
Mandela Day Celebration in South Africa

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News from South Africa: Coming soon to a neighborhood near you

By the People's Cube local correspondent

Komrades! Today is a great day in the People's Kingdom of Inzania, as we mark Mandela Day!

This is a day when the people of Inzania gather to celebrate the principles of decency, non-racialism and goodness by focusing exclusively on race, past wounds and re-compensation for 24 hours.

People with moral authority scores of zero or lower encourage one another to express gratitude for Not Having the Jacobin Option Exercised Upon Them in 1994 by changing their FaceGulag profile pictures to Mandela, saying multiple Politically Korrekt things, smiling very much, and better f*ckin not saying anything unpatriotic or negative about anything or anyone in any way related to the following subjects: the colours red, green, yellow and black, socialism, equality, any word beginning with the letter 'M'.

Approved topics of conversation include: The Past™, How Moral Authority Score of Zero is Too Good for some Non-Persons - and this is only amongst Non-Persons. Public displays of Self-Criticism are encouraged, specifically amongst majority of Non-Persons who deliberately avoided (and thereby amplified) their complicity in The Past™ by being born after 1994.

Many use this triumphant moment to celebrate Inzania's ongoing democratic miracle, namely:

Our transition from...

a right-collectivist, bureaucratic national dispensation riven by unemployment, obsessed with racial categories, social engineering, high taxes and maintaining the unipolar political control of one racial group...


a left-collectivist, bureaucratic national dispensation riven by unemployment, obsessed with racial categories, social engineering, high taxes and maintaining the unipolar political control of one racial group

We have also seen our political spectrum broaden immensely, and at last count the Department Of Minority Identification And Profusion identified 342,345 shades of Leftist Factions ranging from Wealthy Upper Class Liberal with 17 Carat Che Locket Around Neck Evading 35% Taxation to Marxist-Mengistuists Advocating 150% Taxation for Non-Persons with Every Free Purge.

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Nelson Mandela Day success story: white male guilt level up 92%; liberal activist satisfaction rating at 98%

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
While I am very impressed with the degree of guilt voiced by a select minority in Inzania over the past (and present) social sins, I have not seen nearly enough action which leads me to believe this select minority is truly broken in spirit in Zuid Afrika.

However, I am most impressed with the social justice model presented to a similar minority residing in the socialist paradise of Zimbabwe. Dr. Mugabe has gone much further to ensure this minority actually FEELS the justice due them.

It is for this very reason that I find encouragement in our very own African dictator -- Dear Reader (AP&PBUH). For HE understands social justice must not merely be paid lip service... it also requires a proper servicing within the bowels of the former oppressors. Dear Reader (AP&PBUH) has much the same holistic approach to the of social justiceapproach that Boss Robert has provided.

I am even more encouraged by the absolute and ruthless dedication to the "application" to social justice towards a particular skin tone in the USSA...even stretching towards the economic whereby the US Dollar may very soon acheive a one-to-one exchange rate with the Zim dollar.

When the TEA-rrorists in Inzania and the USSA are TRULY broken in spirit to the point that renounce their very existence as an afront to all evolution...and come to love their respect "Big Brothers" -- THEN (and only then) is social justice complete.

Inzania may see this day once that great hero of the anti-apartheid struggle, Kom. Julius Malema, ascends to high office their. WE will see it in the USSA immediately following Dear Reader's (AP&PBUH) re-election in November.

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Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote:
Inzania may see this day once that great hero of the anti-apartheid struggle, Kom. Julius Malema, ascends to high office their. WE will see it in the USSA immediately following Dear Reader's (AP&PBUH) re-election in November.

Komrade you make my hopes for Inzania soar - while the Non-Persons are snatching food from the cradles of babies of 100% moral authority persons and then giving only 35% of it back in taxation, and with only 7 national holidays for encouragement of minority guilt, things can and will never change..

Komrade Malema, Lion of the Struggle, Purveyor of Quaint Folk Songs about Minority Murder, International Jet-Setter and Marxist-Leninist in the tradition of Che Guevara and Idi Amin, is the answer to our problems.

