
Rush Limbaugh Hails the People Cube's Editorial Cartoon

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Attention workers, peasants, and toiling unwashed intelligentsia! On Monday, July 30, 2007 our Party Organ was spotted by Rush Limbaugh, the biggest neo-imperialist criminal capitalist running dog of them all. The notorious author of See I Told You So described our "Founding Fathers" illustration by saying "It's a great, great, great cartoon because this is how libs see America today." See it here: Story #7: Great Editorial Cartoon on the Founding Fathers. He thought it was a parody!


He also referred to our ideology as "liberal." Just to clarify, we are a powerful Party Organ cemented by the most severe Party discipline. Our tight collective tolerates no limp-wrist candy-assed pansy liberals! We are doctors of dictatorship in charge of an outpatient Gulag facility whose mission is to cure weak liberalism with strong communism!

The good news is, we haven't been fully compromised, so heads shall not roll this time. The digital image in Rush's nicotine-stained fingers had not been signed. As a result, instead of referring his right-wing extremist listeners to The People's Cube, the notorious radical truth detector stated, "I don't know who did this, but..."

Indeed, why should it matter who did it? As Lenin used to say, Art belongs to the People™! Megadittoes to that!

Um... did that last thing sound right? Anyway, thank Marx he didn't read the story the picture was meant to illustrate!

Story #7: Great Editorial Cartoon on the Founding Fathers

RUSH: I have a great, great editorial cartoon here. I don't know who did this, but you've seen the painting of the Founding Fathers in Philadelphia at Constitution Hall, drafting the Constitution, discussing it among themselves. Benjamin Franklin is in there, all these guys. "Gentlemen, I just came up with a brilliant conspiracy," says one of the founders to the group. "Why don't we split from the British crown, become founders of a nation that will cause all of the world's wars, crime, corruption, slavery, disease, torture, murder, assassinations, racism, sexism, violence, environmental destruction, cannibalism, and manmade hurricanes for all eternity? That's the kind of country we want."

Benjamin Franklin says, "Yeah, and then steal all their oil."

Another Founder says, "Sounds like a plan."

It's a great, great, great cartoon because this is how libs see America today. It's exactly how they see it.


We have been discovered and interviewed by Mr. Limbaugh live on his show. As a result, so many people logged in to this site that our hosting server melted into a puddle of recyclable precious metals. Click here to see how it went.


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As Comrade Holmes said conservative talk radio gives him "crazy ideas." Those "crazy ideas" are actual thoughts, comrades. I think we are all in agreement that "thinking" is clearly a counter revolutionary activity. It leads to things like free markets, private property, technological advancement, morales, and the barbaric on concept know as "competition." "Competition" leads to a greater barbaric counter revolutionary activities such as curling tournaments.

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The capitalist pig dog lacks the sense to see our founding fathers for what they really were, fascist warmongers after my own heart.

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No, the Founding Fathers were indeed hard Communist. Trust me, we have the documents to back up that they were violent atheist PETA activist who flirted with eco-terrorism among other things. Did I mention that they were all gay as well? Yes, not only were they gay, they also indulged in sexual activities with early Appliance-Americans (Theocritus can back me up on this, he would know).

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We are now coming under the radar of the big fascist kapitalist dogs? Quick! We need more picket signs! More pictures!

And wait! When did we decide that the founding fathers were strong communist? Looking over The Peoples Archives ™, it looked to me that we found out that they were right-winged, neo-fascist, businessmen who owned slaves. Was the current truth updated without my notification?

Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:No, the Founding Fathers were indeed hard Communist.

Chairman, I wish I could agree with your assessment that the Founding Fathers were open minded, progressive and tolerant Communists like ourselves, but I'm not sure. Didn't they protest against taxes?! All true Communists (and liberals) love taxes, for they spread the wealth. But the Founding Fathers dared to question the good natured King George III as he sought their money for the Common Good. What's more, is that if I remember, the Founding Fathers overreacted to taxes in the same fashion the Zionist imperialists overreacted about two of their missing a year ago against Hamas peace activists.

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Ugh... Didn't everyone get the memo this morning? I do recall my secretary (the one I'm sleeping with) sending out a memo to everyone that the Founding Fathers were Communist. <sigh> I think everyone here is missing the point, so allow *me* to refresh everyone on what the point is.

Errhmmm... <hack>.... OK, if *I* say the Founding Fathers were Communist, then by golly the Founding Fathers were (and still are by the power of Lenin) Communist... PERIOD! If I say the sky is green the sky, by my word, is green... PERIOD! If Chairman (*me*) speaketh, then so shall it be written and so it shall become instant truth. This is how things are done, comrades.

Right now textbooks are being amended and the Children are reading the tales of George Washington advocating for a Vegan way of life while fighting the Imperial British Exploiters. Then, the next day, the Children will read about how George Washington was a very bad man and how King George was really George Washington all along. See, it is whatever we say it is and that is all it is. We take crap, place it in a shiny wrapper and call it truth and force the masses to choke on it. That is what we do and each and every one of you should be happy to have such a noble duty to perform.

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Ok, guess Laika forgot to resend the transmission to me. The facts are amended. Fore Fathers = Communist, got it.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:No, the Founding Fathers were indeed hard Communist. Trust me, we have the documents to back up that they were violent atheist PETA activist who flirted with eco-terrorism among other things. Did I mention that they were all gay as well? Yes, not only were they gay, they also indulged in sexual activities with early Appliance-Americans (Theocritus can back me up on this, he would know).


I think we all know that Jeffersons middle name was "Fascist" and that he like to bang his black slaves in the pooper.

If that is not the mark of a true fascist warmonger, I don't know what is.

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That Fascist White Christian Male Neo-Nazi, Warmonger Wound wrote: I think we all know that Jeffersons middle name was "Fascist" and that he like to bang his black slaves in the pooper.

This goes to show that Comrade Jefferson's middle name was "Communist" as he was demonstrating his compassion for the down trodden.

And we all know that the majority of women of color are exceptionally open minded when it pertains to sexuality. This is something that I can personally attest to given my current relationship with an African-American woman. Therefore, I give a hearty Party salute to the late Comrade President Jefferson for his exceptional good taste in women.

Isn't there a small country somewhere in the world that you should be goose-stepping through right now, Warmonger? One with brown skin people that you want to subjugate and exploit? After all, it's what you do best.


