
Missing Duck Dynasty? Try QUACK Dynasty with the Obamas

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Since A&E's Duck Dynasty proved to be a lot more popular with Americans than their messianic president, the A&E Network is now working on a substitute series that will be just like the indefinitely suspended Duck Dynasty, only with the Obamas - a progressive Washington family running a growing government business out of the White House while pretending to have American values.

David Axelrod says about the new show, "If this doesn't improve the President's failing ratings, nothing will."

Of course, Michelle is the original beard.

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That show is just one long montage of everyone saying the same exact thing; like one of those funny montages of TV journalists on every network saying exactly the same thing word for word: "Quack, quack, quack! Quack, quack, quack! Obama! Quack, Quack!!!"

In the morning everyone is around the drinking fountain talking about the show: "Quack, quack, quack! Obama. Quack!!!"

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Yeah, Crap!

"That's all (ya get) folks!"

How's about Adblack™? You're gonna need it folks, bigtime!

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As humans keep electing quacks as their leaders, the earth gradually turns into Planet of the Ducks.


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Take your webbed foot off me you damned dirty duck!

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You screwed the duck alright, buddy ol' pal.

You also jumped it!

Good luck with that!

I sure miss Bullwinkle.

I think Boris Badunov would make a PERFECT press secretary for Obama; so much better than that weasel, Jay Carney.

OK, OK, I know Boris Badunov is not a real person. But then, neither is Obama.

Some say he was hatched in a KGB lab. I believe it. Only way to explain him.

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So disappointed that you did not photoshop the image of the FLOTUS. She looks the same as she does every day.

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Say what you will about our First Duck, but there can be no doubt about his brilliant negotiating abilities. Observe The One Duck doing what he does best!

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America, Duck Yeah!

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Join the fun! Get your quackspeak beak on!*
*FREE with small donation to

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And this morning our Quack Dynasty is the featured cartoon on the American Thinker, with comments like "Cartoon of the year? Yea, gets my vote."

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As I recall... Anyer and his brother Karl were, in fact, the leading men in a movie called Duck Soup.


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Comrades, there is already rumors floating around that Joe Biden is getting his own spin off called "Drunk Dynasty"! Here is his party approved screen test for the theme song.

Will Joe Biden ever run out of ingenious ideas?

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Comrade Marx, I am thinking it is duck hunting season... we dear leader and Mrs. d.l. be endangered with such quackery??