
Facebook Censors the People's Cube, blocks for 12 hours

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Our Dyke Dynasty picture was becoming viral on Facebook when some caring and sensitive citizen reported it to management. As a result, the picture was removed from the People's Cube page and the People's Album because it violated FB Community Standards.

In addition, The People's Cube was blocked from posting on Facebook for the next 12 hours.

What standard did the image violate? At first we thought it triggered their "Graphic Content" standard with the shockingly disturbing, graphic depiction of Rosie O'Donnell with a beard. Or was it the sinister and painful visual of Rachel Maddow blowing her dyke call?

Upon consideration, however, given the connection to the Duck Dynasty controversy, we figured it had something to do with their Hate Speech standard: "Facebook does not permit hate speech, but distinguishes between serious and humorous speech."

Wait, did that picture represent serious or humorous speech? This reminds me:

Q: How many feminists does it take to distinguish between serious and humorous speech?
A: It's not funny.

Here are three screenshots, in sequence, of what I saw on Facebook when I tried to make another post:

I clicked on "Continue" and saw this:

I chose "No" and clicked on "Continue" again. This is what I saw:


Corporate censors of the world, unite!

The original picture appeared in this post:

A&E spinoffs: Dyke Dynasty, Schmuck Dynasty, Lame Duck...

Apparently, it was a dyke too far...

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Well, aren't they just special?

Reminds me why people on Twitter snicker when you mention Facebook. It's kinda like, "Facebook? D00d, that's SOOOO MySpace!"

FascistBook blocked it for only 12 hours? And no 3am knock on the door? You got off easy, comrade.

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Looks like a group of outspoken LGBT activists quack-quacked some dyke calls to Facebook in order to make you shut your big fat American pie hole.

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There was once a quaint custom of confronting your accuser - but then, anonymous accusations are so much more efficient.

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Thou shalt not take the name of LGT in vain, for this is thy new God and those are the new chosen people….Repeat

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trashmouth wrote:Thou shalt not take the name of LGT in vain, for this is thy new God and those are the new chosen people….Repeat
Indeed, comrade!


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Facebook, in seeking to wield the power of the Force of the Collective against The Peoples Cube by censoring Duck Dynasty satire at the Cube, has become forcebook, an unwittingly self-authored parody of what it, as a free-speech poseur, purports to be. Now it's ready to become the subject of a viral movie titled, "forcebook," written, produced and directed by Mal Ware. ThePeoplesCube.Com's Red Square stars as Captain Red Square. Mark Zuckerberg stars as Dark Helmet. ThePeoplesCube.Com stars as The Peoples Cube. Ann Coulter stars as Princess Vespa. Chris Christie stars as King Rowland. KOOK stars as Barf. Ben Carson stars as Yogurt. Kathleen Sibelius stars as Dot Matrix. Barack Obama stars as President Scroob. Michelle Obama stars as Commanderette Zircon. Joe Biden stars as Prince Valium. Michael Moore stars as Pizza the Hut.

Now that Farcebook has become a sequel to Spaceballs, will there be a sequel to Forcebook? Yes. It will be the Cube Dynasty.


And Lo, the LGBT-feminist alliance spaketh these words

We are LGTB, your god, who leadeth you out of the lands of sexist, homophobic, Fiftiesh, "Father Knows Best"consciousness and into the vale of demographic collapse; you shall speak no Christian beliefs before me

You shall not make for yourself an image of LGBT insensitivity on Facebook or Twitter or all other mediums in cyberspace or earth, nor shall you make mock of them -- for we are a tormented God, punishing the bigots to the third and fourth decade for those who thinketh not as we do, but showering status and career advancement for those who comply

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Repeat offenders will be upgraded to a more relaxing time out chair.


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I hear public shaming is an effective tool.

public shaming copy.jpg

El Presidente wrote:I hear public shaming is an effective tool.

public shaming copy.jpg

Good dog! Good, good dog! Give the good doggie a bone, and another big pile of shit to work with!

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The "D" word, referring to an earthen dam, is considered 'offensive' on farcebook.

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Comrades! The Glorious World of Next Tuesday™ is so close I can smell it's fragrant beet-flavored vodka breath. Pungent yet aromatic. Comrade Square, it is obvious that due to your exalted status in the party, Glorious Leaders™ upcoming 'rights-adjustment™' period needed an acceptance tester. I am here to inform you that you performed a stellar job and will receive extra rations today! The coming purges need to be well orchestrated and, of course, televised on the usual party approved outlets. For instance, Pravda MSNBC will disguise their coverage of the takeover of the bourgeois stooges economy as a quaint visit by Oprah to a proctology simulator to have that bug removed. A thousand laughs filmed in HD AND color!

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Now, this is how I should have made the Dyke Dynasty image to pass the Facebook Community Standards.


The Dick Van Dyke Dynasty

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I wonder if Facebook would consider this page and image "a dyke too far."

SF Dyke March Seeking Help in Organizing for 2013


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Red Square wrote:I wonder if Facebook would consider this page and image "a dyke too far."

SF Dyke March Seeking Help in Organizing for 2013


The simple answer to your question Comrade Square.... No. Facebook would absolutely not consider this outside their terms of service. Does Facebook have a photo of the month award? If so, this pic was likely in the running. Wonderful photography of a extraordinary group of liberal Statists. Fantastic stuff.


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Red Square wrote:I wonder if Facebook would consider this page and image "a dyke too far."

SF Dyke March Seeking Help in Organizing for 2013

My Dear Red Square,

How did you manage not to find this:


This makes it The People's Cube's Coup de Gras episode in the FORCEBOOK Wars:



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KOOK wrote:
Red Square wrote:I wonder if Facebook would consider this page and image "a dyke too far."

