
America Takes Off Gloves, Puts on Brass Knuckles

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The United States has often been called, directly or indirectly, the most brutal, repressive, and rapacious empire ever to place its yoke on the shoulders of humanity. But today, in an alarming policy shift that has the world recoiling in horror, the Bush administration, fed up with its critics, announced that America will immediately begin to live up to its unflattering, media-driven image.

ImageIranian President Ahmadinejad: "We've always called the USA the Great Satan. But for them to go ahead and start acting like one is way out of line. Will there ever be a limit to America's insolence?"

ImageMany progressive college professors, trial lawyers, and radical political activists were rudely awakened before sunrise and shipped off to secret thought-reconditioning facilities in the Red states.

ImageMichael Moore, secured to a chair that prevents him from closing his eyes, is forced to watch as Morgan Spurlock consumes huge portions of fast food before him. Image
ImageCUBA OR BUST! Hollywood's Baldwin, Robbins, Penn, Clooney, Sheen, Streisand, and Sarandon are among hundreds set adrift off the coast of Florida on makeshift rafts, which Donald Rumsfeld has sarcastically dubbed "the flotilla of fools."

ImageAir America Radio crew, including Franken and Garofalo are sailing with more comfort than others on a pimped-up truck stolen from an orphanage for blind children.

ImageHours after the reinstatement of the Alien and Sedition Acts, reports began coming in that nearly every Democrat member of the House and Senate and a few moderate Republicans were missing without explanation. Sources close to Senators Kennedy, Reid, and Biden, as well as Representatives Pelosi and McDermott, say that these politicians and their staffers were awoken, in the pre-dawn hours, by the sound of government agents kicking in their doors. We have since confirmed that the Bush administration has established a new gulag for legislators of dubious loyalty at Heart Mountain, Wyoming, the site of a WWII-era Japanese-American internment camp. A guard at the political detention center was overheard as saying that Sen. Dick Durbin, upon seeing his spartan quarters, screamed, "Please, God, no, I wanna be transferred to G'itmo! I want my own prayer blanket!"
"We're damned if we do and damned if we don't," a stone-faced Vice President Dick Cheney snarled at a morning press conference. "For decades, this nation has been falsely accused of committing just about every atrocity imaginable."

"You punks wanna see some real imperialism? Well you're gonna get it," roared the Vice President at the hushed journalists. "We have initiated Phase One of a strategy of global 'Shock & Awe' that will transform America into the social, cultural, political, religious, and economic behemoth that its detractors, both foreign and domestic, claim it to be. Watch America as it takes the gloves off and puts on a shiny pair of brass knuckles. We're going to implement every freakin' Hollywood scenario that depicts this country as an immoral and corrupt superpower, no matter how far-fetched the plot line is, as long as it scares the living hell out of the ordinary citizens of the world."

"We'll begin by shutting down all US bases located in so-called 'old Europe,'" Cheney continued, as deadpan as ever in his delivery. "The 69,000 troops currently stationed there will be redeployed to the Middle East, where they will be joined by another 76,000 soldiers, who are being withdrawn from South Korea due to the ingratitude of its government and people. Screw South Korea, there's no oil there! The combined forces will help to protect our soon-to-be-established American-Arabian Oil Colony that'll encompass all of Iraq's and Kuwait's major oil fields, pipelines, and the transportation routes needed to get the crude to port. Our thirst for fossil fuel also demands that Saudi Arabia and Venezuela pay us tribute in the form of 'black gold' - or it's cruise missile and B-2 time!"

Following Dick Cheney's speech, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice issued an ultimatum to the governments of Syria, Sudan, and several African countries, insisting that they "cede to the American Empire the territory specified on the maps provided or suffer dire consequences." Asked what the consequences might be, Ms. Rice said, "You know, the usual: devastating air strikes, perhaps followed by ground invasions. We don't care what condition the land is in when we get it, we'll use it for dumping nuclear and industrial waste anyway."

The reaction on Wall Street has been mixed thus far - but the news that the Justice Department has greenlighted the merger of several Fortune 500 companies into one mega-corporation, The Walliburton Group, has worked investors into a frenzy. The market also reacted favorably to the administration's decision to privatize the torturing of captured terrorists by allowing a company called Black Sites Interrogators, Inc. to start selling franchises.


