
Everybody Draw a POSITIVE Mohammed Day

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We are not haters.

Everybody has heard by now about Everybody Draw Mohammed Day on May 20 - a grassroots campaign sparked by Islamist death threats to South Park's Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, and Kyle Broflovsky. The general presumption is that on this day the Internet is going to be filled with negative images of Mohammed. Not true.

We on this site are sounding our unanimous NO to negativity! We are preemptively opposing it with our own positive, loving images of Mohammed that will raise awareness and educate the nonbelievers about the correct way to treat the Muslim community and vice versa.

The People's Cube was founded on spreading positive messages. We see it as our social obligation to make all things look positive and attractive - no matter how menacing they appear in the rearview mirror.

If our target audiences are reluctant or unable to see our point from within our frame of reference, we oblige them by stepping inside their frame of reference and having a positive discussion using words they can relate to.

Hateful messages serve no purpose. As the one side will be preaching to the choir, the other side will grow even more determined to kill the messenger.

With this in mind, we encourage everybody to post only positive images of Mohammed. Negative posts that kill the positive buzz will be removed. Find a site dedicated to hate and post it there!

Red Square
Department of Visual Agitation
and Unanimity

Save A Planet, Ride A Bike! Burn fat, not oil! Global Warming is a greater threat than terrorism

Let's beat swords into ploughshares!

Blessed with Mohammed's teachings, Muslims lost interest in fighting religious wars and instead focused their lives on discerning the laws of nature, developing vaccines for deadly illnesses, stretching out the average lifespan, and feeding the starving in far away places.

Mohammed is not an anti-Semite

Nice planet. Don't blow it up

And, finally, one from Maksim: Let your actions show that Islam is indeed a religion of peace


Based on Mark Steyn's mentioning of spreading the risk in this context:

Low in threats, high in free expression. Helps to reduce bullying & excessive religious zealotry. 100% grass roots & dhimmi-free.

Improves immunity towards demagoguery and boosts a healthy democratic debate.

Everybody Draw Mohammed

Proven to increase brain cell count among the intellectually deprived

And this is just a larger copy of the lead image...

Muslims of the world! Forget holy war! Improve local communities! Stop blaming infidels for your own misery and do something useful to better your lives instead! ~ Mohammed

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Supercommissar Maksim, being a Supercommissar, was one jump ahead of the Politburo on this issue and started a thread of his own on the Blog. For the sake of good housekeeping we're merging it together here, reproducing his entire post below and deleting the redundant thread.

~ Red Square

Superkommissar Maksim
5/2/2010, 2:57 pm
Never have I seen a protest movement fall apart faster than Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. It's far more embarrassing than the Coffee Party's lukewarm reception. After just a few days EDMD's founder Molly Norris backed out. This prompted to replace it with Everybody Draw Al Gore Day. Which is fine, but how does that speak to the problem of certain sectors of the Muslim community using intimidation and fear to silence free speech?

Meanwhile at Facebook, the linguine spined prog who started the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day page abandoned his post because of the coarseness of the debate. To fill the vacuum cause by all the retreating, a website and another Facebook page have popped up, whether or not either will be successful is yet to be seen. At this point the counter sites are winning.

I've seen enough of this incompetence, and I'm not waiting till May 20th to see what happens, I'm posting my Mohammed today. For myself, the rest of this month will be “Draw Mohammed”. Join me or not.

Image is solely responsible for this image.

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Here's some more. Turban tip to Zombie for creating an <a href="" target="_blank">extensive historical archive</a> of Mohammed images from all ages.<br /><br /><img src=" ... rriage.jpg" width="394" height="680" /><br /><br /><img src="" width="460" height="460" /><br /><br /><img src=" ... Turban.png" width="400" height="500" />

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        Mystery item No. 1

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        Mystery item No. 2

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Alright, final attempt. If this doesn't cut it, I'll banish myself from this thread and return to my Joe Biden appreciation exhibit in the "Let them eat health care" thread.


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This isn't positive nor is it negative, so I hope it passes.


The reference is a bit Dennis Millerisque so here's help if you need it.
ht/ Paul Stinchfield

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I can envision Mohammed teaching children how to sort recyclables, or installing solar panels on his roof, or simply cleaning up the camel stables to show solidarity with the common working peasant.

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Now that they are devoting less time to warfare against the infidel, Muslims have more time for hobbies and luxuries. Mohammad led the way with his popular middle eastern hotrod TV show:
"Pimp My Camel."

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"Julia the Infidel" from England sent us this positive "Fun in the Sun" advertisement for a product developed for and by people who get more sun exposure than most other groups.


