
'Leave Barack Alone!' Kos Meltdown on CNN

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ImageImageAlthough Obama's camp claims that the money was returned as soon as they became aware of the illegal nature of these donations, interviews with two of the donors contradict such assertions. "We did not receive any money back," said Monir Edwan, reaching for his AK 47 automatic rifle.

Markos Moulitsas, the founder of the completely balanced and level-headed mainstream blog, The Daily Kos, broke down in tears during a CNN interview yesterday, exclaiming, "Leave Barack alone!" The dramatic moment occurred while discussing the latest scandal involving the Obama campaign's illegal acceptance of large donations from Palestinians residing in the Gaza strip.

Moulitsas went on to claim that the scandal was a setup designed to "make Obama look bad," just like the earlier allegation concerning Obama's "stinky feet" was a right-wing plot to make Obama smell bad - all tricks from the same dirty Republican playbook.

"How dare anyone out there make fun of Obama after all he's been through? He's a HUMAN!" Markos wailed as he wiped what seemed to be mascara from his eyes.

"The snoring that Michelle Obama hears, we have reason to suspect that this is a recording piped into the room," Moulitsas said, curling his lip. "We had our former Homeland Security expert analyze a tape of the snoring and we believe that voice data will prove that this is actually the snoring of Karl Rove."

During a commercial break Moulitsas was given a warm towel and led away in a big silky robe.

He continues to blog.

Fullov Bolshevik
Does comrade Markos always look so gay (not that there's anything wrong with that)? I think some conservative hater must have doctored the photo.

Comrade Markos just wanted to look his best for the interview.

The mascara and the hair are part of an effort to accentuate the B. Hussein Obama commemorative thong he's wearing, in honor of His Excellency's November victory.

How dare these "journalists" question His Excellency's use of donations from the Palestinians! Is he not a citizen of the world? Is he not a champion of freedom fighters, anywhere in the world? The Palestinians are fighting the Zionist Israelis to regain their land that was stolen from them by the cursed Jews. When His Excellency is sworn in as POTUS, his first order of business will be to give the Palestinians a shipment of C4, detonators and vests. That way these brave freedom fighters can rehearse carrying out their explosive exploits at their friends houses in order to be successful. They could have block partys to train the children™ to be more effective freedom fighters.

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All good komrade should support komrade Obamanov in pursuit of goal to become new fearless leader.


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Fullov Bolshevik wrote:Does comrade Markos always look so gay (not that there's anything wrong with that)? I think some conservative hater must have doctored the photo.

It wrong to deprive republic of your work just so you can do sex unless producing more workers is your duty. No matter what have sex with!

Comrade Markos could apply for peoples gender reassignment surgery if not for maximum lifetime allotment of "once".

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Of course once glorious peoples revolution comes to the imperialist Amerikans, comrade Markos usefulness to the party will come to an end and he will have to be given an ice pick...

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Backdoor Trotsky wrote: ...and he will have to be given an ice pick...

You mean...


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I seem to detect a bit of cynicism and defeatism, not to mention condescension, in some of the above comments. Comrades, we cannot tolerate such thought in the diverse and all-embracing World of Next Tuesday. Comrade Markos is a fellow traveller and must be respected (at least, as Backdoor Trotsky points out, until he is given the traditional retirement gift of a gold-plated ice pick and the thanks of the Party). And what he is pointing out is absolutely true. There has been far too much questioning of the revealed wisdom of His Obamaness. If His Obamaness says that the seas shall rise no more, that there will be no more sickness, no more want, no more war, or that the moon is made of fresh goat droppings, IT IS NOT OUR PLACE TO ASK HOW! His Obamaness said it, we believe it, and that settles it!

If His Obamaness received campaign donations from terrorist organizations, who are we to question the "rightness" or "wrongness" of these donations or their acceptance? Isn't that projecting Eurocentric ethical values, and more importantly, questioning the integrity of The Lightworker Himself? As if there can BE any question as to the ethics and morals of a being who transcends race and nation, creed and class! The obvious race-hatred exhibited by CNN for even addressing this situation should be sufficient to warrant pulling their broadcasting license. Why don't they just adopt the blatant lie of "Fair and Balanced" from Faux News and be done with it?

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I know those tears.
Its like when the septic system backs up.


A "Blivet":
10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.