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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:No, the Founding Fathers were indeed hard Communist. Trust me, we have the documents to back up that they were violent atheist PETA activist who flirted with eco-terrorism among other things. Did I mention that they were all gay as well? Yes, not only were they gay, they also indulged in sexual activities with early Appliance-Americans (Theocritus can back me up on this, he would know).

Let's get back to the problem at hand, Meow. Which should determining what our response is going to be now that Rush-zilla is on to us.

I know sure fire way to drive Rush-zilla nutz-o! Put a string of Kentucky Fried Chicken buckets filled with extra crispy "white meat" from The Party's™ bunker to Pelosivich's dacha. Once he lumbers and staggers to Comrade Pelosivich's pad, we can fire up some popcorn, sit back and relax, and enjoy the show. I'll bring a fresh batch of Party™ approved margaritas.


Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:Ugh... Didn't everyone get the memo this morning? I do recall my secretary (the one I'm sleeping with) sending out a memo to everyone that the Founding Fathers were Communist.

Sorry Chairman... uhh...the memo got lost in the mail...that's it! Actually, I think I heard that before. Come to think of it, I remember seeing a chant on a blog maintained by some useful idiots prior to the Nov. 7 revolution, "this country was founded by liberals, time to take it back!!" Although the current Party accepted definition of 'liberal' is different then what it was in the 1770s, our faithful revolutionary bloggers were too ignorant to know this.

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I think some idiot sold us out to Rush, comrades. Oh yes, I think we have a saboteur in our midst and I for one will refuse to bathe until this saboteur makes him/her/itself known to the collective!

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:Ugh... Didn't everyone get the memo this morning? I do recall my secretary (the one I'm sleeping with) sending out a memo to everyone that the Founding Fathers were Communist. <sigh> I think everyone here is missing the point, so allow *me* to refresh everyone on what the point is.

[Expletive]! I didn't get the transmission from Laika the Space Dog because tin foil hat was on wrong. I have to find a hot glue gun so my tin foil hat will stay on my turban.

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Nansky, dear, you remember what happened the last time that you refused to bathe? Well, that was the time that you got so shit-faced drunk on Absolut that your dugs were dragging the ground and cooties were crawling up them, and Mr. Reno made Bruno pick them off one by one. He wouldn't oblige me for <i>months</i> after that and I nearly went straight.

Of course now any time that I want to punish him, for, say, when he swallows a bite of food before he springs to get me another drink, I merely unroll a a tattered old air sock and he shrieks and runs from the room, and you haven't seen anything until you've seen a #280 man with a 50" chest shrieking like a five-year-old girl in Space Mountain or seeing My Little Pony sent to the glue factory.

But that wasn't the worst of it. Remember that the effluvium caused all the fruit flies (shut up, Meow) in Texas to come and circle you? The National Weather Service called a tornado, or actually an anticyclone because they were circling from the left.

And Meow, I quite agree that truth is what I say it is, but when I say <b>I</b>, I mean <b>I</b>. I love and respect you, fellow comrade, but after all, truth is defined by <i>Me</i>. And don't you forget it, comrades, or I'll have your pictures cut out of the Soviet encyclopedia.

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If Rush Limbaugh were a womyn I would love to have her over for supper and maybe a movie... a movie with her and me in it. Would you like to be in my movie, Theocritus? Lady Rush and I will need someone to make sure the bath water is warm enough... oh, and also hold the video camera among other things.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Nansky, dear, you remember what happened the last time that you refused to bathe? Well, that was the time that you got so shit-faced drunk on Absolut that your dugs were dragging the ground and cooties were crawling up them, and Mr. Reno made Bruno pick them off one by one. He wouldn't oblige me for <i>months</i> after that and I nearly went straight.

Of course now any time that I want to punish him, for, say, when he swallows a bite of food before he springs to get me another drink, I merely unroll a a tattered old air sock and he shrieks and runs from the room, and you haven't seen anything until you've seen a #280 man with a 50" chest shrieking like a five-year-old girl in Space Mountain or seeing My Little Pony sent to the glue factory.

But that wasn't the worst of it. Remember that the effluvium caused all the fruit flies (shut up, Meow) in Texas to come and circle you? The National Weather Service called a tornado, or actually an anticyclone because they were circling from the left.

And Meow, I quite agree that truth is what I say it is, but when I say <b>I</b>, I mean <b>I</b>. I love and respect you, fellow comrade, but after all, truth is defined by <i>Me</i>. And don't you forget it, comrades, or I'll have your pictures cut out of the Soviet encyclopedia.


If Nancsky refuses to bathe again, I'm hopping on the next plane to Texas and bringing my flame thrower (and I don't mean "Drag Queen". Shut Up, Meow!) with me and hose her down (Shut Up, Meow!).

Now I am confused, Theo. For decades I have had to listen to all of our useful idiots and the other left-leaning pinheads drivel on and on about how truth is relative and how we all define for ourselves what truth is. Certainly you can see how that is oxymoronic times 2 (Shut Up, Meow!).

No, Theo! The Party™ is a collective. Therefore, we put forward our ideas as to what the truth is and the full Politburo will vote to approve or disapprove, if we can ever get Chairman Meow to shut the hell up with all this pontificating he has been on as of late.


WTF is up with you lately? Did Dr. Palimpsest change your meds recently? Do not force The Party™ to order me to drive down there to Richmond, again, to investigate and report back on your "activities". I'm still pissed off at you for the last incident where I had to smooth things over with Comrade Gov. Tim Kaine (S-VA). Just because she did not inform you that she was 14 and the Comrade Governor's daughter is no excuse. Next time check her ID!!! Even "Frog Face" (Sen Jim Webb (S-VA)) called me to beg me to spin the damage control on that and keep it quite. And you know how I hate having to talk to that two-faced, duplicitous, back stabbing, bastard Frog Face.

Zampolit B. S. Blokhayev

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Comrade Zam wrote:I'm still pissed off at you for the last incident where I had to smooth things over with Comrade Gov. Tim Kaine (S-VA). Just because she did not inform you that she was 14 and the Comrade Governor's daughter is no excuse.

Now, now, Comrade Zam, I have apologized on several occasions for that incident and will remind everyone that I was trying to hook up with his wife. Sure, I would have settled for the dog, but unfortunately for me the dog was not interested in a getaway cruise or the advances I was making towards her. Come to think of it, I'm still suffering from the dog bite I received that ill-fated night and deeply regret the whole affair.

