
Prog Flip Chart: how to make Trump's stock surge look bad

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We have already published some earlier FLIP™ CHARTS when, right after the November 8th Election, the Historically Unprecedented Fundamental Transformator was feverishly planting his final subversive stink bombs via EPA/UN/whatever:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:... Really, Comrades - you can't say that Uber-Comrade Messiah, our Beloved Lightworker, didn't Fundamentally Transform at least his own League. While simultaneously decreeing a new meaning to "flip chart", as shown below:


Behold a new, freshly baked FLIP™ CHART:

Source - for crying out loud - WaPo (sans FLIP™ of course).

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More chart flipping news! Did you hear that Valerie Jarrett is moving into the Butt Hurt Bunker? The new urban guerrilla stronghold just blocks from the White House where they will run the shadow government to overthrow the Trump Dicktatorship. Apparently Barrack Hussein Obama can't get his pablum into his mouth without her.

So all is not lost. I expect to see great things come out of the Che War Room where I hear they have installed a big exhaust fan to clear out the choom smoke, hot air and other noxious gasses.Image

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I would imagine life at the BHB (Butt Hurt Bunker) is rife with Hitleresque dreams of glorious victories with non-existent Armies. Lacking any detectable positive message for the Americansky Hoi Polloi, perhaps one strategerie would be to allow BHB (Butt Hurt Barry) to continue to lead his phantom Armies straight into oblivion. Dig Comrades, DIG!!

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Kalashnikook, this sounds like that episode from "Downfall".

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... Did you hear that Valerie Jarrett is moving into the Butt Hurt Bunker? ...
sure! :

BTW, the Russian agents who whisper into my head (in parallel to their overseas operations - you know : Trump, Flynn, Sessions, ...), they did really a good job on my brains, right post-election :

Kalorama revisited :

Genosse Dummkopf [color=#ffffff]_[/color][color=#999999]([/color][url=][color=#999999]here[/color][/url][color=#999999])[/color] wrote:... (ok, He will vanish from the whitish mansion built by black slaves, [highlight=#ffff00]but on the same day we will see Him re-emerge in Kalorama, Washington, DC[/highlight], in His two most beloved functions, those of Global Community Organizer and Mellifluous Speechifier of Marxianly Tinged Platitudes.) ...
Genosse Dummkopf [color=#ffffff]_[/color][color=#999999]([/color][url=][color=#999999]here[/color][/url][color=#999999])[/color] wrote:... Then He added [highlight=#ffff00]"We will build a ramp to this road,"[/highlight] and, somewhat mysteriously, "This will ramp-up our progressive drive." As a storm of questions started - where? how? when? - He smiled : [highlight=#ffff00]"I want to say one word to you. Just one word: Kalorama."[/highlight] ...

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:Comrade,

More chart flipping news! Did you hear that Valerie Jarrett is moving into the Butt Hurt Bunker? The new urban guerrilla stronghold just blocks from the White House where they will run the shadow government to overthrow the Trump Dicktatorship. Apparently Barrack Hussein Obama can't get his pablum into his mouth without her.

Since Comrade Jarrett is preparing to re-enter the fray, perhaps I should ask for Cubist opinions on the perennial question: At what point in her evolutionary transformation(¹) is Comrade Jarrett at the present time? 1) upper sequence of 4 pictures, or 2) lower sequence of 4 pictures?

(¹) CLUE


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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:Comrade,

More chart flipping news! Did you hear that Valerie Jarrett is moving into the Butt Hurt Bunker? The new urban guerrilla stronghold just blocks from the White House where they will run the shadow government to overthrow the Trump Dicktatorship. Apparently Barrack Hussein Obama can't get his pablum into his mouth without her.
This is such inspiring news. Why, it reminds me of our beloved FDR and his White House roommate Comrade Harry Hopkins.

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Thank you, Genosse, for upholding our Cubist tradition of flipping charts for the Common Good™!

Become an instant winner by flipping charts upside down


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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... Did you hear that Valerie Jarrett is moving into the Butt Hurt Bunker? ...
sure! :

BTW, the Russian agents who whisper into my head (in parallel to their overseas operations - you know : Trump, Flynn, Sessions, ...), they did really a good job on my brains, right post-election :

Kalorama revisited :

Genosse Dummkopf [color=#ffffff]_[/color][color=#999999]([/color][url=][color=#999999]here[/color][/url][color=#999999])[/color] wrote:... (ok, He will vanish from the whitish mansion built by black slaves, [highlight=#ffff00]but on the same day we will see Him re-emerge in Kalorama, Washington, DC[/highlight], in His two most beloved functions, those of Global Community Organizer and Mellifluous Speechifier of Marxianly Tinged Platitudes.) ...
Genosse Dummkopf [color=#ffffff]_[/color][color=#999999]([/color][url=][color=#999999]here[/color][/url][color=#999999])[/color] wrote:... Then He added [highlight=#ffff00]"We will build a ramp to this road,"[/highlight] and, somewhat mysteriously, "This will ramp-up our progressive drive." As a storm of questions started - where? how? when? - He smiled : [highlight=#ffff00]"I want to say one word to you. Just one word: Kalorama."[/highlight] ...

You most certainly were on top of the reporting of Kalorama BUT we didn't know then what we know now, that the Shadow POTUS that has really been running the country while the pretend POTUS could play golf and vacation, is moving in there too!

Let the traitorous subversive seditious plotting commence against the Trump Dicktattorhood!
This is going to be like watching a poorly written reality show.

Meanwhile back down in the Bathhouse Barry Choom Party room..................