SF Dyke March Seeking Help in Organizing for 2013

My Dear Red Square,

How did you manage not to find this:



Image Seems Facebook has some splainin' to do.

User avatar
Are you old enough to remember The Penis Van Lesbian Show?

O the innocent times when you could say that name without all the extra semantic baggage pressing on your brain.


Hmmm... I wonder if Facebalk would censor my "Chicks With Dicks" page...

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Deeyikes!! Looks like FB brought down the hammer and the cycle upon you Comrade! But you being a insensitive "Hetero" you deserved it!

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At the time Elian Gonzales was forcibly removed at gunpoint and sent back to Cuba, I heard this from Mancow Mueller, in one of his parodies of possible films that could be made of this event:

(serious, dramatic, pathos-filled music in the background)

Deep, serious voiceover:
The Elian Gonzales Story, starring:

Haley Joel Osment as Elian
Jennifer Lopez as his hot sister
and, (pregnant pause),
Gary Busey as Janet Reno
Need I say more?

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Greetings Komrades! Remember, some pigs are more equal than others!

Is OK for lesbians to call each other Dyke! Just like the blacks can call each other the "N" word ad nauseam with impunity!

The operative word in "Thoughtcrime", is CRIME! Keep up the fight for "Social Justice!" LULZ

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Welcome to the cube. Respect our womynfolk, mind your manners, and maintain your quota of beets and you'll do fine around here.

Oh, if you see a Kommisarka with a golden shovel, DON"T ask what she's wearing under her babushka...she's sensitive about such things.

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Komrade K, I also welcome you to the Collektive Cube!

Always liked your weaponries, comrade! As pointed out by FPSRussia on YouTube, don't try cooking scrambled eggs and pancakes or making a bacon sundae on and in an American AR-type rifle!

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Welcome KomradeKalashnikov,

It is a pity that our first encounter must come in the nature of a gentle warning. But then, here at The People's Cube we are widely known for our caring and giving nature. It is in this spirit, this spirit of kindly and wholesome encouragement, that I note the following:

Your avatar contains 300% the file size allotment to which you are entitled! Please reduce your file size below the 15.77kB maximum and report back to us no later than tomorrow at this time. (korrected sample attached below)

Captain Craptek

Pixel Equality Team (CCCP)


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So size does matter. Who saw that coming? Certainly not me.
Oh well... I have beets that need weeding.

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Tovarichi wrote:So size does matter. Who saw that coming? Certainly not me.
Oh well... I have beets that need weeding.

Cone of Silence 4.png


What really matters is exercising our progish authoritarianism on newcomers. As a relative newcomer myself, I must practice and improve this skill to further my lust for power to move all personkind Forward!™ to a better tomorrow.

User avatar
Don't be jealous that mine is bigger! Hero of the people deserve extra ration of pixel! I was given extra ration coupons by Komrade Lenin personally!

In interest of kollective peace, I will show goodwill and use my fair share of pixel!

Long live the revolution!

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Callmelennie wrote:And Lo, the LGBT-feminist alliance spaketh these words

We are LGTB, your god, who leadeth you out of the lands of sexist, homophobic, Fiftiesh, "Father Knows Best"consciousness and into the vale of demographic collapse; you shall speak no Christian beliefs before me

You shall not make for yourself an image of LGBT insensitivity on Facebook or Twitter or all other mediums in cyberspace or earth, nor shall you make mock of them -- for we are a tormented God, punishing the bigots to the third and fourth decade for those who thinketh not as we do, but showering status and career advancement for those who comply

Image True enough to scare the pants off of sane folks...

User avatar
Ahhhh, Komrade K - as we all know, progressive pixels go much farther than capitalist pixels, so one doesn't need to use as many. Plus, all pixels belong ultimately to the state, do they not?

Your pixel reduction is appreciated (by squirrels everywhere). Feisty lil' things, but generally best to stay on their good side.


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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Ahhhh, Komrade K - as we all know, progressive pixels go much farther than capitalist pixels, so one doesn't need to use as many. Plus, all pixels belong ultimately to the state, do they not?

Your pixel reduction is appreciated (by squirrels everywhere). Feisty lil' things, but generally best to stay on their good side.
Oh..., how I love the smell of fear in the morning!

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Captain Craptek wrote:
R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Ahhhh, Komrade K - as we all know, progressive pixels go much farther than capitalist pixels, so one doesn't need to use as many. Plus, all pixels belong ultimately to the state, do they not?

Your pixel reduction is appreciated (by squirrels everywhere). Feisty lil' things, but generally best to stay on their good side.
Oh..., how I love the smell of fear in the morning!
And, how I love the smell of coffee in the morning, especially at Starbucks, where I can catch up on the latest happenings in the world. Things like the exact amount of caffeine in my coffee that won't kill me, so I habitually order the "half-caf-latte" as a hedge against my preference for unadterated caffeine espresso. This is my way of "doing the right thing." I know, when ordering this, I am not only helping myself, but others who do not know any better. I know what's best for the "others."

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Ahhhh, Komrade K - as we all know, progressive pixels go much farther than capitalist pixels, so one doesn't need to use as many. Plus, all pixels belong ultimately to the state, do they not?

Your pixel reduction is appreciated (by squirrels everywhere). Feisty lil' things, but generally best to stay on their good side.

The same Squirrel Pack participated in this mayhem:

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BTW, I just checked out, and FACEBOOK is indeed blocking at this moment any pic preview from Cube linked pics.