
The People's Mathematics - The most Equal of all Subjects!

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The white nationalists, meddlers into 2016 US Presidential Campaign and KKK members of ancient secret Greek society (including Euclid, and Pythagoras) invented the most unjust, discriminatory subject of all the times – mathematics - to perpetuate discrimination among races across spacetime.

Dr. R. Gutierez recently uncovered the ancient plot that mathematics was designed as an inherently racist subject. These findings were unambiguously confirmed by Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling.

The latest evidence suggests that mathematics maintains hegemonic white supremacy, and oppression over disadvantaged people as it is by definition unjust and grounded in discrimination and inequalities. This generated and continues to perpetuate a profoundly unfair and rigged education system for the privileged ones.

The old math must be banned for the new one to be created. Numbers of the world UNITE in the war against the tyranny of inequality!

From now on the difference and the sum between any two different numbers is the same, equal constant - The People's Konstant!

The People's Konstant is equal to 1000 kcal and is non-discriminatory, equally applicable maximum amount of calories allowed per person per day according to The People's Bill of Rights.

All numbers must be treated equally irrespective of their age, gender, sexualo-political affiliation, or bathroom preferences. Ban the “<” and “>” signs, and replace them with “=” sign!

We also approve a new, non-discriminatory, perfectly equal and fair People's Geometry with the following People's Theorem: in a right triangle the square of the hypotenuse (c) is equal to the square of any other sides (adjacent (a) or opposite (b)). In algebraic notation: c^2=a^2=b^2.

The new, progressive mathematics will erase any differences in test scores as students will only have to learn The People's Konstant and report it during standardized testing. One test, one answer, one grade for all (The People's Perfectly Equal Educational Outcomes Principle).

This is a progressive way to totally eliminate white supremacy, while also producing a flat and fair distribution of grades and educational outcomes across spacetime as People's Fathers envisioned.

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Thank you for your very equal contribution to science, comrade RedOctober - and welcome to the People's Cube. You can now pick your shovel at the toolshed, where our instructor on duty will conduct orientation training.

Now, I must refer you to an earlier discovery of PeopleMath by our very own Marshal Pupovich (who has since passed away).

PeopleMath™: All Numbers Are Equal

I quote:


It is the ultimate math that proves we are all equal. It also provides us with a symbol for "some are more equal than others."

> ≈ <
> ≈ =
< ≈ =

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The very idea of having any formulas at all implies that there are fixed truths. This is both transphobic and phallologocentric. Fie.

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Peer review: What, the heck, is that ^2 in c^2=a^2=b^2 ?
Didn't dead white male Pythagoras clearly say c=a=b?
But (Pythagorean)c=a=b=(RedOctoberian)1000kcal=(Pupovichian)X, anyway. So, Oll Korreck.

P.S. Komrades, I denounce myself! "Pythagoras"? "Pythagorean"???
We know (and it's in the UN Charta): That triangle thing, it was al-Piffa ibn al-Gorra.

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RedDiaperette wrote:The very idea of having any formulas at all [highlight=#ffff00]implies[/highlight] that there are fixed truths. ...
"implies"? something-something "implies"?
We back to Aristotelian phallo-rigidity of binary "certainties"? "(A ⇒ B) ⇒ (non-B ⇒ non-A)"?

Komradette, you certainly meant "may suggest", "ontologically hints", "epistemologically intersectionalizes", and the like?

But.. by Judith Butler!
Here I obviously entangle myself in the, since long totally deconstructed, act of "reasoning"!

Thusly self-desemioticized, I shlep back to our beet field... will try to make 150% norm..
hope my kasha ration not (again!) cut..

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Red Square wrote:Thank you for your very equal contribution to science, comrade RedOctober - and welcome to the People's Cube. You can now pick your shovel at the toolshed, where our instructor on duty will conduct orientation training.

Now, I must refer you to an earlier discovery of PeopleMath by our very own Marshal Pupovich (who has since passed away).

PeopleMath™: All Numbers Are Equal

I quote:


It is the ultimate math that proves we are all equal. It also provides us with a symbol for "some are more equal than others."

> ≈ <
> ≈ =
< ≈ =
Comrade Red Square-

I am glad to learn about Marshal Pupovich's earlier contribution to the People's Mathematics. I note that at least some numbers will definitely be offended when they hear that all numbers are equal!

I propose a more general and non-offensive formulation of the People's Mathematical Laws which is very respectful towards numbers' feelings.

For any two different numbers X, Y (which might be the same, equal numbers) the following laws hold

X+Y=X-Y=X/Y=X*Y=The People's Konstant.

