner Party knew to have been problems -- shall we say "flaws" which have become known as "ClimateGate" -- with his AGW theory have put him into such as depressed and desperate state of mind that he has unwisely attempted to launch an operation to compete with Che Gourmet's excellent work on Breasts. His flawed attempts to do so have made it necessary for Che Gourmet and me to collaborate in a public-information campaign designed to prevent progressive women from being beguiled into offering the fruits of their breasts to Gore instead of to Che Gourmet:

For the benefit of comrades who typically need reading glasses and thus may be unable to read all the text in the exposé of Gore based on a photographer made by one of the progressive gals who left the Gore operation in disgust and came to Che Courmet's much more humane operation, I'm providing a larger version immediately below:

And for those comrades whose reading glasses resemble the bottom of shot-glasses, I've also added a link so that clicking the image above will load a larger image on which the text is much easier to read.

Those images make self-evident the fundamental mistake of Gore-- He still takes seriously what we still dutifully say is the Current Truth but which he apparently still believes to be the Current Truth: Environmentalism for the Sake of Environmentalism. The rest of us know, of course, that the Save-the-Planet and Return to Nature campaign has long served us well as a tactic to exploit a weakness in the United States (i.e., gullibility of its voters) by persuading its voters to hog-tie capitalism in the name of the environment in order to enable truly progressive regimes-- such as Russia today and China-- to pass the United States in industrial might while wisely paying lip service only to the Environmentalists' agenda.

And yet another Comrade, like Gore, has allowed extraneous ideological beliefs to impede his ability to loyally serve the Collective. I speak of the Komissar of Fatwas, who still clings to a view of breast-feeding that has now been rendered obsolete even in the Middle East by the progressive nature of Che Gourmet's operation making the breasts of all women into effective tools for the Collective.

Image Indeed, unless Komissar of Fatwas were to soon begin to see the light, we may need to take action to help hasten a special event for him-- not "Next Tuesday," but rather, his joyous meeting with 72 virgins.

But most of the news is good. For examples, our new campaigns to draw attention to Che Gourmet Breast-Milk Ice Cream are ready to make their debuts on billboards across the country in a manner similar to the billboard campaign which enabled the dairy industry to get back onto its feet:

Both SpyMaster Anna Chapman and Putin's Mistress play the "leading" role in the above poster designed for billboards.

The poster above (to be used in the billboard campaign) features a somewhat reluctant (perhaps suspicious/jealous?) Vladimir Putin, Putin's Mistress, and that breast-pumping rogue, Che Gourmet.

We've also designed a suitable, eye-catching image to cause viewers to associate breasts with milk with ice-cream. There can be no doubt that this image will become for Che Gourmet Ice Cream as iconic as has been the famous Korda image of Che. Soon, young gals in college will be wearing t-shirts displaying this image as a symbol of their having discovered how they can pay their way through college through daily visits to the local Che Gourmet Breast-Milk Collection Station. Soon, whenever they attend Progressive rallies, they will be chanting, "Pump Breasts, Not Oil" and "Pump, Baby, Pump" (with the latter being an effective counter-slogan to the wretched Palin's "Drill, Baby, Drill").


Finally, I have great news. The Peoples Cube is now opening a fast-food franchise (with profits to go, of course, to the Collective Good sometimes know as Red Square's Swill Bank Account "for the Revolution"), and the new "Peoples Fast-Food Restaurant" will promote Che Gourmet Breast-Milk Ice Cream with an effective campaign depicted in the image below:


If this doesn't convert every red-blooded, tea-party-supporting American Male to abandon conservatism in favor of advocacy of "Pumping Breasts, Not Oil," nothing can save us.

--Kagan Gourmet.

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An unnamed source thinks they heard an unfounded rumor that this resource is being considered as the main [yet secret] ingredient in [highlight=#ffcc00]Cheese for the Masses™[/highlight] and [highlight=#ffcc00]Butter for the Masses™[/highlight]. They go on to say that there might be calls for legalized "Sweathog" cream and cottage cheese [currently available only on the black market] in the near future.