Comrade Zam wrote:Even "Frog Face" (Sen Jim Webb (S-VA)) called me to beg me to spin the damage control on that and keep it quite. And you know how I hate having to talk to that two-faced, duplicitous, back stabbing, bastard Frog Face.

Frog face? We can only be so lucky to have Lieutenant Dan as our Senator. Why, we could have gotten stuck with mildly retarded Bob Casey instead! Yes sir, Jim Webb (Born Fighting) is a useful addition to our collective and can help make us look like we are Supportin' the Troops. Jim Webb is my friend and a good pal... Pauline, hold that cue card a little higher, I can't see it the script... OK, good... Where was I, oh yes, Jim Webb is a decorated veteran and blah blah blah he should be President one day.

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Meow, if you start doing dogs, you could get together with Our Many Titted Empress and Mr. Reno, and I will hold the camera. Boy will I hold the camera...Bruno! Bruno! Do you have those air-sickness bags I stole off Our Empress who stole them from Air Force One when she stole the humidor....

I just realized that we could easily hide an emergency meeting of our Friends in Congress at the Madison Square Garden Dog Show, on the purloined-letter effect.

Comrades, I've made a discovery. I've determined that Our Many Titted Empress really does have a soft and cuddly side to her, if you can tell which side is which for one field of cellulite looks much like another, unless you get out the flour. Can you use that with a dog, Meo? A fat dog? A flying fat dog in Air Force One? Shut up Zam. Because Hillary stole the presidential HUMIDOR which was the source for the cigars that Bill stuck in la Lewinsky's snatch.


Where's Jim Carey when you need him? Oh. Probably married. Ask Rock Hudson how <i>that's</i> done.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:... Hillary stole the presidential HUMIDOR which was the source for the cigars that Bill stuck in la Lewinsky's snatch.


Just thought this needed a visual... And I wondered what that movie REALLY was about...


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Odd that he acted better with the mask on. I've found that people act better with them off--and feel much better too. And I missed it too.

But in my professional opinion? He screams.

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Chairman Meow, now sobered up ... again wrote: Sure, I would have settled for the dog, but unfortunately for me the dog was not interested in a getaway cruise or the advances I was making towards her. Come to think of it, I'm still suffering from the dog bite I received that ill-fated night and deeply regret the whole affair.

ARGH!!!! THAT WASN'T THE DOG! It was Chelsea Clinton, you substance abusing perv!!!! Yeah, I know she looks like a cross breed between a Collie and a Pug, but she was have a sleep over at the Comrade Governor's Mansion.

Chairman Meow, now sobered up ... again wrote: Frog face? We can only be so lucky to have Lieutenant Dan as our Senator. Why, we could have gotten stuck with mildly retarded Bob Casey instead! Yes sir, Jim Webb (Born Fighting) is a useful addition to our collective and can help make us look like we are Supportin' the Troops. Jim Webb is my friend and a good pal... Pauline, hold that cue card a little higher, I can't see it the script... OK, good... Where was I, oh yes, Jim Webb is a decorated veteran and blah blah blah he should be President one day.

Now, now, Meow! You do NOT need cue cards to read from to help you express your thoughts on Comrade Senator Jim Webb.

Comrade Sen. Jim Webb (S-VA) (a.k.a. Frog Face) is a man of conviction and principle. As you know ...

*thump* *tumble* *crash* *thud*

Damn it! Nancski is drunk again and she knocked the tele-prompter over. Hold on a sec...

*rattle* *rustle* *thump*

Where was I? Oh.. yeah... As you know those principles and convictions were forged in battle. When he was Secretary of the Navy, it was his strong convictions that made him stab President Reagan in the back. This is the kind of man that The Party™ needs in the U.S. Senate.

I stand shoulder to shoulder with our glorious Comrade Senator (I just do not turn my back on him) in our mutual struggle against capitalism and freedom.


Damn it! The tele-prompter is toasted!


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Did anyone else hear Red on the Excellence in Capitalist Pig Network today?

He REALLY went after the Running Dog Limbaugh...salute!

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S.A.F. Marshal Pravda wrote:Did anyone else hear Red on the Excellence in Capitalist Pig Network today?

He REALLY went after the Running Dog Limbaugh...salute!

No. But for those of who did not hear it, here is the transcript. ... guest.html

Zampolit B. S. Blokhayev

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You know, this could inspire a song from Laika.

To the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies:

Come and listen to a story about a man named Red.
Poor Communist who could barely keep his family feed
And then one day while on the radio
Down to the ground went a Capitalist fool!

Rush Limbaugh, that is.

Capitalist Pig. Anti-Socialist Swine

I have not got the talent like Laika does to do all of this, but you all should get where I am going with this.

To Comrade Red I say: Well done, Comrade!!! Well done!!!! You put that fat capitalist pig right where he belonged!!! Today, Limbaugh!!! Tomorrow, Sean Hannity!!!!!!!!


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Or Bill Bennett. But I have hope that Senator Durbin, one of us, red of tooth and claw, will manage to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine. How can people be expected to be good citizens and comrades if they are inundated with subversive information.

We have Hollywood, we have <i>The New York Times</i>, <i>Newsweek</i> and so many others. Now we must suppress talk radio because of its subversive appeal to Nazi thugs.

And anyway, they say mean things about us. Made Bruno cry.

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At about 2:30 Friday we called the Rush Limbaugh show to straighten a few things out. Our conversation has been transcribed and posted on his EIB site, along with the cartoon and a link to the Cube.


(To clarify, our introduction was a reference to the previous topic where Rush quoted weak liberals who tried to connect the level of taxation to the number and severity of disasters, especially the fallen bridge in Minneapolis. By that logic, the USSR would be the safest country on the planet - which was true only if you believed the state-run media who never spoke of any disasters within the glorious secure borders. They even mentioned the Chernobyl meltdown only two weeks after it happened. )


RUSH: Here is Oleg in Brooklyn. Oleg, I'm glad you waited. I really appreciate your patience. Hello.

CALLER: Yes. Hello. Mega dittos from the motherland, Rush. Motherland, where taxes were high and that's why national disasters never happened. The government withheld 95% of the people's income and that's why in the USSR bridges never fell, levees never broke, and Chernobyl reactors never exploded, if you know what I'm saying.

RUSH: Well, I do, that's very funny, thanks for the call.

CALLER: You're welcome. I now live in America, but I keep the memory of the old country alive on my satirical website which you mentioned on Monday when you referenced what you said was "a great editorial cartoon."

