
'I was for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it'

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The Los Angeles Times has become aware of the reality:

Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out

Pam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.

"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.
You don't say!

I had to make a graphic with that quote. Sparing the feelings of the poor woman, I used the face of a young hipster who might just be an Obama voter.

It was first posted as a comment elsewhere, but a sudden viral popularity of this image on Twitter and Facebook told me it has to be a separate topic.

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Image Redistribution of WEALTH & redistribution of HEALTH pave the way to the Glorious World of NexTuesday ™
I hope Clueless Fearless Leader will dispatch the Hit Squad Reeducation Navigators to Californiastan make the naysayers shovel-ready to ease their concerns.

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Yeah, I read this article, too. Priceless![img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img]It's so nice to be out of Kalifornia and here in Indiana, the Crossroads of the USA.Today I counted about 16 "chemtrails" from jets criss-crossing our city of Indy.Kinda getting cold around here so those pesky chemtrails show up often. Yep!The Crossroads of the USA.Hey Babe, take a walk on the "wild" side (H/T, the late Lou Reed) and suck it up like we all have to because of you. Wake the hell up!
Your pal,Pamalinsky

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To our Glorious Comrade and Chairman of the Party Red Square!!!!

As always, yet another wise decision to help further spread the message to the masses. During routine monitoring of that despicable twitter site, I had also noticed this message is now infiltrating into the reichwing bubble. The fools do not even realize that when viewing the graphic, that subliminal messages are now actually bombarding their pea-brains with pro-party propaganda, such as "If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan."


Your loyal Commodore,

Snoogie Woogums

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I was all for a free Obama phone until I found out I was paying for them . . . I was all for TARP and the bailing out of's, before I found out I was paying for them. Now I find out my grand grand kiddies will be paying to. I am thinking that my thinking might need adjustments.

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Fraulein Frankenfeinstein wrote:I was all for a free Obama phone until I found out I was paying for them . . . I was all for TARP and the bailing out of's, before I found out I was paying for them. Now I find out my grand grand kiddies will be paying to. [highlight=#ffff00]I am thinking that my thinking might need adjustments[/highlight].
Pardon me for questioning my most revered and admired mentoress, but is not "thinking" unauthorized? Or do deserving comrades receive exemptions? In any case, I will certainly avoid same until advised by appropriate authorities that I may indulge.

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RedDiaperette wrote:
Fraulein Frankenfeinstein wrote:I was all for a free Obama phone until I found out I was paying for them . . . I was all for TARP and the bailing out of's, before I found out I was paying for them. Now I find out my grand grand kiddies will be paying to. [highlight=#ffff00]I am thinking that my thinking might need adjustments[/highlight].
Pardon me for questioning my most revered and admired mentoress, but is not "thinking" unauthorized? Or do deserving comrades receive exemptions? In any case, I will certainly avoid same until advised by appropriate authorities that I may indulge.

Oh no, Comrade Diaper! You may think all you like but only what The Party tells you to. Capiche?

These childrens are thinking really hard right now. You see?


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Typical babyboomer Liberal/Socialist!!! They're all for whatever Marxist program du jour in the name of compassion (*snort*), economic justice, social justice, or whatever bullshit they want to use to justify their "Psychological Mastrubation" and "Psuedo Moral Superiority".... So long as it is being paid for by "Other People's Money".

But when they find out that ULTIMATELY they DO HAVE TO PAY FOR IT... well!!!! .... They are shocked and outraged!!! They remind me of Southern Baptists, they're hypocrites. And BTW.... Compassion? Since when did becoming a slave, with the government your slave-owner, mutate into a "compassionate" way to live one's life?


Comrades!!! It's time to round up the "Useful Idiots" and put them up against the wall!!!

HAIL OBAMA - 2016!!!

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Uh oh...appears that the useful idiots are finally starting to catch on. Time to indoctrinate a new crop!

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Red Square,

The subject of your most equal graphical appears to not exceed 26 years of age, which means his mother and his alleged baby-daddy are paying his freight...this.should result in the proper and rightful redistribution of his allowances.

Unless you see it differently.