
Happy May Day!

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Archive photo: May Day 1968, USSR.
(Taken in Lviv, now independent Ukraine)

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That's what people on an important mission always look like.


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KGB Blues Brothers.jpg

Persecuted by the fascist prison-industrial complex, the Catholic Church, and Illinois Nazis, they're on a mission from the KGB to raise the class consciousness of the American proletariat and deliver cheese-wiz to their oppressed comrades. But first, they'll have to dodge an hysterical woman with an AR-15 bent on preventing them from filing for the permits they'll need to put their band back together.

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Red Square wrote:[img]/images/various_uploads/May_Day_Lviv_1968.jpg[/img]

Archive photo: May Day 1968, USSR.
(Taken in Lviv, now independent Ukraine)

I think that angry little child is a shapeshiffter that morphed into the ledgendary Triggleypuff.

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Image Clara - I think this girl is more of kind that would be posting on the People's Cube after she would grow up.

I have no proof, and this is only my inner comrade talking, but based on how this female-identified child is gripping on that stick with air balloons, she is practicing to wield a shovel in her later years.

I will let the kollektive say the name.

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Red Square wrote:Image Clara - I think this girl is more of kind that would be posting on the People's Cube after she would grow up.

I have no proof, and this is only my inner comrade talking, but based on how this female-identified child is gripping on that stick with air balloons, she is practicing to wield a shovel in her later years.

I will let the kollektive say the name.

Ah, yes Komrade Director, I see that now that you have directed me toward the korrect thinking. Much obliged. It was the bacon in her pocket that confused me.

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There should be a Karl Marx dinner comedy roast on May Day just for laughs.

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Comrade Direktor, Pinkie would NEVER be seen in public with wrinkled hose around her knees. Around her ankles, perhaps, but never around the knees.