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It is in best interest of Party to keep Emos in closet or secluded camps. The under edukated proles are easily alarmed Image by displays of submissiveness and temper and discussions of personal hygiene.

Emos are never to be trusted with information about secret allies and donations, for it is bound to flow out with the mascara at slightest poke from adversaries. Old policy restricting Emos to marching band, tailoring and palace maintenance was making good sense.

User avatar
Comrade Betinov, am I detecting something akin to adoration of the magi from you?
You are aware that this exhibition of your religious fervor for the Obama runs contrary to the teachings of central commitee?
The Obama is not to be least til we have him stuffed and waxed and put behind glass next to Lenin in the Kremlin.
Be careful comrade we may have to denounce you as a religious zealot and enemy of the soviet.
Remember comrade, we have an ice pick lying around here for you too.

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"Backdoor Trotsky," eh? Did you get that name because you were standing back of the door when they handed out the brains, Trotsky? It has been clearly established as incontrovertible Party doctrine that the Lightworker, His Obamaness IS in fact a special spiritual being sent from the realms of light to lead us to a better, nay, perfect society. May I direct your limited attention span to the following Cube articles?





You yourself might want to be careful waving around your little ice pick, comrade. You never know when it might become lodged in some painfully private orifice just when you think it's pointed toward a member of the inner party.

User avatar
Everyone should......."LEAVE BARACK ALONE!"

Seriously, like, you know, it's not like, Barack ever wanted to call himself king or something like that.....oh wait, he did????

While a student in the late 1970s, Barack Obama carved his name in the pavement outside the cafeteria of Punahou School.

Whatever, Barack has a strong communist lineage, that should be included when one correctly judges him. For instance, his poet/friend/father-figure FMD (Frank Marshall Davis) inspired great, correct thoughts into the young Barry-mind. For instance...

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

Obama, in his book, "Dreams From My Father," refers to him (FMD) repeatedly as just "Frank."

"Frank and his old Black Power dashiki self" -- the black communist writer now considered by some to be in the same category of prominence as Maya Angelou and Alice Walker -- gave him advice before he left for Occidental College in 1979 at the age of 18.

Obama writes in "Dreams," that he saw his mentor, the communist Frank Marshall Davis, only a few days before he left for Occidental College, and that Davis seemed as radical as ever.

Davis called college, "An advanced degree in compromise" and warned Obama not to forget his "people" and not to "start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that shit."

Yeah, fuck that American way and all that shit, LEAVE BARACK ALONE!<mstheme>

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These peaceful Palestinians are only trying to protect themselves from the evil Zionist aggressors. ITS THE JOOOZ DUMMY!

The Ummah can only be accomplished after the killing of all the evil joooz, and complete destruction of Israel. This is when the true peace of Islam will shine. ImamObama (PBUH) knows this.

The Holy Quran says: “You [Muslims] are the best nation brought out for Mankind, commanding what is righteous and forbidding what is wrong

So their you have it.......

I can lie witness.. His Holiness B Hussein O's (PBUH) feet do not stink.
Image Trinity United Church Of Christ (ImamObama pictured third row)

Nor does his behind.

I am Sheik Abu Ibn Ali Moham son of Fakhr

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Emos moaning "leave Barack alone" are not appreciating effective and clever methods at work. Obama regime is perfecting art of interacting with proletariat while avoiding enemy press agents. From bunker in Honolulu ingenious communications are crafted, using latest technology:

- ... ma-vp.html

Alert commissars are busy documenting methods for future how-to pamphlets for Party dummies:

[HIGHLIGHT=#ffffff] [/HIGHLIGHT][HIGHLIGHT=#c00000][HIGHLIGHT=#ffffff]... I do notice that by using this hip new form of making a major political announcement, Senator Obama avoids holding a press conference, thereby avoiding any chance he might be asked any question he does not want to answer.

This is consistent with Senator Obama's approach to openness. He rents a football stadium but will not call for a genuine roll call vote with Senator Clinton's name in nomination. He will text message anybody with a cell phone but he will not make himself available to reporters.

These are not democratic methods. They more closely resemble the techniques historically used by fascists determined to control and manipulate public opinion while at the same time ralllying public support or insisting on shows of them.