In other financial news, spokespeople from various government departments announced that the income tax will be eliminated on all households earning over $82,000.00 per year and that blanket pardons will be issued for all CEOs previously convicted on corruption charges. Furthermore, the US is suspending aid to every Third World country currently receiving American subsidies and calling in all foreign debts, except from Israel. Treasury officials estimate that cutting off foreign aid, alone, will save the federal coffers billions of dollars a year, thus justifying the tax cuts for the rich.

In another dramatic development, the Border Patrol has deputized members of the anti-immigrant organization known as "The Minute Men," instructing them to press captured illegal aliens into service as forced laborers for erecting a colossal border fortification mockingly dubbed "The Great Wall of America." The hapless immigrants will also be made to construct the Taj Mahalaburton palace for the Bush family in Crawford, Texas.


Mexican President Vicente Fox has attempted to appeal to the UN, calling for a resolution denouncing US border policy, only to find out that, as of this morning, the National Guard has seized the UN headquarters in New York City. All foreign diplomats, delegates, and employees have been given the choice to swear an oath of allegiance to the American empire or be imprisoned in the basement and force-fed copies of their own anti-American resolutions.

We will try to keep you informed as events warrant, but there is no telling how the news will be reported in the US in the near future, since the Joint Chiefs have issued an order whereby "any member of the media who reports an unfavorable story may be considered an enemy combatant not subject to the protections of the Geneva Conventions or imperial law." This effectively declares an open season on journalists who refuse to toe the party line. With the exception of the ultra-rightwing FoxNews, all news agencies are preparing to leave Iraq immediately. Here at home we expect martial law to be declared at any minute.


F.M. Rommel
It is about time you amerikans started to use your power to its full potential.

Thank you, propaganda department, for this marvelous piece of honest reporting! What a wonderful Non-Descript Non-Religious Holidays present!

I'm bullish on both The Walliburton Group and Black Sites Interrogators, Inc. stocks. Buy now, in mass quantities, or we'll make you later!

User avatar
This just in:

Robert Greenwald (director of Outfoxed and Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices) is being held in the room next door to Michael Moore at the reeducation center. There, he is being subjected to an onslaught of nonstop FoxNews shows, each guest hosted by Wal-Mart's trademark, rollback smiley face.

Image "Wal-Mart Loves You Mr. Greenwald!"

Village -Useful- Idiot
Dr. W. S. Palimpsest wrote:This just in:

Robert Greenwald (director of Outfoxed and Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices) is being held in the room next door to Michael Moore at the reeducation center. There, he is being subjected to an onslaught of nonstop FoxNews shows, each guest hosted by Wal-Mart's trademark, rollback smiley face.

Image "Wal-Mart Loves You Mr. Greenwald!"

No doubt - Hal I. Burton and R. Limbaugh- have set their evil rightwing conspirators to the opeartion of this center of torture!

who cares?
Guys, rolling on the floor, laughing!!!

Comrade WhoCares,

Dialectically speaking, your rhetorical question "Who cares?" used to make sense in the ages that preceded Historical Materialism. But since the rise of Scientific Marxism this question finally received an answer that thousands of generations of the oppressed masses had been longing for. "Who cares? The Party cares, comrade!"

Is it permissible, then, to ask such question? Only as a cheer as used by cheerleaders, or a chant during spontaneous street protests, as in this example:

The Party Organizer: "Who Cares?"
Progressicve Masses: "The Party cares!"

(repeated ad infinitum - or ad nauseam - whichever comes first)

- Comrade Red Eye

User avatar
Based on a few email inquiries we feel the need for the following disclosure:

The only Photoshopped illustrations that we did for this story are that of the Clockwork Orange Michael Moore and the red-eyed Dick Durbin. The others, including the one at the top, mostly come from the covers of Der Spiegel (The Mirror), a magazine in FRG. Being so big on international socialism, our West German Kameraden (aka Partei Genossen) at Der Spiegel surely won't mind us lifting their work in a truly collectivist fashion.

The image that says "Parking Lot Development Corp." came from an unmarked site. We hereby salute the anonymous author and award him with Laika the Space Dog decoration and the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.


dissident agitator #96
brought a tear to my eye...

and many laughs...

always joyous to see Germany judge others...

while they remain completely distorted in their views...

waiting until the EU provides Saddam with the Nobel Award...