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Another rumor recently heard is that of possible new Vodka - made exclusively from liberal tears. Main Tear Vodka plant will be located in Wisconsin. Tests are underway, but it looks promising, comrades.

Rumors concerning a bleeding heart based cocktail were found to be false.

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Before responding to any specific post, it's incumbent upon me to provide a clarification. Some Comrades may theorize that I, Kagan Gourmet, am really Che Gourmet writing under a pseudonym to promote and flatter myself. Nothing could be further from the real truth (or even the Current Truth). Indeed, in coming out of my closet, I feared that Che Gourmet may legitimately determine that my adaptation and not-pre-authorized use of his image and logo violate the Collective Intellectual Property Rights which Korda, Korda's daughter and Che's granddaughter are courageously seeking to enforce on behalf of the glorious memory of Che (loved by all enlightened t-shirt-wearing college students) against intellectual defacement of his legendary deeds by the ReichWing. Not yet being a member of the Inner Party as is Che Gourmet, I know that my work is rightly (excuse me, leftly) subject to immediate removal, editorial alteration, and/or injunctive relief by Che Gourmet.

Though my heart compels me to honor and revere Che Gourmet, if he deems my adaptations of his logo and other work to as having transgressed against the Intellectual Property Rights he holds and wields selflessly on behalf of the Collective, I shall return to my closet in the SCOTUS headquarters. I have to spend so much time there anyway just to seek refuge from the aggressive mind of Scalia.

--Kagan Gourmet

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Most Honorable Comrade Justice Kagan Gourmet,

The Good News
Your image filled post is very enlightening. Those images should increase our membership a hundredfold. Nothing leads a male Progressive like breasts and the opportunities for our Progressive women is self evident in your entire post. Most EQUAL Comrade Justice. Such a demonstration of equality is so representative of the Cube Spirit.

The Not So Good News
You may have started a Holy War here at the People's Cube. It's a good thing a certain, certain high ranking member is on Holiday in the Land of Oz. I'm speaking about Mrs Al Czarweary.

Mrs Als mothers milk.jpg
Mrs Al Czarweary's Mother's MILK
aNd Now for mens

"Comrade Whoopie, you to be of happyness to know the milks of a good Mooooslim womens is of the rich and creamy kind.

Kommisar of Fatwas - Sheik al-Abaitrashcan clearly to say the mens to take of the milk drinking but NOT DIRECTLY from the breast of the womens. If you to believe that the good Mooslim mens would be of sharing their womens then perhaps you would also like to be of tasting the special Goat Gonad Soup?

She has some heavy hitters working for her:


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Grigori E.R. wrote:Most Honorable Comrade Justice Kagan Gourmet,

The Good News
Your image filled post is very enlightening. Those images should increase our membership a hundredfold. Nothing leads a male Progressive like breasts and the opportunities for our Progressive women is self evident in your entire post. Most EQUAL Comrade Justice. Such a demonstration of equality is so representative of the Cube Spirit.

The Not So Good News
You may have started a Holy War here at the People's Cube. It's a good thing a certain, certain high ranking member is on Holiday in the Land of Oz. I'm speaking about Mrs Al Czarweary.

Mrs Als mothers milk.jpg
Mrs Al Czarweary's Mother's MILK
aNd Now for mens

"Comrade Whoopie, you to be of happyness to know the milks of a good Mooooslim womens is of the rich and creamy kind.

Kommisar of Fatwas - Sheik al-Abaitrashcan clearly to say the mens to take of the milk drinking but NOT DIRECTLY from the breast of the womens. If you to believe that the good Mooslim mens would be of sharing their womens then perhaps you would also like to be of tasting the special Goat Gonad Soup?