Komerad Obamavich has proven that his hatred for capitalism and his longing for socialist equality has made him the most unAmerican candidate in the upcoming capitalist-pig election. In light of this conclusion, the proletariat must rally around Obamavich and attempt to push him forward. The people's baking union has decided to have a bake sale for Obamavich. They are also making and selling borst and selling bottles of vodka. All money from these sales will go toward the Obamavich campaign.
Mr. Obamavich will be making a speech to the democratic socialist convention in one week. He has proclaimed that anyone not attending and clapping maniacally will be brought out of the stadium and remitted to re-education camps. Those who do not succumb satisfactorily to re-education will be made to listen endlessly to Obamavich reading "the Night Before Christmas" wihout the benefit of using a TelePrompter. His 'ahs' and 'uhs' and mumbling will drive a sane person mad.

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Those "ahs" and "uhs" are actually on the teleprompter. They help to make Obamavich seem more human. Besides, we all know that he would never make an oratorical error if it was not on purpose.
P.S. Now that I have posted on the cube my history teacher will allow me to score above a "C!" Huzzah!

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The secret agents of George W. Bush are at wok. They force me to post a second message, and when I go to delete/edit it, it says that no such message exists. Clearly a plot by the forces of conservative evil to soil my reputation.

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The secret agents of George W. Bush are at wok. They force me to post a second message, and when I go to delete/edit it, it says that no such message exists. Clearly a plot by the forces of conservative evil to soil my reputation.

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The secret agents of George W. Bush are at wok.

Well of course they are. The arch-criminal is attending the Olympic Games in Beijing.

Excuse please Comrades. This Markos Moulitsas is boy or girl? Telling is hard. Trying I am cross eyed. Oi!

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Urili Pizmeov wrote:Excuse please Comrades. This Markos Moulitsas is boy or girl? Telling is hard. Trying I am cross eyed. Oi!

In the glorious socialist world after next Tuesday, that will not really matter. Will it?

Zampolit Boris Sukavich Blokhayev
Commissar, 1st Chief Directorate of The Party™ Approved Margarita™ Research and Operations
Grand Inquisitor for the Reformed Church of Latter-Day Climatology (The Goremons)

Einignossen MarKos is no longer a member of the Party. The sniggering in the capitalist running dogs is insufficient to disturb their aim or logical facilities, but is distracting from True Party members work.


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Comrades!!! I am shocked!! Disgusted I am!! How dare they? I go to the Daily Kos link to see the latest news, and what am I greeted with? I who have done so much for the Party? A shameless blackmail for yet more ca$h!

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If you use ad blocking software while viewing Daily Kos, you're getting all the benefits of our site but we're not getting any of the advertisement revenue associated with your visits. This site relies on ad revenue for daily operations: a decrease in the number of ads seen means a decrease in the funding available to run the site, to pay those that work on it, and to create improved site features.

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In the glorious world of Next Tuesday they will not be shackled in the chains of capitalism, forced to grovel at the feet of their master, the consumer, for their daily bread. The bread will be seized by the righteous vanguard of the People and freely redistributed to these deserving servants of the state.

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Comrades, I have some sad news. When Bruno saw the picture of Mark M., he shrieked, "Look at <i>her</i>. I can't <i>believe</i> she goes out like that. And <i>what</i> queen doesn't know about waterproof mascara these days? You'd think she's never sat through a Bette Davis movie."

I had to kill him.

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Comrades! Breaking News! It appears that the Obama Striking Out At Hillary Superdelegates! Glorious news indeed! On the other hand, this could be one of those bitter God fearing, gun toting racist McCain followers. But he was in a blue truck.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:Comrades! Breaking News! It appears that the Obama Striking Out At Hillary Superdelegates! Glorious news indeed! On the other hand, this could be one of those bitter God fearing, gun toting racist McCain followers. But he was in a blue truck.

It is good to see that the Obamessiah is taking a page right out of the Clintons' playbook.


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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Comrades, I have some sad news. When Bruno saw the picture of Mark M., he shrieked, "Look at <i>her</i>. I can't <i>believe</i> she goes out like that. And <i>what</i> queen doesn't know about waterproof mascara these days? You'd think she's never sat through a Bette Davis movie."

I had to kill him.

Theocritus, say it ain't so! I know you've mentioned before that you wanted to end it with Bruno, but I didn't think you meant you wanted to--well, end it end it!