Chairman Meow
The GDR is obviously alive and well! Government handouts and half a work year has surely demoralized the German capitalist into total blind obedience in our progressive ways. If only we have taken this mode of demoralizing the German people sooner we could have seen the whole of Europe under the protective watch of the great red Soviet motherland. Praise Comrade Schroder and his socialist utopia!!!

Studs Merkel
Ich schwere bei Gott der terrorist we released last week had nothing to do with the hostage being released at the same time in Iraq!
Gar nichts!

Linkin Park Brigade
It's about time the cowboy gangsters of the USA got their comeupance!

If it was only true - at least the part of dim-witted Hollywood personalities set adrift in leaky boats and the internment of the equally dim-witted Democratic congerss critters.

Well at least the Bu$h admini$tration is finally telling the truth about its goals!

Lol, great post guys!


America!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!

I knew the horrible corporate Little Eichmanns were planning to take over the whole world. All of us reasonable hippies and socialist must band together to form a giants drum circle. After we have gathered enough brave freedom fighters, we can have a giant music festival. That will show the corporate fat cats!!!!!!

Che Baabaabooie

Comrade Alexei
Hey, no fair! I want a Laika the Space Dog decoration, too!!

Architectural Digest
Excerpt from an article appearing in the latest issue of Architectural Digest:

When asked if the new Bush Family Palace, the Taj Mahalaburton, would be patterned after the world-renowned Taj Mahal of India, the incurious cowboy President replied, "Heck no, son, we're gonna build us a replica of the one in Atlantic City."


User avatar
How dare the United States live up to our lies!

Corporate Insider
Rumor has it that $.$. Halliburton is on the shortlist to become the CEO of The Walliburton Group.

who cares? wrote:Guys, rolling on the floor, laughing!!!

Comrade WhoCares,

Dialectically speaking, your rhetorical question "Who cares?" used to make sense in the ages that preceded Historical Materialism. But since the rise of Scientific Marxism this question finally received an answer that thousands of generations of the oppressed masses had been longing for. "Who cares? The Party cares, comrade!"

Is it permissible, then, to ask such question? Only as a cheer as used by cheerleaders, or a chant during spontaneous street protests, as in this example:

The Party Organizer: "Who Cares?"
Progressive Masses: "The Party cares!"

(repeated ad infinitum - or ad nauseam - whichever comes first)

- Comrade Red Eye

Comrade Red Eye,

Your point being taken seriously, dialectically speaking (being in denial of denial is not being in denial, or something to that effect), Party Cares Forever,

so my best wishes you all have a great New Year party and keep going with da mission in the next year!

P.S. You could get rid of red eye with capitalistic photoshop.

As a German, I can tell you that the perception of the USA is (unfortunately) not very different in Germany.

Anyway, it's a great post. :D

The Champ
LOL, thats hilarious. Only thing I would have changed is after Cheney makes the announcement, he begins beating the members of the press club with a 2x4.

Yeah, good thing this never happened. Instead we just tortured a few detainees, wiretapped political opponents, and continued to claim victory in Iraq.

User avatar
Instead we just tortured a few detainees

Oh, come on. What we did to them was nothing close to torture! It was more like an all expense paid vacation to a place where they interrupt yelling at you for your 5x daily prayer towards Mecca with their very only Koran brought to them by a man wearing white gloves! They even get 3 meals a day when most of them have never even had 2 in one day before they were taken to those "torture camps".

Now if we really wanted to torture them, then we would dip all our bullets in pig fat like the British did when they faced the same problem in their days of "world domination".

User avatar
TD wrote:Yeah, good thing this never happened. Instead we just tortured a few detainees, wiretapped political opponents, and continued to claim victory in Iraq.

Congratulations, Comrade TD! Your studies in Advanced Progressive Rhetoric and Sophistry seem to be progressing well. I do have one minor bone to pick with your statement, however. Instead of using the word "detainees" to refer to the aggrieved parties whom the Bush administration unfairly calls "captured terrorists", the Party prefers that you employ the following more politically correct designation: illegally incarcerated freedom fighters. That small transgression aside, the Party does approve of your use of "political opponents" as a euphemism for domestic Islamist radicals who enjoy chatting with known terrorists overseas. Surely, these law-abiding folks want nothing more than to pursue their goals, peacefully, through the democratic process. Right?