RUSH: It was. This is the one with the Founding Fathers discussing creating a nation --


RUSH: -- of murderers, thugs, tyrants, spreading disease, destroying the planet and all that, and then stealing all the world's oil?

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: That was such a great cartoon, Oleg.

CALLER: Thank you.

RUSH: The satire in that, you know, the great thing about comedy which you captured in that cartoon is that good comedy has to have an element of truth in it, and the element of truth in your cartoon is that there are gobs and loads of Americans who believe that that's what the purpose of this country is, and that we had some corrupt founders that actually set it up. They are actually Americans that believe it, and that's why it was funny.

CALLER: Right. Well, a lot of it on my website is funny. You said that you didn't know who did the cartoon, so I decided to fix that historical mistake because you are the all knowing Maha Rushie.

RUSH: Well, the problem is that somebody sent it to me with just the picture of the cartoon. I have tried to tell people, if you're going to send me something you think I might like, send me the link, so, A, I can say verify it, and, B, put on my website and cite the source. It is something I am constantly having to pound over the heads of my staff. It happens every day. They forget to send links and yours unfortunately was one of those where the link was not sent.

CALLER: That is okay.

RUSH: But we found it for the website.

CALLER: Did you find it?

RUSH: I think we did, I think Koko was looking desperately for it. I was unable to provide any help because the person that sent it to me didn't send the link.

CALLER: Can I say the name of it?

RUSH: Sure. What is the name of your website?

CALLER: It is A lot of people already know about it, but I thought the mention would not hurt. It's a parody site working under the slogan: "Curing weak liberalism with strong communism," it's sort of like a Stalinist version of The Onion.
RUSH: (Laughing.) A Stalinist version of The Onion. (Laughing.) Curing weak liberalism…

CALLER: That cartoon is a sample.

RUSH: Okay, so it's

RUSH: All right, in about 30 seconds, Oleg, your site will be shut down. This audience is making such a mad dash to get to it right now if your server farm is not capable of the load that it's going to get, as a result of your site being broadcast on this program, then it will actually look like a denial of service attack, it really isn't. We shut down websites constantly when they get mentioned on this program. It's not the KGB coming after you, it's not Putin.

CALLER: (Laughing.) Right. We are the party ourselves. On the website, we have our own party, we have our own politburo members, and we have discussions, you know, planning and plotting.

RUSH: This sounds cool. I love satire. I love parody.

CALLER: I know.

RUSH: Especially with people who don't get it. That's the most fun is when they don't get it and they really get upset, really get irritated, really get riled, that's what it's fun, because they eventually will figure it out.

CALLER: Oh, I have a lot of enemies already because of that.

RUSH: You know, learn to take as a measure of success the criticism of your enemies. That is a fundamental thing that people like you in controversial businesses have to learn how to do. Take as a measure of success the hatred, the actual despising of you that they have. Okay, I think I've shaken Oleg up here a little bit. It won't be that bad. It won't be that bad. We've gotta take a brief time-out. Oleg, thanks for the call, is his website, if you can still access it.


The promised server problem is exactly what happened. Before I hung up the site already displayed "Service Temporarily Unavailable" message. I had to call the hosting company and upgrade the account. That helped only a little; the site still is sluggish.

In addition to repeating our URL a few times, Rush included it in his Rush In A Hurry newsletter:

We took a call from the author of that great editorial cartoon on our Founding Fathers that Rush referenced the other day. The call immediately crashed the caller's website The cartoon will be posted on Rush's site when we update.

Perhaps to make sure that our site doesn't recover so easily, Maharushie posted a link to the Cube on the transcript page as well.

This is the Cube's traffic 20 minutes after we spoke. The number of Rush's listeners going to the site literally flattened all the previous data.


And here's the picture 5 hours later. If it goes like this we'll have to switch to a dedicated server!


(The "Most users ever online" number at the bottom of the Groupthink screen is still from last year because that counter only captures the stats from the database pages. The Mother page and a few other static pages that get most visitors do not add to that number, otherwise we'd have over 1,500 concurrent visitors)

3 minutes after hearing about the site today, it was slashdotted.

I love the site, and will submit myself to the nearest reeducation center.

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Dearest shewolf, is only necessary please for you to go to your nearest local neighborhood Karl Marx Treatment Center.

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The Cube really stuck it to Limbaugh, comrades! Face it... we have more power than Kos and soon the slush money and sweetheart deals will come rolling in! Can anyone say Cube Convention '08? I can... I can say Cube Convention '08. I can also say book deals, TV shows, OPRAH!! and Larry King! We are going places, comrades, soon TPC will become a household name and everyone will begin demanding appliance marriages!! THE MONEY! OH THE YUMMY YUMMY MONEY!

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Meow, just think of the money we won't have to spend to buy Larry King.

You cannot hope to bribe nor twist,
The average liber'l journalist.
But when you think what he will do,
Unbribed, there's no occasion to.

Hillaire Belloc is the attribution I've found, well I made a change or two.

I miss Dan Rather. Katie Couric isn't really filling the bill. She's with us, all the way, but that certain je ne sais quoi that Rather had is just gone. A classic line: "If they weren't true, they were true in substance."

The power of that statement. We could use it for blood libels, like Jews eating Christian babies. Utterly untrue of course but when did truth bother us? And we can use this to say anything that we want. Stalin bless Dan Rather.

I intercepted the capitalist cigar smoker's transmission and found my way here. I look forward to knowing the day's truth, and keeping myself abreast of others conspiracies.

That's why the Cube was unavailable Friday afternoon! Ru$h and the capitalists brought down the Peoples' truth. First they carried out an inside job on the bridge in Minnesota, and now they temporarily brought down TPC... how dare they! How dare the Reich wingers deny us our right to plot America's destruction!

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Comrades, we have no choice now but to convert these wayward souls and recruit them to aid The People's cause of spreading progress to the four corners of this hateful and intolerant nation! We must take the brain-dead Rethugs Rush sent us and re-educate them into stringent Communist who will serve The Party for all eternity (yes, eternity. As in... you will be voting the straight Party ticket from now until the end of time).

Arm them, comrades! Arm them with the revolutionary truth that not even Keith Ogremann can thrust upon their muddled little minds! Oh, and be sure to ask them for a campaign contribution. We mustn't disappoint Hillary! WE MUSN'T!

I also intercepted the evil capitalist signals and wish to join the Revolution and serve the Party!

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What a great website you karl marx kooks created!

