
Video: Donald Trump takes care of Black Lives Matter protest

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CHICAGO, IL - Tonight one thousand peaceful communists, socialists, anarchists, Black Lives Matter activists, devout Muslims, immigration advocates with Mexican flags, and local students of Marxism, disrupteda meeting of some twenty five thousand angry and violent Trump supporters, leading to its cancellation.

The Trump crowd had it coming because they had conspired to shut down everyone else's right to free speech by buying tickets to the event, which was closed to those who didn't have tickets. That was a grotesque violation of the protesters' right to get inside, jump on the podium, rip Trump signs, and scream "F** Trump" into a TV camera.

As the news of the event's cancellation was announced, the protesters peacefully celebrated their victory by throwing punches at Trump supporters and police officers, shouting over their objections, flipping the middle finger and kicking their cars, and walking into the road to block traffic composed of gas-guzzling, global-warming-causing vehicles.

Some of the skirmishes have been caught on camera, including this one, in which Donald Trump personally confronts a Black Lives Matter protester with racist rhetoric.

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It's good to see that the Honor Students of Chicago found something more to do other than ventilate each other and get lead poisoning. I'm sure that the rally simply wasn't in line with Tiny (Rahm) and his city's values. I know what does illustrate Chicago values properly though:


2016 stats.jpg

Executioner-The story of how a proud Honor Student was convicted of committing a post-abortion procedure on a nine year old.

Pan Violence-A story illustrating the need for necessary pan control laws and closing the pan show loophole

Year in Review-The story of how crime was down and strategies were working in 2015

There are many more fine stories of the Honor Students turning their lives around and it's well worth your time to explore why Chicongo Chicago is a great place to live.

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Great news for the revolution!

If a fascist is elected president, the American Dream will become a nightmare. This reactionary pig will:
-bully other people into silence
-use violence on people who have different opinions
-shut down political rallies of oponents
-create a News and Media landscape under his control to spread propaganda.

The only way to prevent this, comrades is to take action now! We must stop fascism by:
-bullying Trump supporters
-use violence on people who think differently about Trump than we
-shut down the political rallies of Trump
-keep paying for a News and Media landscape that is under our control and spreads the Korrekt Truth!

Only in this way can you can prevent the US becoming a fascist state without freedom of speech!

All that was missing was a student standing in front of a tank.

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[email protected] wrote:All that was missing was a student standing in front of a tank.


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