If you use ad blocking software while viewing Daily Kos, you're getting all the benefits of our site but we're not getting any of the advertisement revenue associated with your visits. This site relies on ad revenue for daily operations: a decrease in the number of ads seen means a decrease in the funding available to run the site, to pay those that work on it, and to create improved site features.

So what does this mean? Every time I roll my eyes at "Why Mommy Is a Democrat" or wonder if it's a beheading offense for a Muslim girl to click on "Find Your Dream Muslim Hunk Here", Red Square gets to eat for another day?

Pupovich, I think Congress should vote immediately in favor of a federal bailout for Daily Kos. They are the only safe place left in a oppressed, depressed, suppressed America where true Progressives--true believers in Hope and Change and Audacity and a brand new beautiful world of tomorrow (I'm starting to sound like the 1938 World's Fair) can safely gather to exchange ideas and engage in thoughtful, meaningful, civil debate and positive, free discourse. And if we can get Kucinich or Conyers or one of those other cuckoos to tack on a rider for articles of impeachment, we'll be sitting pretty.

A national treasure and a great iconic tradition like Daily Kos shouldn't have to rely on the imperialist free market to keep them going. What better proof do we need, Comrades, than this to know that capitalism simply doesn't work?

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:I had to kill him.

WHAT THE HELL??? NO!!!! NO!!! Nooooooooo.....!!!

Bruno is/was a shining example of how sensitive and open minded The Party™ is towards the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered community. His/Her/Its example strengthened our inflated sense of how compassionate and morally superior we are.

Start CPR now!!!

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Zampolit, not knowing of what he speaks wrote:Bruno is/was a shining example of how sensitive and open minded The Party™ is towards the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered community.

Bruno is (note the tense) a silly, eye-rolling queen, a monster of vanity, with an IQ of 70 and an attention span of 2 seconds unless it's for gossip or self-adornment. I keep him around to remind myself of Silly Eye-Rolling Queen vote. SERQs are loud, mouthy, dedicated, vicious, and aggressive--all that aggressive in-your-face male testosterone with a woman's ability to remember and hold a grudge.

In other words, perfect Progressives.

And Pinkie, I did try to kill him but not through normal means. I said, "Bruno, you've noticed that long hair is coming back?"


"And you can't see it but you're getting a bald spot."

He screamed and passed out and quit breathing. But knowing that we do need the SERQ vote for the Progressive world of Next Tuesday, I flicked a Horchow catalog under his nose and brought him around. It was a close thing, but I finished resuscitation by saying, "Bruno! Bruno! The Restoration Hardware website has a new design. Don't you want to see it?"

He was as happy as a magpie with a new piece of colored tinfoil.

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Backdoor Trotsky wrote:Comrade Betinov, am I detecting something akin to adoration of the magi from you?
You are aware that this exhibition of your religious fervor for the Obama runs contrary to the teachings of central commitee?
The Obama is not to be least til we have him stuffed and waxed and put behind glass next to Lenin in the Kremlin.
Be careful comrade we may have to denounce you as a religious zealot and enemy of the soviet.
Remember comrade, we have an ice pick lying around here for you too.

It is clear as beet vodka why you earned your ice axe Comrade Trotsky. It is good that our #5 Baton Rougegrad Ice Axe Factory has exceeded it's 5 Year Plan and now only await the People's Transportation Ministry to distribute the order. Keep an ear open Comrade.

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Comrade Trotsky.... how good to see you again Comrade. How was your vacation in Mexico? I heard you had a bit of a head cold but one of the local physicians had cured that.

Me Bad Comrades.... this is what I get for "outsourcing" a job. But not to worry, now that our "Comrade" is back, it is but a matter of time.

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Is unbelievable that good propagandist, pardon for bad thinking, meant to say "people's journalist and Party appratchik" Moulitsas would ever show capitalist emotion while on State Television.

Still, is at least good he is not in Red Air Force. Would be bad for morale if he were.

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Welcome to the collective Comrade MiG Pilot. Clearly you have been off on a mission for a long time given the model of your MiG, and things change, so I am afraid you will need to take a refresher course at the Karl Marx Re-Education Center.

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MiG Pilot, Pupovich is telling you that nothing you do will be good enough until you realize that it and then you don't care because we don't.