And I even get to post!!!!!!!

Gosh...I haven't felt this good since the Liberals tried to link the explosion of the Murrah Building to Conservative "Hate" Talk radio.

I'm still looking around your site...Imagine a fat, undisciplined liberal brat kid destroying your house? I feeeeeeeel good!

Congratulations on your exposure. I hope tons of liberals come here and just don't get it!


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Navigator, you fail to realize that we live in a satire-proof age. My unreconstructed conservative friend, whose bank account I'm now "investing" for him, thinks that the Daily Kos is very silly. And he's right; the people there spend all of their time howling about right in America and they draw attention.

While we here at the Cube get on with our business. Dear Lenin was right about useful idiots.

Nansky, I do wish you'd change your avatar; whenever Bruno sees it he goes and whimpers in the corner. This is the worst he's been since Our Many Titted Empress came down to Rancho del Rio Grande along with Mr. Reno and the lights went out. Looking for the short, he saw Hillary and Mr. Reno hooked up to the Hildo Turbo 7.1 and he's never been quite the same since.

Fortunately Senator Mikulski cancelled. I don't think I could have talked him off that ledge.

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Red Square wrote:UPDATE:
RUSH: Especially with people who don't get it. That's the most fun is when they don't get it and they really get upset, really get irritated, really get riled, that's what it's fun, because they eventually will figure it out.

After Bush/Cheney/Rove Co. created Hurricane Katrina and carefully aimed it at New Orleans scoring a direct hit, you ran a piece (can't remember the title right now) where scores of disaffected minority victims of Midwest and Northeast snowstorms were demanding help from FEMA. I forwarded it to a few friends. One person got very irate and forwarded it to his elected representatives. Now I know to label certain things "satire" when I send it to certain people.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Navigator, you fail to realize that we live in a satire-proof age.

The power of the Left is a force to reckon with....but it's a force more like dehabilitating cancer than it is a creative force like growing corn or building a house.

I've yet to find a liberal value that has served America or Americans.

This website exists because of liberal nonsense that has pushed us to the edge where I can see the American Lifestyle I know and love may be no longer.

I've known very few Liberals with a good sense of humor, the ability to satirize, or can communicate their hatred of American values without expletives that burn my construction worker ears.

Satire becomes like chemo......Few will acknowledge their liberal leanings in public...except at the voting booth.

A satire proof age?....yes we do. Insert Fairness Doctrine.

Why are the Liberals on the wrong side of every American.

Yes, America is ruled by the GOP and the Halliburton and evil WASPs, and they cause all pain and poverty in the world. Oh, and the entire mankind is a diseaster for the nature and the biosphere! Comrade Almostpresident Albert Arnold "Al" Gore taught it, so it must be true! Fortunately Middle-Europe(where I live, You know) is almost under the direction of the glorious Working Class! See the ruler parties:
Hungary: Hungarian Socialist Party-THEY ARE OUR PEOPLE!
Slovakia:Direction(Party) – Social Democracy-THEY ARE OUR PEOPLE!
Romania:Traian Băsescu-Huh, his party is rightist, but he is statist enough to love him, I think...
Austria:Social Democratic Party of Austria-THEY ARE OUR PEOPLE!
Serbia: Hmmm the president is leftist(Democratic Party) and the major party is the statist, populist Serbian Radical Party, SO IT IS GOOD!
The only countries, where our Class Revolution has failed:
Slovenia: The major parties are a libertarian and a center-right party. What a pity!
Poland: Ruled by Catholic bigot PIS
Croatia: The major Party is the party of Franjo Tuđman who was the leader of the Croatian War of Independence and it has beat the glorious Yugoslavia. FASCISTS!
Czech Republic: The worst. Ruled by the bourgeois pig Václav Klaus, who is also a Global Warming skeptic. Why don't we estabilish new inquisition again these heretics??? This is needed.
Wel, this is the current situation. More or less, but it's good. But it is not enough. Forward on the road of Lenin, Stalin and Nancy Pelosi! Blame GOP for everything! Workers of the world, unite!

User avatar
Comrades Navigator and Rakoski, I welcome you to the Cube. When I first started, I was merely Theocritus but got a brevet promotion to Commissar Theocritus. It's all in the bloody-mindedness, you know.

Since you live in Mittel Europa you must have been as disgusted as I was when the Rumanians waved American flags for the Bushitler. One high-ranking fellow said that under Ceaucescu their only hope was an invasion by the AmeriKKKans. What a deluded man, for after Nansky Peloski and Our Many Titted Empress Hillary are done with America, we will have a true People's Paradise Here. Pax Americana will become Prison Americana.

And Thoughtcrime will be everywhere. Some things cannot be said in polite company which means that they cannot be debated. Oh. Political Correctness. Sometimes I forget how far we've come.

Well, must go stoke more of the Bush Derangement Syndrome. I just got an infection which required a shot in my ass and it's George's fault, of course. And the sun rose too early. That's George's fault too. And after I do that, I'm having Helen Thomas over for supper. I stole, er, liberated, found, yes, found a huge Georgian silver platter. It's big enough for three roadkill rabbits and a coyote. Helen does so love roadkill.

My only problem is that Bruno just can't stand so many of our friends: Our Many Titted Empress sends him into the closet--really--because he remembers when she rode him wearing jodhpurs, and if you can imagine her ass in jodhpurs, you're talking two times zones. After Mr. Reno came over I was watching a Boris Karloff movie and he went into a fugue. And then there is the time that Nansky got quite drunk and exposed herself.

I just tell him that he has to put up with a lot for the Party. After all, if we get our way, then there will be six billion serfs on earth. What's not to like?

User avatar
Commissar Theocritus wrote:........After all, if we get our way, then there will be six billion serfs on earth. What's not to like?

LOL OMFG LMAOROTF yet again............I've been rolling since I found your webskiesite.

Sorry If my accent is off.....faking pre-Reagan Russia is not something I do with aplomb.

However...since this website is flooded with mirth....I cents I will be forgiven.

Thanks for your welcome to the is and honor, sir!
(If this website had sound....insert clicking sound of goose stepping polished boots .wav file)

I find the Many Titted Emperess to be a vexation indeed!

The only reference that makes sense to me is the biblical Sodom and Gomorra.

Nearly 50% of the American voting population are incapable of connecting two words together to form a sentence.....yet the future of the last free bastion of homo sapiens lies in the balance of their vote!.