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A rally by members of brought with them these signs:

- Men of quality THREATENED by women seeking EQUALITY
- Stop blaming Islam! Our oppression of women is cultural, not religious
- Well-behaved women rarely get beaten
- Single Payer National Jizyah Now!
- Future US President: Mohammed 2012

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Comrade Red Square, I do not wish to complain with my very first post, but it is obvious that the above picture of the wise proletarian sheep herder Mohammed is offensive. This picture is not "positive", but rather negative. This depiction of wise proletarian sheep herder Mohammed appears to be showing Muslims his desire for them to joyride with one hand and wear a "s**t eating grin" while using important agricultural equipment that was purchased with great expense to the collective! This is outrageous! What next, a display of Mohammed shaking hands with Jack Bauer? Thank you, Comrades.

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Mohammed loves Dr. Seuss, and so do I.


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MarkoMancuso wrote:Comrade Red Square, I do not wish to complain with my very first post, but it is obvious that the above picture of the wise proletarian sheep herder Mohammed is offensive. This picture is not "positive", but rather negative. This depiction of wise proletarian sheep herder Mohammed appears to be showing Muslims his desire for them to joyride with one hand and wear a "s**t eating grin" while using important agricultural equipment that was purchased with great expense to the collective! This is outrageous! What next, a display of Mohammed shaking hands with Jack Bauer? Thank you, Comrades.

Welcome to the Cube, Comrade Mancuso.

Your outrage is duly noted. I see you understand clearly that we live behind the irony curtain. Now, report to the nearest Kolkhoz, pick up a shovel, and start digging. You will receive an occasional ration of vodka, according to the level of irony and humor in each post.

Your welcome,

Comrade Leninka

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You did not mention assigned warm clothing and so I will help the camp demonstrate proper usage of back hair! Thank you, Comrade, I look forward to this opportunity.

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Underneath these burqas we're actually smart, sexy, pro-choice, emancipated, liberal women!

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MarkoMancuso wrote:You did not mention assigned warm clothing and so I will help the camp demonstrate proper usage of back hair! Thank you, Comrade, I look forward to this opportunity.

You have back hair? Then you're in luck. Have I got a girl for you!


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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Me neither, I got nothin'

Yeah. I'm out of Ideas. Although that's probably just because I'm so bad at Photoshop that it took me FOUR HOURS just to give my avatar an AK47 over his shoulder.

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Red Square asked "What the F**K are you looking at?"

vile veil.jpg

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I tried real hard t'tag some public vehicles and highway overpasses in Soudwest Dallas wid images uh De Prophet uh Hope. But all ah' get be dis whack, dig dis:


Da Peeps' Rapper
Comrade C2G босяк

And makin' thugs out you suckas.
From the cradle to the grave.

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GAIA Minister Neytiri kneels before Mohammed in respect of his green agenda.

neytiri mohammed text.jpg

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pssssst, has dear Leader seen this yet?

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I'm a beginner at photoshop. Also, my take on nighthawks in in black and white because the only good pic I could find was in b+w.

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Superkommissar Maksim wrote:This isn't positive nor is it negative, so I hope it passes.


The reference is a bit Dennis Millerisque so here's help if you need it.
ht/ Paul Stinchfield

HA HA HA! This would make a good T-shirt. Maybe after the contreversy dies down...

The lemmings of the West need to have the Koran translated into terms they can understand, Comrades. I propose calling it a Precious Moments Koran ™, because in the West, if it isn't precious, with lots of pretty things, it won't hold their short attention spans. We just need to have someone research the Koran to see if there are any marketable Precious Moments ™ in it.

I would only eat Putin with brown gravy. McDonald's is not a good swillery inwhich to eat putin properly.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:GAIA Minister Neytiri kneels before Mohammed in respect of his green agenda.

Comrade Whoopie! I didn't know you've got my back. In the meantime, I'm grateful that you've at least put me into the thread. Of course, we all know that since the effects of time on disembodied spirits may temper their corporeal insensibilities, I would expect the spirit of Mohammed to be bowing to me in obesience and to all others who, like The One and Comrade Gore, serve Mother Earth.

--GAIA Minister Neytiri

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Comrade Putout, I'm most thrilled to see Mo has come out of the Kapitalist Kloset. Although, she still look like she has something rammed up her looks a bit huffy.

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Comrade Putout wrote:
Comrade Putout:
Are you sure you didn't lift this picture straight out of MQ (Mohammed's Quarterly)? Or was it Rolling Prophet? (Surely not Rolling Profit).
It seems to me your skills are beginning to make me turn green with envy-- and that's quite a task for a blue Na'vi.
--GAIA Minister Neytiri

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Superkommissar Maksim wrote:
Mohammed Draws Mohammed
Ht/ BigFurHat
Superkommissar Maksim:

A question: Did Mohammed the artist ever cut-off his own ear? Did he ever "advance" into what we as Progressives understand as the kind of art for which appreciation is beyond the kin of pedestrian Tea-Baggers? Sort of a "Salvadore Mohammed"?

--GAIA Minister Neytiri

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Turban tip to our British friend Julia for pointing in the right direction.

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Glorious entertainment sign for greedy, lazy kapitalist, dear Red Square. It is past time Muslim womanhood, receives such recognitions.