She has some heavy hitters working for her:

Comrade Grigori,

In my eagerness to credit Che Gourmet, I had forgotten to credit Mrs. Al Czarweary for her "Mama's Milk" bus. However, I must say that the image of the bus shows that her operation is sorely in need of having the resources of Che Gourmet (and even those of Comrade Gore) redistributed to enable her to modernize her operation. Perhaps she might consider making Mama's Milk an official subsidiary of Che Gourmet's burgeoning empire (for the Collective, of course). We will deal with the Komissar of Fatwas in a different way.

--Kagan Gourmet.

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Царевна wrote:Don't be a Boob, drink breast milk!!
A technical clarification is in order: Breast Milk is food, rather than a beverage. But yet it can be pumped into bottles and then consumed as though it were a beverage. Maybe the more correct term would be a blend of drink and eat: "DrinkEat." Maybe we should engage the advice and services of a Marketing Expert for the Collective.

--Kagan Gourmet

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Nikolai Dogoda wrote:An unnamed source thinks they heard an unfounded rumor that this resource is being considered as the main [yet secret] ingredient in [highlight=#ffcc00]Cheese for the Masses™[/highlight] and [highlight=#ffcc00]Butter for the Masses™[/highlight]. They go on to say that there might be calls for legalized "Sweathog" cream and cottage cheese [currently available only on the black market] in the near future.
Fox News has already fallen into our trap for promoting the Mammary-State/Nanny-State by publishing a report on Breast-Milk Cheese.

The more publicity, the better.

--Kagan Gourmet

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Another rumor recently heard is that of possible new Vodka - made exclusively from liberal tears. Main Tear Vodka plant will be located in Wisconsin. Tests are underway, but it looks promising, comrades.

Rumors concerning a bleeding heart based cocktail were found to be false.
The "Bleeding Heart Cocktail" is similar to the "Bloody Mary," is it not? But I think your idea of "Tears for the Masses" Vodka is BRILLIANT. It's Absolut. A USAA version to compete with USSR's favorite vodka (which Whoopie promotes and consumes).

--Kagan Gourmet

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Comrade Kagan Gourmet, not long ago I read a humorous story about how the well-known "Got Milk?" ads that appeared here in Amerikka were mis-translated into Spanish. The literal translation of the Spanish version turned out to be "Are you lactating?"

It has suddenly occurred to me how the Party could make use of those mis-translated ads, neutralize the reichwingers' obsession over the influx of illegal immigrants undocumented Democrats from Mexico and provide the nation's workers with a great new entitlement, all the free ice cream they want. This is an idea we can milk for all it is worth.

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It was all very funny at first, but now I find myself unable to imagine myself ever indulging in a dairy product ever again. Even with Chocolate Syrup. How could I ever look at a milk shake without being reminded of the infamous cleavage of Kagan Gourmet? And hoses and battery-operated pumps et cetera.
I suspect there is a connection to the uprising in WI.

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Opiate of the People wrote:Comrade Kagan Gourmet, not long ago I read a humorous story about how the well-known "Got Milk?" ads that appeared here in Amerikka were mis-translated into Spanish. The literal translation of the Spanish version turned out to be "Are you lactating?"

It has suddenly occurred to me how the Party could make use of those mis-translated ads, neutralize the reichwingers' obsession over the influx of illegal immigrants undocumented Democrats from Mexico and provide the nation's workers with a great new entitlement, all the free ice cream they want. This is an idea we can milk for all it is worth.

Dear Opiate of the People, .

I'm also aware of that mistranslation mistake. It reminds me of Jimmy Carter's incomptent translator (during a speech he made in Poland) when Carter said "I love your country." But as Progressives, we know that all human conflict arises merely from misunderstandings. Isn't this the overarching theme of our Leader? .

