
Mother Nature is now a Climate Change denier?

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These Birds of Prey Are Deliberately Setting Forests on Fire
Even more proof Australian wildlife is nuts

In Australia, a new wave of vandalism has begun. A mysterious force for evil has turned the once beautiful, brown and dry wilderness into a place of burning fire that has surly shorten the lifespan of the Earth a couple hundred years dozen years significant amount so that whatever the current predicted day for when the polar caps will melt is much sooner now.

At first it was believed to be caused the Climate Change Denier and Everythingist™ MiloYiannopoulos during his latest tour of the country. While he is still the clearly guilty party, some say it is actually been birds!

This past week, it has been discovered that in 2016 (because nothing is considered discovered until published by The Washington Post), that there are 3 general types of birds that have been spreading the flames, who will now be reclassified as: Black Kite (GlobalFreezingius Denierius), Whistling Kite (GlobalWarmingius Deniersius), and worst of all the Brown Falcon (ClimateChangeio Deniersius).

For what ends do these flying dinosaur-era thinking creatures hope to achieve? According to a now-denounced researcher in 1964 theorized that this was occurring for over 40,000 years: the birds are using fire to lure out prey and capture their food by surprise.

But I think we all know the Current Truth™! These birds have been brainwashed by Flat Earth, White Supremacist & Nazi, Milo Yiannopoulos during one of his many propaganda sermons! He is tricking them into undoing all of the Glorious Leader's Green Law efforts.

Such propaganda must be stopped! Such deniers Denires need re-education better education. Therefore we must all call our US Congress-Person to pass a new spending plan that includes at least $20 billion towards the capturing and educationing of these birds before all of Mother Nature falls for the capitalist lies that Global Freezing Global Warming Climate Change isn't real!

This also holds as a sobering reminder that even Mother Nature doesn't always know what is best for her.

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A Quick Question before I condemn these (possibly) criminal birds: Are they aboriginal or are they immigrant? If the latter, where and when did they come from and arrive?

If they are aboriginal, then anything they do is natural, wise, and superior, and must be respected in the name of diversity.

If they are immigrants things get a bit murky. If they immigrated from Europe, then they must be condemned outright. If they immigrated from south Asia BEFORE 2000, they must be condemned outright, as they may have assimilated European values and customs. But if they immigrated from south Asia AFTER 2000, they must be cherished as a new national asset and anything they do must be deemed a cultural enrichment and thus celebrated by all.

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Also, I hear the Kollektive of Fish do not shit in the woods - by habit, they poo straight into our precious oceanic fluids!


BTW, don't you think that Comrades Birds exhale their carbon deliberately, with full premeditation?
Knowing that this warms our fragile planet? (OTOH... sigh, who loves to freeze his/her/its ass off?)

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Ivan Betinov wrote:... If they immigrated from Europe... If they immigrated from south Asia...
Truly shocking. Such a brainy Komrade you are, Betinov, and you never heard of... Africa???

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Ivan Betinov wrote:A Quick Question before I condemn these (possibly) criminal birds: Are they aboriginal or are they immigrant? If the latter, where and when did they come from and arrive?

If they are aboriginal, then anything they do is natural, wise, and superior, and must be respected in the name of diversity.

If they are immigrants things get a bit murky. If they immigrated from Europe, then they must be condemned outright. If they immigrated from south Asia BEFORE 2000, they must be condemned outright, as they may have assimilated European values and customs. But if they immigrated from south Asia AFTER 2000, they must be cherished as a new national asset and anything they do must be deemed a cultural enrichment and thus celebrated by all.
Esteemed comrade party organ, you are correct to withhold your denunciation, at least for the moment. I would suggest, before going to the show trial, that we further investigate the status of these birds. If they are aboriginal or immigrant, then they are worthy of our condescending sympathy and subsidizing (you know, the usual scam where we control the flow of more money through taxation and we have one more victim group to use to shut down debate - eg, "You aviaphobe, you still don't understand!").

If however, they are colonial birds, well then, case closed! Each bird will be executed, found guilty, and given a fair trial in short order.

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:Each bird will be executed, found guilty, and given a fair trial...
I just like to emphasize the korrekt sequence of events through which social justice is achieved.

1. Executed
2. Found guilty
3. Given a fair trial.

Too often this sequence is being reversed, which is the opposite of social justice. Without hesitation, we must denounce such occurrences as fascist, racist, and sexist.

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Obviously, this problem will require a lot of new taxes.

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Red Square wrote:... often this sequence [ExecuteSentenceTrial] is being reversed, which is the opposite of social justice ... [and so] we must denounce such occurrences as fascist, racist, and sexist.
In the light of the most recent cis/trans research, such (illegal!) reversal is of course a clear case of cis-justice. "justice", <spit>.

Tavarishch Batyushka (aka Stalin) knew what he was doing, ruthlessly fighting said fascism, racism, and muzhelozhstvo (plus occasional cis-laxity in the dungeons of Lubyanka).

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Margaret wrote:Cis-humor is so cissy.
But, but, Margaret... by that, you certainly don't mean Tavarishch Batyushka, eh?

(anyway, you may wish to consider digging out your valenki, now... Siberia cold, oh cold...)
(nice short backgrounder, exactly for the above valenki, with pics, in english)

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The birds learned this behavior by watching what happened during WWII! They called them "Spitfires" - Get it? SPITFIRES! They're multiplying! First Australia, then... The World????


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Captain Craptek wrote:Comrades,

The birds learned this behavior by watching what happened during WWII! They called them "Spitfires" - Get it? SPITFIRES! They're multiplying! First Australia, then... The World????

Don't forget the devastating results from weather patterns imitating the lead of the Hawker Hurricane! As usual, white westerners are to blame.

These creatures, being migratory and all that, may be considered to be migrant labor. Helping to rid Australia of unwanted pests, unwittingly of course, these creatures start the ovens, then go to town. Barring this activity, they may be forced to eat their own, but I digress.

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Red Square wrote:
Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:Each bird will be executed, found guilty, and given a fair trial...
I just like to emphasize the korrekt sequence of events through which social justice is achieved.

1. Executed
2. Found guilty
3. Given a fair trial.

Too often this sequence is being reversed, which is the opposite of social justice. Without hesitation, we must denounce such occurrences as fascist, racist, and sexist.
Efficiency™ is our trademark.

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Dead Poet wrote:These creatures, being migratory and all that, may be considered to be migrant labor. Helping to rid Australia of unwanted pests, unwittingly of course, these creatures start the ovens, then go to town. Barring this activity, they may be forced to eat their own, but I digress.
In that case, any derogatory comment about these birds, such as alleging that they are potentially destructive, is racist, sexist, specist, and aviaphobic.