Thus, under our formulation, each number can have its own identity but is treated equally under People's Laws (including Mathematical Laws).

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:Peer review: What, the heck, is that ^2 in c^2=a^2=b^2 ?
Didn't dead white male Pythagoras clearly say c=a=b?
But (Pythagorean)c=a=b=(RedOctoberian)1000kcal=(Pupovichian)X, anyway. So, Oll Korreck.

P.S. Komrades, I denounce myself! "Pythagoras"? "Pythagorean"???
We know (and it's in the UN Charta): That triangle thing, it was al-Piffa ibn al-Gorra.

Komrade Genosse Dummkopf. Thank you for spotting the unjust, discriminatory, and divisive notation (c^2=a^2=b^2 ) as it assumes a specific range of the People's epidermis visible spectrum. c=a=b is absolutely inclusive because it is mysteriously blind. Dead white male Pythagoras? He might be dead but his plot was alive until recently uncovered (as per about Ленин умер, но дело его живёт!)

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Comrade RedSquare,

The People's Math is a most glorious contribution and a major step toward The Glorious World of Next Tuesday ™. Just think of the many Kapitalist disasters that could not happen in The Glorious World of Next Tuesday ™ when the People's Math is used instead of oppressive, unequal, racist math.


Three Mile Island

Unlike the little opski at the People's Nuclear Peace Plant at Chernobyl, where use of the People's Math prevented major loss of life and a public health crisis, thousands of oppressed capitalist workers perished in the carnage of Three Mile Island.


The Tacoma Narrows Bridge

Math that promotes whiteness also promotes bridge collapses. If only this bridge were designed using The People's Math, where all numbers are equal, the bridge would still stand, serving the proletariat of the Left Coast.


St. Francis Dam Collapse

Unequal math causes unequal loss of life.

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--- Intern Party Memo ---

The Pupovichian-RedOctoberian X+Y=X-Y=X/Y=X*Y=The People's Konstant is simply brilliant!

That concept supports full diversity: you (number) may identify as X, or as Y, and even as Z. Yet at the same time, total equality is strongly enforced: all roads lead to TPK, The People's Konstant! But, but ‒ here is a catch.

--- Confidential - For Your Eyes Only ---

We know that nomenklatura ‒ our elite ‒ was, is, and always will be somewhat more equal.

For this, we must extend the Pupovich-RedOctober model by (ta-dah!) The People's KONSTANT.
The more equal KONSTANT overrides (under strict Party control!) the merely equal Konstant.

--- That section read, now rumple it thoroughly, and swallow it (a sip of beet juice helps!) ---

@Comrade Brezhnev :
More equal edificial visions ‒ Kremlin 2.0, UN Palace of The Klimatologist, HRC slammer Presidential Library ‒ will, of course, use The People's KONSTANT.

--- /Intern Party Memo ---

P.S. And an ultimate brainwave: Who says those X, Y, Z, ... can only be numbers?
Wouldn't we approach Next Tuesday™ by decreeing just anything can be said X, or Y, etc.?
Then, the Pupovich-RedOctober formula leads to universal equality, at the same time preserving absolute diversity ‒ be it a number, a gender, a mausoleum, whatever ‒ of everythink!

        Mystery item No. 1

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Genosse Dummkopf - your Alternative Math video is double-Orwellian.

In the first part, a conservative teacher sticks to fixed, absolute standards in the face of liberal feel-good permissiveness and a total rejection of standards. That's Orwell x 1.

In the second part, the school officials, local government, and the mainstream media accuse the teacher of being a liberal activist and an extremist - which implies that her opponents are all conservatives, even despite the obvious fact that they represent the progressivist ideas that are destroying our schools - just like that Gutierez in this topic that called math racist. That's Orwell x 2.

That also explains the confusion in the heads of some good, talented entertainers who mean well, but can't figure out where the real threat to normalcy is coming from. The people who made this video is one example.

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Red Square wrote:... Orwell x 1 ... Orwell x 2 ...
Wow, that's the ticket.

Explains the seeming muddles I sensed (boy's parents rather redneckish than "soccer mom-ish"; and then that TV episode - definitely "Fox News-ish", allusion to Fox & Friends included, rather than CNN/MSNBC-ish). I thought: uh, vid makers shunned - for whatever reason - to consistently portray "prog-mindedness drives all that, from A to Z".

But it's, indeed, Orwell 1+2 :
sie wissen nicht wo ihnen der Kopf steht - they don't know whether they're coming or going.