
KSM's Trial in New York: ACLU's Rendezvous with Destiny

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Turns out, ACLU was instrumental in moving Khalid Sheik Mohammed's trial to New York.

PJ Media wrote:...the ACLU has assembled a “Dream Team” of attorneys with an $8.5 million budget to defend terrorists currently held at Guantanamo. Who's the primary object of the ACLU's affection? Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

As most of our older stories, this one is still relevant:

ACLU Lawyers Volunteer to Get Their Heads Sawed Off

Groupthink wrote:Getting one's head sawed off might seem like reason for concern, but in fact, ACLU lawyers turning themselves over to their Guantanamo clients for this purpose have gone a long way in addressing Taliban dissatisfaction with the camp's amenities like poor wi-fi reception.

USSR and World Trade Towers may have fallen but fifth column stands still.

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I think it would be a good show of faith if the trial were held at the White House. And the "prisoner" should be given nighttime quarters in the guest rooms of various ACLU honchos. Innocent until proven guilty!

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Eric Holder wants to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in civilian courts because he attacked civilians, while the attackers of the USS Cole will be sent to a military tirbunal.

Military courts for attacks on the military, civilian courts for attacks on civilians.

If the next batch of terrorists are clever enough to attack an elementary school they will be tried in juvenile court.

How gloriously fair!

This material was redistributed from this blog, which I here by denounce as a source of rethuglican propoganda: ... le_fo.html

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Look at the plane in that picture, is that really a Passenger Plane? Are those missles on the wings there? This proves Bush did 9-11, it was planned.

Our brave Comrades at the ACLU have no shame, we should be very proud of them. The Un-Holy alliance is still thriving.

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personally I don't see why were tolerating these trials, of course i see the importence of creating a facade of free trials as we clear the names of all these poor misunderstood freedom fighters, but even this is a little extreem. Wouldn't it be better to just pardon them outright and arrest their prosecutors instead? After all if we try them, we can't actually kill them or anything, but if pardon them then we can turn the tables or the right wingers entrenched in the millitary and start a proper show trial, that ends in an executions likes its supposed to.

But maybe I am being old fasion again, if anyone can forge ahead to an age when show trails lead to innocence and not public unpersoning, it would have to be The One.

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I think it's a great idea to set the precedent that we can try terrorists in civil court, especially if Holder follows through on his promise to get a conviction under American civil laws despite the fact that KSM has been waterboarded and subjected to other tortures in clear violation of his civil rights. If Holder can get a conviction based on such tainted evidence, it opens the door for completely trashing all civil rights. All the government has to do is accuse the bitter clingers of being terrorists, arrest, hook up the electrodes to get a confession, and viola: conviction at every show trial of every critic of the Administration.