The Many Titted Emeress (MTE) appeals to those with a hand out, those who want a hand, those who want a tit, and those who want something for nothing......they give her power by the shear mass of their ignorance.

Surely......Helen Thomas....can smell the stench before seeing the table you have prepared for her?

Dear Comrade:

Well now you've gone and done it. First you create this subversive site, to make fun of and lampoon all that our glorious leaders in politics, academia and the arts stuff down our collective throats, and then you submit to taking credit for it on that fat bastard Rush Limbaugh's radio show? Oh, comrade.

You are hereby ordered to go through a remedial re-indoctrination program at the facility of your choosing: Harvard, NYU, UC-Berkeley, UC-Santa Cruz, UC-Irvine, SFSU, or Columbia. Defiance of this directive will only bring more server meltdowns and further ostracization from the collective.

Comrade JonQuixote

User avatar
Worth dying thinks!

Commissar Theocritus has scored a bullseye.

User avatar
Comrades, since this is in camera, I shall reveal the true plan.

No one can have an independent thought. Everyone should look to others to see what he can do for others. If it upsets others, it cannot be done. If we see someone who does not follow the party line, he must be eliminated, or cast into outer darkness, say with the Fairness Doctrine. That's the first step to those concentration camps, you know. How I do love a good thoughtcrime.

Since no one is permitted to think, no one has a sense of himself, and no one can stand and say, "I will not put up with this!" Conformity is all.

But of course someone has to decide what the pure doctrine is, and I'm the only one. Punchenko (Meow) is a dear and good friend of mine, but he doesn't know that as he pursues his young life, I'm doing my best to undermine him. And Our Many Titted Empress can, I think, be brought into line. Hillarycare was brilliant and ought to keep her occupied. It would have course killed medical invention in the world but we don't care about that; if there had been a dollar more in controlling buggy whips she'd have gone for that.

Well, maybe not. It's so damned <i>satisfying</i> to have life-and-death control over people.

User avatar
Take "Rush", drop the "h" and add "sian". What do you get: "Russian". I always knew he'd find his inner comrade!

Hammering a bold, new sickle in the Forge of the Revolution™,

--Dr. P.

User avatar
Dr. you go from strength to strength. Will you join Dr. Farrakhan in numerology next? There is much to be said for it, you know. As there is with anything that proves nothing.

User avatar
I heard from my contacts that the Cube has taken on the Kapitalist Warmonger Rush. I see from the couters and the hard-to-access webpages that the website is booming. Congrates Comrade Red Square! Welcome all new Cubist, may your re-edukation go quickly.

User avatar
Dr. P.,
You lost me comrade.
Drop this, add that, toss and refrigerate for an hour........

Mr. Al (End Of The World Nutcase) Gore

In this case...add an L. Then what?

User avatar
Red, yes, welcome to all but let's not forget that there is seniority here in the Politburo. People need to pay their dues, of course.

Er, I only joined in October of 2006 so that, no, I'm a good progressive and so anything that I want is what will happen. My view of the world is entirely solipsistic.

User avatar
I agree Commissar Theocritus. We must make sure that we keep our seniority in check. I have not been here that long either, but I have worked hard for my current position, remember? (toward the bottom)

Others must show their sacrfice and devotion to the party as well, just as we have.

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Until the more senior members turn their back.

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See the statistics above. My brother heard the last bit in his car, and paid close attention because he knows of my double life.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Until the more senior members turn their back.

Ah, but this is what sucking up and making yourself useful is for. What? You think that I stay on the Chairman's heels and get him meats that he thinks that are rare just because I like him? No, I could care even less for that %#$@! You can be sure, that as soon as he slips up good, I will be there to get out of it what--- oh! Hi Chairman! We were just talking about your total splendiness. By the way, would you like some more of that rare delicate rat meat?

User avatar
You couldn't possibly walk a day in my plush velvet slippers, Comrade Red Fox! It is far too hard to do absolutely nothing and get paid for it! Someday, someday soon, you will find yourself in a windowless office somewhere in a basement shuffling through papers and smoking cheap prole cigarettes... it will be then you will sit in your crickety falling apart chair and pat yourself on the back. Yes, you will feel a sense of accomplishment at that moment knowing that you have offed at least a couple hundred people to get that windowless office. Yeah, it is far from what I have or accomplished to make my way here today, but all the same it is a start and someday you will have that windowless office. Until then you can fetch me another latte and call Me Ling up to see if my cleaning is ready yet. Oh, and stop by the bakery and pick me up some of those delicious cookies as well. You know, the ones I like with the sprinkles.

User avatar
Chairman! I have missed you. And Red, where have you been? I have been indoctrinating the newbie commies on another thread.

Bruno...has that damned Ron Perelman come up with that special shampoo? You know, the one that the CIA did some research on when it was exploring mind control with LSD? These louts are getting really tedious with their jumped up ideas of their own importance, and that crap about plush velvet slippers. He'll be happy to have WWI army boots. He'll be happy to have feet to wear them on. I don't know what I'm going to do about others' solipsism because I know for a fact that when I shut my eyes, the world goes away. Everything in the universe is in my head which is fine. I am large. Damn I like that Froggie king.

I'm tired. Wake me in two hours. Oh. You can't. You won't exist until I wake up. Don't bother. Oh. You can't. Never mind.

User avatar
Commissar Theocritus wrote:And Red, where have you been? I have been indoctrinating the newbie commies on another thread.

Where?! Where?! <runs through The Cude clicking frantikly> I want to help endoctrinate the unreedukated masses!

User avatar
Always remember the catechism we tell them

Commissar Theocritus wrote:It's all for someone else. You are nothing. That's why you have no self-esteem. But the reason you have no self-esteem is because people are keeping you down. And you need to do something about that. And the Party can help you with your life. Remember, you <b>need</b> the Party. Without the party you are nothing. Your existence depends on the Party.

The Party loves you. The Party cares for you, and you alone. Because you're <i>special</i>, one of the Little People™. You belong to us, dear, and you always will, from womb to tomb, whenever that is. And we'll keep you very healthy and without worry as long as you are strong and can work.

User avatar
Yes Theocritus, the party's message, bold and true <begins tearing>.

Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:You couldn't possibly walk a day in my plush velvet slippers, Comrade Red Fox! It is far too hard to do absolutely nothing and get paid for it! Someday, someday soon, you will find yourself in a windowless office somewhere in a basement shuffling through papers and smoking cheap prole cigarettes... it will be then you will sit in your crickety falling apart chair and pat yourself on the back. Yes, you will feel a sense of accomplishment at that moment knowing that you have offed at least a couple hundred people to get that windowless office. Yeah, it is far from what I have or accomplished to make my way here today, but all the same it is a start and someday you will have that windowless office. Until then you can fetch me another latte and call Me Ling up to see if my cleaning is ready yet. Oh, and stop by the bakery and pick me up some of those delicious cookies as well. You know, the ones I like with the sprinkles.

I see that you have edited your post Chairman. It is of much lighter tone, have you taken another senstivity course at the college?

And fine! I can pick up your #@$%@! cookies, just as long as I do not have to take you to the cleaners again. I got sick for a week on the those steaks.

User avatar
Wait until you have to give a pedicure to Our Many Titted Empress. Poor Bruno wouldn't speak for a week. And when OMTE needed further service, I had to get out the cattle prod.

"Bruno, I don't care. It's our Hillary here. She says she's got zits in her stippled cellulite-rich ass, so she does. She's never told a lie, has she?....zzzzzaappp....zzzzaaaaappp...You'll stop laughing now? Good. Now get to it."

And Comrade Red Fox, did not Meow give you the good steaks? He has them made from white, Republican children raised on Trust Funds.

Dr. Amin was flown in to consult on the sauce. He decided, after a while, that a barbecue sauce would be best, and of the three versions, he prefers the Texas one for he says it brings out the flavor of meat raised on money.

Hello my fellow comarades. While the imperialist pig Limbaugh may have smeared this organization in front of the infernal EIB (eons of imperialist bastards) network, without his work I would not have heard of this most glorious organization. Even as they try to destroy us the capitalists only further our cause. Viva la revolucion and all that.

User avatar
I edited my post because I Care™, Comrade Red Fox. I also slashed your tires, pooped in your living room, pissed in your pool, threw your TV into a full bath tub (with your turtle pokey soaking in it) and had your kids thrown out of private school all because I Care™. Now get your ass to the cleaners before I do some more caring for you, Foxy.

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woody89ster -

Welcome to the Party, comrade. Your zeal has been noticed. The Party is right behind you. Watching. Closely. Very closely.

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Comrade Woody (who can expect a promotion soon with his kind of thinking) wrote:Viva la revolucion and all that.

Now that is the kind of thinking I like! Instead of saying "Viva la revolucion and the bloody purges, showtrials, trips to the gulags, festering corpses of suspected enemies, mass graves, starving populations, secret police bed checks, Janet Reno in a hot tub of her own BO and Hillary laughing in the faces of crying children", Comrade Woody instead opted to use "and all that" to carefully conceal all the wonderful things I have just mentioned from being known to the average AmeriKKKan idiot! Gold stars all around! A++! EXCELLENT WORK, COMRADE WOODY AND WELCOME! We need careful thinking these days... careful thinking that will bring us to absolute power.

User avatar
Meow, you have hit on something. I think that I shall issue a Party Directive that whenever someone commits a thoughtcrime, we shall merely make him sit on the naughty chair. Which was of course the one used by Torquemada, built of iron with a fire under the seat.

Woody, welcome from me too to the Cube. With your evident zeal, you will go far. Why not get right to it? Are you free to go on the shooting of the next Michael Moore movie? It is called Washington and proves that George Washington caused the crucifixion of Christ, the black plague, Pompeii, and Britney Spears. And if George Washington had never lived, then the world would be a free, egalitarian place of fiefdoms, serfs, theocracies, anarchy, despotisms, and poverty--our wet dream.

For the fools who buy into it. Me, I want the Krystal. Bruno! Where is that damned champagne? And Woody, you have a standing invitation to Rancho del Rio Grande del Teocrito anytime you want to use it and I'll make sure it's well sluiced out if Our Many Titted Empress Hillary has been there recently.

User avatar
Commissar Theocritus wrote: And Comrade Red Fox, did not Meow give you the good steaks? He has them made from white, Republican children raised on Trust Funds.

No Theocritus, remember that deal that I and the Chairman made where I would vote for Cindy Sheehan? That is the last time that I ever make a deal with the Chairman. I mean, I was totally honorable in that deal, then I found out how cheap the Chairman is. I still am paying that littering fine for trying to float my yacht.

Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:I edited my post because I Care™, Comrade Red Fox. I also slashed your tires, pooped in your living room, pissed in your pool, threw your TV into a full bath tub (with your turtle pokey soaking in it) and had your kids thrown out of private school all because I Care™. Now get your ass to the cleaners before I do some more caring for you, Foxy.

YOU! YOU! YOU! Oh! Look Chairman! Video cameras for CNN! Smile Chairman!

…Yes, we members of the party are very close, just like a family. Why, that is why the Chairman is here. After he heard that some white Christian terrorist trashed my place, he could not wait to some help me clean it up. The man- how gracious he is- has also told me that he will personally pay to keep my children in private school until their graduation, at which point the government will take care of their college.

What's that? Chairman! Wolf Blitzer would like to do a follow up series on you to see how the kids are doing in time! He plans on calling it; "The Chairman Cares".

woody89ster wrote:Hello my fellow comarades. While the imperialist pig Limbaugh may have smeared this organization in front of the infernal EIB (eons of imperialist bastards) network, without his work I would not have heard of this most glorious organization. Even as they try to destroy us the capitalists only further our cause. Viva la revolucion and all that.

Welcome Comrade woody89ster, always good to have another Little Person ™ to ste-- I mean, help us in our cause. The party shall reward you comrade, with your own shovel.

User avatar
Commissar Theocritus wrote:Dr. you go from strength to strength. Will you join Dr. Farrakhan in numerology next? There is much to be said for it, you know. As there is with anything that proves nothing.

Insightful Commissar,

I was thinking about phrenology, but numerology also piques my interest. Proving "nothing" is the essence of postmodernism -- the world is ultimately meaningless, but humans have an inconquerable urge to impose meaning upon it. Why should one person's meaning be any better than the other's -- unless it's The Party's, of course.

Nowhere is erehwon, or vise versa. It's all up to your subjectivist perspective. Alternative modes of inquiry should be considered equally valid if not superior to hidebound, modernist empiricism, which is the product of a reactionary meta-narrative designed to oppress the proletariat and reinforce capitalist hegemony.

Diving for The Truth™ with The Red Runes of Progress™,

Dr. P

LOL!!! I'm new to this site as a result of Rush mentioning it. I can tell that I need to read for a while to get properly re-educated! I must begin my re-education at once!