Regarding milking an idea for all that it's worth, I fear that I may have already done so. I thought about suggesting Che Gourmet Breast Milk Ice Cream as the standard dessert on the menu in Michael Moore's "Eat the Rich Bar & Grill" as exposed today by Maksim, but I decided not to do so. . -

-Kagan Gourmet

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Nikolai Dogoda wrote:It was all very funny at first, but now I find myself unable to imagine myself ever indulging in a dairy product ever again. Even with Chocolate Syrup. How could I ever look at a milk shake without being reminded of the infamous cleavage of Kagan Gourmet?
I suspect there is a connection to the uprising in WI.
See? The Logo works. Both the ice-cream cone and the bowl of ice cream now make you think of breast milk. This is the type of subliminal education at which our colleagues in the entertainment industry have been so successful. Soon, women all over the country will be rushing to the nearest breast-milk pumping station to cash-in on this new cash-cow industry. .

Next thing you know, young males who find this post will be sending their girlfriends to the Cube for education.

--Kagan Gourmet

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Comrade Nikolai Dogoda,
We all do as we must. It's for the Party! It's for the Children!. The Current Truth is "our" dairy products are good for you and the Cause of Progressive Progress. Now, let us hear no more of this not indulging talk again. Have a nice big bowl of our ice cream with a big cherry on top and know that we have your best interests in our hearts.

Comrade Justice Kagan Gourmet said;"[highlight=#ffff99]Next thing you know, young males who find this post will be sending their girlfriends to the Cube for education[/highlight]".

That is correct Comrade. I always say;
"All are welcome...all are welcome Comrades...step into the Light children...step in to the Light."

Oh, I have a great new topping for our new ice cream. I liberated confiscated for re-distribution a few 50 gallon barrels of Mrs Al's Poppy Seeds. I've been marketing them as Grigori's Seeds of the Gods. I cannot find the photo right now, but I think they would make for a special treat and help the cause at the same time..

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Grigori E.R. wrote:
Comrade Justice Kagan Gourmet said;"[highlight=#ffff99]Next thing you know, young males who find this post will be sending their girlfriends to the Cube for education[/highlight]".

Oh, I have a great new topping for our new ice cream. I liberated confiscated for re-distribution a few 50 gallon barrels of Mrs Al's Poppy Seeds. I've been marketing them as Grigori's Seeds of the Gods. I cannot find the photo right now, but I think they would make for a special treat and help the cause at the same time..
. .
Nothing can calm the savage hearts of the young male tea-partiers like Che Gourmet Breast-Milk Ice Cream. Soon we'll have all male tea-partiers returned to a state of infancy and dependency-- remember the slogan, "The Mammary State leads to the Nanny-State Collective." It's a quotation stolen from Mayor Bloomberg by Leninka, the Great-Granddaughter of Lenin. .

What about the female tea-partiers? They will become intoxicated with the power they discover they can thus wield over the one-track-minded males, but this will make them feel "one" with the Collective. One small breast for a woman, one giant breast for mankind.
Oh, I forgot-- you're a male. Sorry, Comrade. Evolution simply blessed us females with more power over you than you have over us.

--Kagan Gourmet

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Komrades, I must confess that I have never had even a PLATONIC thought about Kagan.


In fact, I don't think of it (whatever it is) as a female at all.

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How can I put this delicately? hmmmm......Comrade Vladimir, you are not quite In fact, you are not even her preferred species.



Thank you Comrade Justice Kagan. You answered a question I've had for a while. Che Gourmet was on extended leave for a long time. He said he was on a secret mission in Cuba. Now I know what he was up to. Those Milk Farms didn't just appear over night.

Alabado sea Che...

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Grigori E.R. wrote:
Thank you Comrade Justice Kagan. You answered a question I've had for a while. Che Gourmet was on extended leave for a long time. He said he was on a secret mission in Cuba. Now I know what he was up to. Those Milk Farms didn't just appear over night.

Alabado sea Che...

