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Yesss, Komrades!

Great people's poet Mayakovsky wrote (1924):

... Ленин — жил, Ленин — жив, Ленин — будет жить. ...
... Lenin — lived, Lenin — lives, Lenin — will live. ...

Mayakovsky could've as well used that phrase to immortalize grafichyeskiy propagandchik, the (obviously) timeless visual propagandist. Ta-dah! see a comeback, Chermany 2021:


(Gerechtigkeitskongress: Congress for Justice)

No, no, it's not just from some art café in red Berlin, no.
GRÜNE JUGEND, Green Youth - the young cadre of ze (Cherman) Green Party.

Yeah, yeah - that Party that cares for ze climate, and ze cuddly polar bear.
Ja, ja, jawohl - that Party that AOC would 350% fit in, so brainy & visionary.
And sure, sure - that Party that is now hard pushed to Nr 1 by CultMarx elite.
(election 2021!)
(election: end September ; the XL (or is it XXL?) percentage of subservient/influenceable/meek Germans seems to be (historically) exceptionally high, compared to the rest of mid- and western-Europeans (and over the recent dozen or so decades) ; I don't think the current Zeitgeist will manage to push the Greens to the top, and thusly install their Merkel(-cum-AOC-brain)-2.0, but.......)

Those Green Youth idiots - an investigative guy delved into details - they neither knew where those visuals originate from, nor what they refer to. It appears, they just fattened a kkkapitalist who sold 'em a desired How-To-Revoolooshun Kit (€ 63.99 = $ 77.43).

By now, having been informed that they rehash Stalinist agitprop from the early 30s, the revoolooshunaries went underground: "cancelled" the exhibits from their website(s) (yet shamefacedly retained them in "unofficial" corners, here and here).

Ja, ze Revoolooshun requires self-sacrifice .....

Glorious paragons:

        Mystery item No. 1

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How inspiring it is to see the Greenish Youth putting into practice the abolition of private (intellectual / artistic) property. Forward!

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RedDiaperette wrote:How inspiring it is to see the Greenish Youth putting into practice the abolition of private (intellectual / artistic) property. Forward!

Maybe it's a case of those unable to private intellectually art some property, must socially appropriate to virtual signal themselves intellectual.

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Sometimes History needs a little nudge in order to repeat itself.

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$.$. Halliburton wrote:Sometimes History needs a little nudge in order to repeat itself.
voll korrekt! _( while the "farce" part self-inserts kinda automatically )

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How thoughtful that in the new Green Stalinism the "man" (or whatever those green comrades call that non-menstruating lawnmowing penis-human) has a brown tan, to emphasise the coming eschatological union of Green LGBTQ ideology and the millions of islamic immigrants currently flooding Europe - in some utopian, steamy orientalist marxist synthesis.

I'm looking forward to the day those green comrades find out what the religion of Pieces does to gays!

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Two equally korrekt iconographic exegeses, from Chermany:


Twittered a few days ago by some burzhui ...and today burzhui-account pooffff.. !
Zat (& herr @jack) vill teach zis schweinehund a lesson, jawohl!

BTW, concerning Rabochiy i Kolkhoznitsa :

A μ-paean of yore (alas, memories... me barely a TPC-rookie-pioneer...) praised it as "a first-rate piece of art" "by a high-class artist (Vera Muchina)".

That's still, ach was, foreva valid, 350% valid.

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Komrade GD,

Ze green yutes of Chermany were immortalized in Amerikkka in the 1972 movie Caberet.