
How Islam Built The Very Fabric of America

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Did Islam really build America?

It's a silly question to ask; of course we're a Muslim nation with a deep Islamic tradition - it should be enough that Barack Obama says Islam built America. But, as everybody knows, the history books were written by Islamophobes.

Many Americans, especially the notoriously ignorant home and private schooled types, actually believe our country was built on a Christian tradition. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A quick tour of American history should put the argument to rest once and for all.

Let's begin with the Muslim pilgrims on the Mayflower in 1620, who left England to seek religious freedom in the New World. On the way, they wrote the Mayflower Compact to institute Sharia Law in the Plymouth colony. The Mayflower Compact famously begins with, "In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent…" and then goes on to explain how they will expand the Caliphate.

In 1630, the great imam, John Hussein Winthrop, wrote "A Model of Muslim Charity," a speech just peppered with quotes from the Qur'an. This is the speech from which we get the famous "Cordova on a Hill" metaphor, signifying what America stands for before the yet unconquered world.

Fast forward to 1639. Muslims settling along the Connecticut River wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, a document widely believed to be America's first constitution. It clearly states in the opening paragraph that their purpose is to "enter into Combination and Confederation together, to maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of Islam as taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him) which we now profess, as also, the discipline of the Mosques, which according to the truth of the said Qur'an is now practiced amongst us…"

Further along in the Orders, it stated that a candidate for governor had to be "always a member of some approved Mosque." There can hardly be any doubt that the founders of our colonies were devout Muslims.

I hardly need mention the Muslims who signed our Declaration of Independence in 1776, when we separated from British rule to form the North American Caliphate which would later have 57 to 61 states. How much clearer could Thomas Mohammed Jefferson have been when he concluded the document with "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Allah, the Most Merciful, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

After the Revolution, we wrote the Constitution, which opens with "We, the subjects of the Caliphate…" What's more, the first amendment to the Constitution clearly reads, "Congress shall make laws coercing compliance with Sharia, and prohibiting the free exercise of any of the religions of the infidels; and defining freedom of speech, and of the press; and the right of the people peaceably to assemble to burn private property in protests, and to accept whatever the Grand Mufti decrees for a redress of grievances."

It even contains the interesting phrase: "done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the Sheiks present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of the Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) one thousand one hundred and eighty seven and of the Independence of the United Sheiks of America the Twelfth…"

There is so much more, so when Barack Obama says we're a Muslim nation, he's only repeating what every other president in our nation's history has already proclaimed: that Muslims indeed built the "very fabric of our nation."

Isn't it time we burned all the history texts and documents that have been corrupted by infidels?

Contact the Muslim Brotherhood's Department of Education in Washington today and demand that they start teaching our children the truth about America's Islamic roots and traditions.

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It is a source of civic pride that we live in a land of diversity and tolerance where the fabric of the nation can be viewed up close five times daily beautifully woven into our prayer rugs.


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It even contains the interesting phrase: "done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the Sheiks present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of the Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) one thousand one hundred and eighty seven and of the Independence of the United Sheiks of America the Twelfth…"
[/highlight][highlight=#NaNffff]I believe this includes the famous Sheik Yibouti (one of the most influential founding fathers.)[/highlight][highlight=#NaNffff]
Tovarichi wrote:
It is a source of civic pride that we live in a land of diversity and tolerance where the fabric of the nation can be viewed up close five times daily beautifully woven into our prayer rugs.

[/highlight][highlight=#NaNffff]That is an exquisite national fabric, indeed. I feel American patriotism emanating from each thread.[/highlight]

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Ah .... those were the days !
I remember the Sheik very well .....

Sheik Yerbouti 1.jpg
Sheik Yerbouti 2.jpg
I met him at the annual St. Alphonso's Pancake Breakfast.

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Upon deliberations, this people's media organ's editorial board considered this op-ed Mother-Page-worthy.

Please forward any resulting complaints about the content of this article to Comrade Blogunov's historical homeland in Saudi Arabia.