Comrade Groigori,

Your comment affords me an opportunity to put to rest a rumor spread among the Collective as disinformation by a yet-to-be-identified reich-winger posing as a loyal member of the Collective. That disinformation rumor is that somehow I am in fact Che Gourmet disguised as "Kagan Gourmet." Nothing could be further from The Real Truth or The Current Truth. All Inner-Party members know that I definitely am not Che Gourmet in disguise.

It is correct, however, that per a lady's/gentleman's agreement between us, Che Gourmet is keeping me on a short leash with respect to my usage of his logo, image, etc. It may sound "capitalistic," but all loyal Comrades know he is indulging in such assertion of capitalistic Intellectual-Property rights merely to preserve them for the Collective.

Indeed, there are some Inner-Party Members who think Che Gourmet should have me on a choke-collar rather than merely a short leash and that by now he should have yanked hard enough to make the choking function effective. (It would be more humane than an ice-pick into the brain.)

So, I recognize that the Intellectual Property Rights Che holds on behalf of the Collective place me perpetually at the mercy of Che Gourmet. As a disclaimer, all loyal comrades should understand that the fact that Che Courmet has not yet seen fit to yank my leash or collar does not constitute Che's approval of all aspects of what I'm doing; rather, it merely means that Che is willing to continue doing so as long as it doesn't appear to be harming the Collective.

I have no doubt that Che Gourmet will selflessly continue allowing the Che Gourmet Breast-Milk Industry as long as it serves the Collective by generating incalculable revenue for the Collective's coffers. (Che Gourmet Breast-Milk Ice Cream is currently going for $30 per scoop after the initial "free sample" offering in The Peoples Fast-Food Restaurant as shown in one of the images further up in this thread. Indeed, I'm trying to persuade Michael Moore to include it on the menu as the Special Dessert in his Eat the Rich Bar & Grill, but thus far, he hasn't responded. Given his obese condition, it's probably because too often after eating the Rich, he then splurges with old-fashioned cow-milk ice cream. We know Che Gourmet Breast Milk Ice Cream leads to Six-Pack Abs, so you'd think he would have figured this out by now.)

Being much younger than Che Gourmet, it's an honor for me to promote the role of the hero whose iconic image graced the t-shirts (including the wet t-shirts) of so many of my peers in college and law school. You all know how legendary Che has been among Ivy Leaguers for decades.

--Kagan Gourmet.

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Comrades! Several weeks ago, I met a very nice lady who told me that she used her breastmilk to feed many of the young children in the area. She also said that she found out her milk was whip-able, in other words, that you could whip it as one whips cream! (that is absolutely true, prog on OR off). I know that she would be proud to help the kollektive.

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I am ceasing operations of Che' Gourmet Breast Milk and Ice Cream immediately! The operation, (although very profitable for the Party ™ ) has competition (Dear Lenin, I hate when that happens), and I can no longer give the attention necessary to continue the business, as I am embroiled engaged in other important diplomatic matters for the Party ™ . See the following link: ... -milk.html

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Che Gourmet wrote:UPDATE!

I am ceasing operations of Che' Gourmet Breast Milk and Ice Cream immediately! The operation, (although very profitable for the Party ™ ) has competition (Dear Lenin, I hate when that happens), and I can no longer give the attention necessary to continue the business, as I am embroiled engaged in other important diplomatic matters for the Party ™ . See the following link: ... -milk.html

Comrade Che Gourmet,

I forgot to send you a memo about this top-secret operation. Now that the "cow is out of the bag" revealing the program to genetically modify cows to produce human milk, it's permissible for me to reveal that I was the genetic donor:


It's for the children. I have more to report on this formerly top-secret genetic-hybrid operation. Please stand by.
As you know, these genetic-hyrbid experiments sometimes have unexpected consequences--
Image .

-- Kagan Gourmet

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Progressives in China Are Leading the Way to Human Breast Milk from Cows:




--Kagan Gourmet

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"[highlight=#ffff99]It's better for you because it's genetically modified.[/highlight]" What a selling point! and some called me a crazy mad scientist for developing Tri Oxin 245 and 345.