Under him we have the possibility of returning to purist Marxist-Leninist doctrine. Yes, then, as you say the "TEA-rrorists will renounce their very existence as an afront to all evolution" in the name of non-racialism and the Rainbow Nation - after all, there is no white in the rainbow. After their renunciation we can have a Day of Shovels, a celebration of terminal compulsory voluntary self-correction, with free sandwiches for spectators.

When we do, I suggest we start with reactionary non-persons of this caliber.

I strongly recommend all non-Inzanian Party members to watch this video to witness the excellent progress we have already made in the liberation of recalcitrant reactionary forces.

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Comrade Spartakus - I hereby, for your most fully equal service in honoring dear Comrade Mandela, present you with the coveted Medal of the Sacred Order of the Necklace, commonly known as the Winnie!

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A story from the old post-Soviet days - came from a Russian-language newspaper I subscribed to when I still lived there.

When the Communist Party archives opened to the public after the collapse of the USSR, it was revealed, among other things, that the Party, had sent a lot of money through their KGB channels to Winnie Mandela personally - and also basically financed most of the "Free Nelson Mandela" campaign. When Mandela was released, he moved to a new house that was built with that Soviet money.

It was at the time when inside the USSR, regular Soviets lived on a very small income and suffered shortages in everything, including decent living space.

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Comrade Square, is it possible that regular Soviets suffered due to their not understanding the proper use of tires?

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Tires were in shortage too. No one would dare burn them. The burning tire necklace in South Africa was made possible by the dekadent Kapitalist abundance under the old, regressive regime.

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Komrade ROCK - your presentation makes my heart burst with pride for having serviced the Greater Good. Truly, in Inzania when the youth play with Party endorsed 'Hot Wheels' they are not playing with toy cars. Did you know that Komrade Jim Morrison wrote his famous song 'Baby You Can Light My Tire' as a tribute to Winnie?

Komrade Red Square - the connection between the Party and the Soviet mothership is not only acknowledged in Inzania but celebrated. Mandela was the last recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize, having missed out on the Pol Pot Philanthropy Prize.

The great Internationalist Patriot, Joe Slovo, channeled money and propaganda into the Party during exile, even helping it to set up its own boutique death re-education camps in Angola to help in the correction of ignorant proletarians incapable of understanding the advantages of enlightened Party doctrine and acting in service of it.

Being a humble people, and supporting a humble Party, we rarely discuss such things.

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South Africa (the People's Kingdom of Inzania) seems more attractive than the United States even to the family of the U.S. President. The First Lady and the daughters went to the London Olympics to cheer - not for their country - but for South Africa, as seen from this picture.

We bet this was not the first time Michelle was proud of THAT country!


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Fortunately for FLATUS - as I've mentioned elsewhere, her husband's (PBUH) executive orders could very well give HER the opportunity to light someone's fire, once Dear Leader has more flexibility (after he's reelected).

Do you suppose she's collecting tires already?

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My "sources" caught some Mandela Day revelers celebrating this glorious, triumphant day:



A HOT time in the city.

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Red Square wrote:South Africa (the People's Kingdom of Inzania) seems more attractive than the United States even to the family of the U.S. President. The First Lady and the daughters went to the London Olympics to cheer - not for their country - but for South Africa, as seen from this picture.

We bet this was not the first time Michelle was proud of THAT country!
Comrade Czar Red Square, it's a point all of us Cubers must ponder, a form of tribute to Dear 0'Leader, APBUH!

Are they proud of their country? It appears the 0bama girls are so proud of South Africa that they wear its flag!

Moochelle asked Dear 0'Leader "What's the big deal about a flag?" during the 2011 9/11 ceremony. Apparently it's a big deal if it's someone else's flag.

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This thread was started last year by a Cubist from South Africa. It's time to revive it...

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Someone needs to see how Hügo Krüger, who wrote this editorial in 2011, is doing these days. (that is, if he's still alive)