
Trump gets Massive Bump from Joe Biden’s Convention!

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This has to be the first time in history that the OTHER candidate got a bump from the opponents convention.

Trump - Biden.jpg

President Donald Trump got a massive bump from Joe Biden's convention… YUP, Trump got a 10-Point lead with Independents!


Just when you think things couldn't get worse for the Dems, after that horrific and low-rated convention, the polls come out — and if the Dems are standing on a ledge ready to jump right now, they will be soon.

As you know, it's customary for the candidate who accepts the nomination at their convention to see a nice bump in the polls.

Voters get jazzed and excited and feel positive after a week or so of political festivities and the candidate usually sees a 4-7 point bump.

Sleepy Creepy Dementia Joe and his team of radical communist handlers put on such a ghastly convention, filled with promises of freebies for illegal aliens (while Americans are out of work), open borders (while we're fighting off this God-forsaken pandemic), and celebrating these communist terrorists (they call them “peaceful protesters) who are burning. down cities and beating innocent Americans in the streets.

Not to mention, they're also touting defunding the police and ICE as well.

It's complete anarchy. How on earth do these people think this type of platform appeals to middle-class America?

The Dems are literally running a political platform for people with blue hair and nose rings…and the polls show it.

CBS News/ YouGov poll

* Post DNC Among Independents: Trump 47% (+10) Biden 37%

CBS poll before DNC

* Trump 45% (+5) Biden 40% *CBS poll party split: 41.6% Dem/30.2% GOP D+11.4

Those Independent numbers are not good for Democrats.

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Comrades, it now looks like white supremacists Richard Spencer has just endorsed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.....yes, Joe and Hoe! Comrades, Mr. Spencer has finally come home to the original bastion of hate, KKK, and white privilege.....the glorious original party of social change.... .......the Democrat Party....the more "Competent" racist party

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Joe has quite a record to run on...I would add a 4th accomplishment here. Biden/Obama was so bad that a guy like Donald Trump suddenly was attractive enough to be elected President. Thanks Obama!!


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Image FLATUS Emeritus Moo seems to have gotten a massive bump too...

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... and now this:

courtesy of (freshly baked!) Not The Bee.

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