
Forced to denounce capitalism!

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My latest political cartoon, in the form of a bumper sticker design goes on the stack of my many thought crimes rejected by Maybe my biggest crime was the greedy expectation of profit for my efforts...

So now, I offer my design to the proletariat, for unlimited, free personal use!

Available for download, as a high res-pdf, suitable for printing your own bumper sticker (redneck pickup truck not included) or feel free to use on your blogs, web pages, facey-pages, tweety-books, etc...

Yes, comrades, I'm one more step towards rejecting my bourgeois tendencies, and one day we will all coexist. Sort of.

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Welcome comrade Wright. I find your art troubling and reactionary, so like a good Prog I stole a copy for my own use.

You are to be commended for abandoning the fruitless struggle to attain wealth. Your revolutionary decision to spit in the eye of the capitalist fat cats by offering your work for free is liberating. I only wish more would see the error of their ways.

For your selfless act your previous thought crimes have been excused.

(btw: Any relation to our beloved comrade Rev. Jeremiah Wright?)

Is clever move on the part of the others to use the hippie and the person of ambiguous sexuality as human shields, no?

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Ha ha! If only I could claim relation to the glorious example of the (W)right-thinking, beloved comrade, Rev. Wright...

Da, clever indeed... what other purpose could they serve?


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Jeebus that truly is a statement in picture JWWright, being a freeloading wanna be hippie myself as well.. I also copy over to my main hard drive for future self usage... no permission needed from america (much like Obama) is all I know. To you I bow! had to tie my borrowed shoes.....

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Welcome Comrade JWWright,

No need for capitalism here in the gulag. And no need to worry about following any particular dietary precepts. We have no meat. We killed most of the animals off with some revolutionary vegan agricultural programs (except Comrade Red Rooster, Marshall Pupovich, and Laika). There are only beets and potatoes left, so at least you'll have plenty of vodka. You do like vodka, no?