
Religion of Peace tries to blow up Portland tree lighting

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In the Tolerant™, Diverse™ and Progressive™ Commune of Portland, Oregon a noble practitioner of the Religion of Pieces Peace™ attempted to detonate a car bomb at a celebration honoring the oppressive Christian "holiday" of Christmas. This legitimate protest against capitalist excess, and decadent Western celebrations was disrupted by rogue FBI agents who provided a van full of non explosive materials.

It is expected that as soon as his lower lip heals, our Dear Leader, Chairman Obama will be issuing an apology to the oppressed religious minority, and the imprisonment of the rogue FBI agents.

Full story here.

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I DENOUNCE THE NOSY ROGUE FBI AGENT FOR SPOILING ALL THE CELEBRATORY FUN!! Who would not want to enjoy a few Christmas tree fireworks, I ask?!!

very humorouly written. I give it 4 stars.

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This poor man was picked out of a crowd and taken into custody. There he was, minding his own business, and trying to peacefully set off a van bomb. A Van holds more explosives than a car.

What part of peacefully does the FIB not understand?

There was peace before the bomb went off, and certainly would have more peace within an hour following.

What is more peaceful than the dead body of an Infidel? Tell me!

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A most disturbing post Thanks-for-nothing Giving holiday development. I long for the days when the practioners of the Religion of Peace™ were given their rightfull place in Bill Clinton's Affirmative Action for Terrorists Freedom Fighters™ program, where they went to the front of the line to learn to crash planes into the imperialists buildings. Now, they are treated like criminals - Damn that Bush!!

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:I DENOUNCE THE NOSY ROGUE FBI AGENT FOR SPOILING ALL THE CELEBRATORY FUN!! Who would not want to enjoy a few Christmas tree fireworks, I ask?!! Image very humorouly written. I give it 4 stars.
Yes! I'm back like Michelle Obama for a third helping of dessert! Errr ahh thank you for your kind words Comrade. It is nice to know my humble efforts are read by other members of the Collective.

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There was nothing in this story defaming Islam. For all we know he was a Unitarian. Because of their ecumenical stance they have adopted shouting Allah Akbar, naming their children Mohamed, as well as interpretive dance. We would ask for your disgression and not jump to any unfounded conclusions.

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Mohamed Osman Mohamud

Groucho, I believe you are most correct.....there is no reason to suspect that this guy was a believer in Islam.
[highlight=#ffffff]None whatsoever.[/highlight]

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Comrade Tooorisky wrote:Comrades,

What is more peaceful than the dead body of an Infidel? Tell me!
A headless Infidel? A Red Mist Infidel (sooooooo peaceful!)? An Infidel Flattened by falling Debris? A Genital-less womyn? A Dead Joo? An Exploded Toddler? A Sodomized Donkey (you know he wanted it)? So much peace in so many peices!