
Obama Progressive-History Project Corrects Tea-Party Lies.

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Obama Progressive-History Project Corrects Tea-Party Lies.

An exclusive photograph (found by the Peeples Journalist) shows Progressive Henry (previously known as "Patrick Henry" until the Obama Campaign's recent ground-breaking unearthing of new history) making his most-famous speech: "Gimme Largesse or Gimme Distributions." Despite his quite ugly countenance, Progressive Henry was (and remains) one of history's greatest orators.

Only recently -- thanks to the ground-breaking findings of President Obama's 2012 Campaign in its quest to update and modernize the data displayed on all websites for all previous Presidents of the United States as well as all other Important Historical Figures have the toiling masses had the opportunity to unlearn the blatantly false, "Give me liberty or give me death" Tea-Party version of the history of Henry's greatest speech and to learn instead the most-stirring lines of the truly progressive nature of the speech he really gave, which climaxed with "Gimme Largesse or Gimme Distributions." It's now established that he spoke those memorable lines in the Courtyard of St. Barack's Parrish in Richmond, Illinois.

Likewise, Winsome Churchill (previously known incorrectly as "Winston Churchill" until the Obama Campaign's recent ground-breaking unearthing of new archaeological evidence in Londonistan) made many progressively-stirring speeches that were previously misquoted by Tea-Party Tories:

For example, speaking with great reverence about the Labor Party's long reign which began shortly after World War II when the British voters granted Churchill an early retirement, Winsome Churchill said: "Never before in the course of human history was so much distributed to so many from so few" as shown in this exclusive picture above discovered by the Peeples Journalist in one of the many archaeological digs being conducted in the Public Interest for the Correction of History by the 2012 Obama Campaign for Doubling-Down (as well as Doubling-Up) on Hope and Change to move ForeWard in the Golf Game of History with a series of Historically-First Mulligans.


No doubt there remain to be uncovered by the 2012 Obama Campaign's Archaeological Digs for the Correction of History many more examples revealing the Progressively Truthful nature of great speeches by great historical historical figures and thereby exposing the fraudulent versions popularized for decades (and in many cases for centuries if not millennia) by the Tea-Party Operatives.

And who could forget Mark Antony's most-famous line: "I came to blame Bush, not to praise him."

Of course, that was long before the Roman EPA rectified the Excessive Methane-Producing/Climate-Changing effects of full-size Roman Cavalry Horses by requiring the Roman Army to breed horses 40% smaller for use in the Roman Cavalry. But it was, of course, after the hot-Roman Baths had already begun to substantially contribute to Global Warming.

Surely the most profound Progressive Correction of False Historical Narratives foisted on society by the Early Tea-Party is the Sermon on the Mint (previously known as the "Sermon on the Mount" as mischaracterized for millennia by the Early Tea-Party):

No doubt, it was Progressive Henry's knowledge of the true history of the Sermon on the Mint that inspired Henry's Greatest Speech.

Last edited by KOOK on 5/28/2012, 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: typo

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A glorious historical reconstruction reveals the current truth of humanity's redistribution of wealth and blame. As Commissar of Expedient Distortions I present you a People's Proclamation, the Change Medal. If a greater change exists than historical truth to current truth, I know it not.