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Don't care Commissar? Tell that to the millions who have successfully graduated from the KMRC, Don't care? Tell that to the apparatchik's at the KMRC responsible to make sure they meet their daily quota. Then have you considered the late model MiG he flys? Have you considered that he may have been one of those traitors that flew their jets over to the imperialists years ago, and now has been released back with their aged jets that no longer interest the imperialists? We must get his confession from the KMRC.

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Let's let Pinkie whack him on the head with her shovel.

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That is all I ask Commissar, a preliminary examination to make sure he is but a heroic peopls's pilot that has been out for a long time.... it is just the age of his jet that raises alarm bells.

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Hold the phones...

That prissy prig Markos is asking that ads NOT be blocked?
That azzhole is attempting to use capitalism as a way to support his site that
espouses socialism and communism?
What a turd.

I want a subscription to the KOS!
I think others that can afford the subscription, many subscriptions, should finance the less fortunate of us who can't. It's our RIGHT to read that drivel. It's intellectual property and that is PUBLIC PROPERTY!

I say we start "Communists for Kos Subscriptions" and DEMAND that the masses get a fair shake at reading such glorious screeds.

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BigFurHat, I quite agree. And I also steal all of my music and copy DVDs too--in true Progressive Fashion. After all, it's the Progressive way. No sense in saying that iTunes has lots of money. I recall

Big bugs have little bugs
On their backs to bite 'em.
Little bugs have littler bugs
And so on, ad infinitum.

Meaning, of course that I'm supreme.

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Sheik Abu Moham wrote: Image Trinity United Church Of Christ (ImamObama pictured third row)


Riding bicycles is so progressive. And just look at the size of that bicycle rack.

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He would make a great morale raiser among my gulagites. Please send him to Gulag 12 in Eastern Siberia. Comrade Pelosi would bestow GUM shopping rights on me for improved production and quota meeting.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:Comrades!!! I am shocked!! Disgusted I am!! How dare they? I go to the Daily Kos link to see the latest news, and what am I greeted with? I who have done so much for the Party? A shameless blackmail for yet more ca$h!

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If you use ad blocking software while viewing Daily Kos, you're getting all the benefits of our site but we're not getting any of the advertisement revenue associated with your visits. This site relies on ad revenue for daily operations: a decrease in the number of ads seen means a decrease in the funding available to run the site, to pay those that work on it, and to create improved site features.

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Disgusting Kapitalist Pigs!

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Beelzebob Brown wrote:
Sheik Abu Moham wrote: Image Trinity United Church Of Christ (ImamObama pictured third row)


Riding bicycles is so progressive. And just look at the size of that bicycle rack.
Park it!

User avatar
BigFurHat wrote:Hold the phones...

That prissy prig Markos is asking that ads NOT be blocked?
That azzhole is attempting to use capitalism as a way to support his site that
espouses socialism and communism?
What a turd.

I want a subscription to the KOS!
I think others that can afford the subscription, many subscriptions, should finance the less fortunate of us who can't. It's our RIGHT to read that drivel. It's intellectual property and that is PUBLIC PROPERTY!

I say we start "Communists for Kos Subscriptions" and DEMAND that the masses get a fair shake at reading such glorious screeds.
Indeed! Where is the Equality!?!According to the excommunicated Eric Bell this KOS website has "millions" of visits a day, and like Michael Moore this Markos is eating all the profits.... without a bit of "spreading the wealth around". I am livid with disgust for these Kapitalist Infidels!

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:Bruno is (note the tense) a silly, eye-rolling queen, a monster of vanity, with an IQ of 70 and an attention span of 2 seconds unless it's for gossip or self-adornment. I keep him around to remind myself of Silly Eye-Rolling Queen vote. SERQs are loud, mouthy, dedicated, vicious, and aggressive--all that aggressive in-your-face male testosterone with a woman's ability to remember and hold a grudge.

In other words, perfect Progressives..

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These messages brought to by SMO for Peace™, a progressive initiative to find Common Ground in The People's Business.

Carry on comrades!

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Red Rooster wrote:These messages brought to by SMO for Peace™, a progressive initiative to find Common Ground in The People's Business.

Carry on comrades!

The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.

Or to quote someone else:
This is private correspondence and may not be used on websites or in any other public forum. eMail: Respect It.

Colour me informed.

All the best,
Sister Massively Opiated