User avatar
Commissar Theocritus wrote:Until the more senior members turn their back.

I heard that, Commissar.

<img src= ... age21s.jpg width=300>
(Perhaps you should use this as your inner comrade avatar, Commissar?)

You new comrades, come on in! You'll have lots of fun. We like you.

<img src= ... age20s.jpg width=350>

Red Primer for Children and Diplomats

User avatar
Mega Cubes to Red Square

To Red Square I say "Mega Cubes" for duping the top Capitalist Lackey a.k.a. Rush Limbaugh into unwittingly enshrining you on Mount Rushmore for your clever, triple-agent impersonation of a satirist in exposing the Founding Fathers' diabolical plan to set in motion a process to ultimately subject the entire world to the tyranny of individualism. Non-God Bess the Collective.

User avatar
Thank You Kommisar of Fatwas!!! And welcome to The Cube™. Here you will find that it is not necessary to say "Non-God Bess[sic] the Collective". Since The Party™ is a godless (except for Islam-ists) apparatus, we say "Lenin Bless the Collective". Islam-ists are given a special dispensation since they, like our useful idiots in the Democratic Party and their P.R. Dept. (CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.), work with us in our endeavors towards the destruction of Western civilization.

Please also note that we strongly support wealth redistribution. Therefore, give me all of your money! We tax everyone at a 100% tax rate. It is for The Common Good™, comrade! But mostly, it is for The Children™.

AlGore Ahkhbar!!!

Zampolit Boris Sukavich Blokhayev
Grand Inquisitor for the Reformed Church of Latter Day Climatology
Politburo Member and The Party's™ Kommissar of Margaritas.

User avatar
Oh, Red! I'm so sorry I missed it!!!! I usually listen to Rush on Fridays but had a doctor appointment. (It is so important to monitor enemy's transmissions, no?). Spacebo for printing transcript.

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To Comrade Zampolit Blokhayev:

Thank you for pointing out my deviation from the progressive line. However, on further reflection, I'm hereby urging party members to modernize the blessing by substituting for "Lenin" the currently living embodiment of the still-dead spirit of Che: HITGO, a video about whom is at (or, for those preferring to increase traffic for the progressive forces of Google aka Gorgle, at ). All hail the progressivism of Google/Gorgle: .
Kommisar of Fatwas-- especially the WorkPlace Fatwa at or .

User avatar
Dr. P. wrote:I was thinking about phrenology, but numerology also piques my interest. Proving "nothing" is the essence of postmodernism -- the world is ultimately meaningless, but humans have an inconquerable urge to impose meaning upon it. Why should one person's meaning be any better than the other's -- unless it's The Party's, of course.

Nowhere is erehwon, or vise versa. It's all up to your subjectivist perspective. Alternative modes of inquiry should be considered equally valid if not superior to hidebound, modernist empiricism, which is the product of a reactionary meta-narrative designed to oppress the proletariat and reinforce capitalist hegemony.

While I was laboring under the last of my education in mathematics at Rice, before I realized that I could merely force people to do that for me, and should have majored in political science and psychology, I learned the simplest of things of logic. If I recall, falsehood cannot imply truth. Ah, but it can, it is <i>our</i> truth. Whether the truth is true is quite beside the point; anything which seems to be a chink in the dyke will be either papered over or shot. These things are easy to take care of. After all, if you have enough money you never have to be mugged by reality. Ask dear Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, the founder of that progressive <a href="">Daily Kos</a>. And look at some of the people. James Earl Carter! What a hero! That man could find Adid when no one else could. I think he's great even if his mother said that she loved all her children but didn't like all of them.

But I quite agree that empiricism must be done away with. Those pesky facts. But since not all decisions are made by empiricism and yet some decisions made without empiricism actually do work, then that shows that empiricism is not needed for a good decision. The requirement for making a good decision is that the person making the decision has a stick big enough to make the decision stick. I do.

Zampolit wrote:Please also note that we strongly support wealth redistribution. Therefore, give me all of your money! We tax everyone at a 100% tax rate. It is for The Common Good™, comrade! But mostly, it is for The Children™.

Commissar of Fatwas, this utter confiscation of your money, er, requirement that you purge yourself of bourgeois attachments to material things, is only a temporary thing. Just before the French election Meow and I made a deal with Chirac, who knew he might go in jail, and he got the Mona Lisa and I have all those wonderful paintings that that de Medici woman brought with her from Florence. We gave Mr. Reno the headless, armless Victory at the top of the stairs because Mr. Reno frightens anyone with a head, even a marble one.

Also, Dr. P., there is something to be said for phrenology, but cannot we extend it to the entire body? We could measure, for example, a suspect's body and then adjust it to suit us on the rack.

User avatar
Comrade Otis wrote:
Commissar Theocritus wrote:Until the more senior members turn their back.

I heard that, Commissar.

<img src= ... age21s.jpg width=300>
(Perhaps you should use this as your inner comrade avatar, Commissar?)

You new comrades, come on in! You'll have lots of fun. We like you.

Red Primer for Children and Diplomats

Comrade Otis, why have you been keeping this important piece of literature to yourself? This should be required reading to all new recruits from the EIB (Evil Incorrect Broadcasting) program.

User avatar
<img src= ... age21s.jpg width=300>
Great find, Comrade Otis. "Happiness is a warm gun," as John Lenin so eloquently put it; that is to say, the gun of a Party Official planted in the back of a potential thought-criminal.

User avatar
<img src= ... age21s.jpg width=300>

Thanks for bringing up my favorite picture in the series. It captures the spirit of the Party's Inner Circle (PIC™) like nothing else. O the vigilance, the dedication, the loyalty to the Party!

I remembered this image while watching the latest Democrat presidential debates. Perhaps superimposing the faces of Obama, Hillary, Kucinich, and the rest of them on these dedicated apparatchiks would not be too big of a stretch.

User avatar
Commissar Theocritus wrote:
Also, Dr. P., there is something to be said for phrenology, but cannot we extend it to the entire body? We could measure, for example, a suspect's body and then adjust it to suit us on the rack.

Or should we just follow the model of Procrustes and make everyone fit our one-size-fits-all rack?

User avatar
Red Square wrote:Perhaps superimposing the faces of Obama, Hillary, Kucinich, and the rest of them on these dedicated apparatchiks would not be too big of a stretch.

Now that would make a great political cartoon.