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Our friend Robert Spencer made a similar post yesterday on Front Page and in his Jihad Watch. Here's a part of it:


Obama's Muslim Founding Fathers

[Obama] did not, unfortunately, provide even a single example of these “many achievements and contributions” that Muslims have made to “building the very fabric of our nation,” but he said that there were many, so they shouldn't be hard to list a few, right?

You remember a few of them, don't you? Remember the Muslim signers of the Declaration of Independence? With Yahya al-Hanqoq's large signature front and center, so that the infidel King George III could read it without his spectacles? And then there was Ibrahim Clark of New Jersey and El-Bridge Gerry of Massachusetts. Remember also the Muslims who gave James Madison information about Muhammad's Constitution of Medina – which, as we all know, granted equal rights to women and religious minorities, predating such documents in the West by 1,000 years. Madison, of course, used the Medina Constitution as a model when framing the U.S. Constitution.

Then there were the Muslims who fought so valiantly during the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. And in the titanic struggles over slavery, Muslims were front and center: remember the Muslim abolitionist Senators who faced down the South in the antebellum Senate, the Senate chamber ringing with their oratory about how the Qur'an says to free slaves and so the U.S. government should, too? Remember the Muslim regiments in the Civil War (all on the Union side, of course!)? Then in the aftermath of the Civil War came the Muslim industrialists who brought us railroads, the telegraph, the telephone.

Not to be forgotten are the Muslims who also fought courageously in the Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II, and the Muslim entertainers who kept us laughing on the Vaudeville circuit and on the home front during those terrible world wars with their jokes from the Hadith.

None of this rings a bell? Not to worry. Before too long it will be taught in all the textbooks. Absurd? Maybe – but no more than Obama's statement itself.

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The Sheik was impressive, indeed. I remember how he treated the Indian leader Chief Jay Strongbow upon arrival in the New World.
Fanfest-SheikMSG (1).JPG

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Peace be upon the most equal editorial board.
Praise Allah for the most worthy contribution of Brother Robert Achmed Spencer to the Jihad on infidel history.

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Dear Leader Obama needn't have mentioned Islam's foundational influence upon the U.S.

Why, thanks to our enlightened re-educational programs .... public school systems, every schoolchild knows the story of the Pilgrimh's voyage to the shores of Massachusetts after leaving behind their beautiful port city of Benghazi.


Benghazi 2.jpg

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Kommisar Blogunuv, to be politically acurate we may want to have a lady in the picture not wearing a burka....since we know Muhammed didn't write the part in the Koran about burkas until after 1920 or so. (This is the reason you will never see a picture of a woman in a burka before that date....they just didn't know yet!) I presume your picture was snapped in 1620.

Here is another great American shiek, Rudy Valli, as the Shiek of Araby!!!

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Does this mean the first Thanksgiving was a completely halal meal?

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Subvet wrote:Does this mean the first Thanksgiving was a completely halal meal?
That is absolutely correct. William ibn-Bradford al-Yorkshire recounts that it was served after sundown during Ramadan.

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Comrade Bubblehead, it was Halal, but the meal was an iftar for Eid al Fitr, the name was officially "Amerkkanized" much later.

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The "korrektion" and alignment of historical documents, paintings, and photographs with Current Truth™ will require a multitude of new (highly paid) gummint workers advisers. At last, something to occupy those wasted moments before and after toiling in the fields.

And lest we forget, Comrades, The US might never have discovered the efficacy of ship borne infantry had it not been for the fortuitous depredations of the Barbary Pirates and the rousing crushing of same in 1804. Ergo, we owe the formation of our beloved Marine Corps to Islam.

And were it not for Tripoli, the Marine Corps Hymn would never have been completed -- for how else can one balance out "From the halls of Montezuma" The only possible counterpoint is "to the shores of Tripoli." If not for Islam, the hymn would never have made it past the first line!!

And that being the case, how could we have ended the movie "The Sands of Iwo Jima" or any movie about the Marines during WWII, for that matter. No comrades, there is more to this issue than meets the eye ... or ear.

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Islam -- Woven Into Fabric of America:
The Statue of Sharia

The New Colossus of Islam
(Inscription from the Grateful Citizens of Kenya)
Like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering sword wielded from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a sword, whose edge
Is sharpened for removing the infidels' heads
Mother of Jihadists. From her mighty hand,
Her Sword bidding obedience to Allah commands
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your infidel pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your infidel masses yearning to be free.
When Atheists, Christians and Jooze come ashore,
Send them with all other infidels to me,
Whose heads by my sword will soon fall to the floor.


And let us not forget Islam's vital contributions to our Western European heritage, as illuminated by The Leader in his speech at Al Azhar University

"I also know Western Civilization's debt to Islam. It was Islam -- at places like Herat and Baghdad -- which absorbed the full impact of the unspeakable depredations of the Mongol hordes for three centuries, providing that all important meat shield/buffer which had the effect of sparing Europe so that Europe could progress to a point where it would completely eclipse The Muslim world."

"And for those millions of Muslim dead, which had the effect of completely satiating the bloodlusts of the likes of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane, we are indeed indebted."

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Let us ever remember our brother in Jihad and devout Muslim, General Omar al-Bradley...


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Some comments from our Facebook page (or should we now spell it as Fayes Bou'q because it was founded in 7th century by Fayes Bukhari?)


- The actual fabric of America is "muslin". You can see how people might have become confused.

- Have you noticed that all the ads for "muslin" sheets have disappeared?

- How quickly we went from "You didn't build that" to "Islam built America"...

- US Marines have been killing them since 1800, so yeah part of our fabric, the ENEMY part.

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I'm going to post the FayesBou'q pic on Facebook and see how quickly it will turn into this:


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When Jefferson paid the ransom of an American Merchant with the trade of five Barbary Pirates, he set the national standards.

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Greetings low level prols and commissars alike,It is I your humble beet flavored beverage returned from an extended stay at the Black Sea salt mines, in return for some derogatory language overheard and reported by the likes of Tovarichi or some equally fervent climber of the peoples ladder.No matter, I was thinking of my favorite patch of fabric the Muslims wove here in Florida back in the seventies, ......Bugs Ali Bunny.

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Allah be praised,I almost forgot Bugs's arch enemyShiite Sam

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Comrade Koolaid, you have reminded me of the difficult days of overt racism and hatred here depicted in the poster of the Rethugglikan response to The Goracle's "An Inconvenient Truth" in their film version of
Image "Ted Cruz vs the Obama Administration...."

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Tovarichi wrote:Oleg Akhbar!

This is as it should be . Absolute, mindless devotion to The Cube.

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Comrade Toravici, Would it please you to remember it was the middle eastern fabric weavers, that first fought for transgender equality in this country.

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Many apologies Tovarici,
Spellcheck and cheap vodka have caused me to slur the spelling of your glorious monicker.

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No problem, comrade.

Say, does anyone remember why they moved the May Day parades to July around here?

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Well, come to think of it, I did see a parade of military vehicles a couple weeks ago......

Turns out it was simply the Russians pulling their mobile rocket launchers back over to their side of the Ukrainian border.

It was glorious when Comrade President gave a 'shout out' to Muslim slave traders.

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Norman Achmed Rockwell painted his famous Freedom to Quote the Qur'an piece in 1943, after being inspired by Franklin Hussein Roosevelt's Four Fatwas speech. More true history.
Rockwell Muslim.jpg
I don't know who did this, but it's brilliant.

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Comrade al-Blogunov, what is written on that piece of paper in his pocket?

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I think it's his list of people in the room who have been identified as "Nasara". In a gracious act of tolerance (and here remember that science, women's rights, and tolerance were invented by Muslims while Europe was still in the pit of the Dark Ages) he will allow people to choose conversion, jizya, or beheading. See? There is no compulsion in religion; everybody gets to choose for themselves from this generous smorgasbord of options.

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:
Peace be upon the most equal editorial board.
Praise Allah for the most worthy contribution of Brother Robert Achmed Spencer to the Jihad on infidel history.
Crusader Spencer.jpg
This rendering of Sheik Robert al-Spencer's stint as a Janissary assassin clearly demonstrates his mastery of stealth to further Allah's Cause.