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Mohammed is politically insightful, Progressive Artist:
        Mystery item No. 3

GAIA Minister Neytiri -

The instructions were clear - no disrespectful depictions of Mohammed! Your image has been hidden from view under the Marx mask until you subject yourself to self-criticism and revise it in compliance with the correct multiculturalist doctrine.

I would also advise not to brand your images with the People's Cube URL until you master the correct agitprop methods specific to this site.

End of transmission,
Red Square

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Now that's we're on the subject of artists, my humble submission:


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GAIA Minister Neytiri,

Mohammed was a Bush Basher? I see you have him painting the Bushitler with a moustache of Hitler in a kind of a Blue Nazi uniform, and Mohammed is wearing a T-shirt that says: Iraq Occupation Watch, or something like that, and titled "Mohammed Paints the Cause of the Times Square Attempted Bomber's Madness."

I did not know how closely Mohammed's opinions matched that of all progressives! What a pleasant surprise! I wonder how he would feel about creating a combination Islamic/Socialist/Communist state?


As an added thought, I wonder if it would be okay, then, to put out fatwas on all ReichWingers?

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Red Square wrote:Now that's we're on the subject of artists, my humble submission:

Oh looky! It's the world famous masterpiece, The Mohammed Lisa. Masses from all over the world flock before it as if they've never seen a picture of a smiling woman before.
Some scholars think it's actually a self-portrait of the artist, but this illustration would seem to debunk that.

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Comrade Red Square,
The link you posted to a hate site in your initial post is a virus laden trove of malicious software. It is the perfect example of a hate site- just don't click on it. There are other hateful sites that would be safer examples Question, if POSITIVE Muhammad encounters Muhammad, does annhilation result?

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Terry Jim - point taken. I didn't feel the crawling of malicious bugs on that site, but I'll trust your experience in these matters. The sites you suggested were sufficiently hate-filled, but they offered no interactivity. So I found an interactive hate site where you can post your own hateful diatribes and replaced the link with it.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Oh looky! It's the world famous masterpiece, The Mohammed Lisa. Masses from all over the world flock before it as if they've never seen a picture of a smiling woman before. Some scholars think it's actually a self-portrait of the artist, but this illustration would seem to debunk that.
I believe the picture below was the original version of the mentioned painting. It was later disfigured with some painted-on dress to appease conservative right-wing sexist Christian bigots who treated her as an object rather than a progressive womyn merely protesting imperialist occupation of Muslim lands by white male oppressors.

Nice, eh? I traded it last night for a crate of fine beet vodka from Comrade Whoopie, who kept saying - and I quote: "Just look at the arms on that girl. Clearly she didn't sit around all day smiling. I bet she can wield a mean shovel. I BET SHE CAN SHOVEL BETTER THAN PINKIE!"

I swear to Karl Marx he said that! "I bet she can shovel better than Pinkie!" And then he burst out in vodka-induced sobbing and tried to wrestle the painting back away from me, all the while crying "It's classical art people.... CLASSICAL.... ART!!!"

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Maksim, the "Mohammed painting Mohammed" is one of the funniest things I have seen this year.

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GAIA Minister Neytiri wrote:
Comrade Putout wrote:
Comrade Putout:
Are you sure you didn't lift this picture straight out of MQ (Mohammed's Quarterly)? Or was it Rolling Prophet? (Surely not Rolling Profit).
It seems to me your skills are beginning to make me turn green with envy-- and that's quite a task for a blue Na'vi.
--GAIA Minister Neytiri

GAIA Minister Neytiri,

I did a search for MQ but only found this GQ cover.


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Red Square wrote: I believe the picture below was the original version of the mentioned painting.

Nice, eh? I traded it last night for a crate of fine beet vodka from Comrade Whoopie, who kept saying - and I quote: "Just look at the arms on that girl. Clearly she didn't sit around all day smiling. I bet she can wield a mean shovel. I BET SHE CAN SHOVEL BETTER THAN PINKIE!"

I swear to Karl Marx he said that! "I bet she can shovel better than Pinkie!" And then he burst out in vodka-induced sobbing and tried to wrestle the painting back away from me, all the while crying "It's classical art people.... CLASSICAL.... ART!!!"

Say what you will of Red Square, he does not stretch the truth, everything transpired just as he said.

And now I humbly offer my head to Pinkie for brain cell redistribution.

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Those boobs look as if they could lift 100 pounds. On the other hand, I doubt they could speak with eloquence and whack as precisely as Comrade Pinkie.

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You're a loyal Party member, Whoopie, for being so willing to take a shovel-whack for Red Square. You think I didn't know what he was up to when he accused you with such passion, such vehemence, even swearing to Karl Marx that you said it?

That's a man who is either (a) eager to see someone get shovel-whacked for his own fiendishly cheap pleasure, or (b) desperate to distract me from some vile wrongdoing of his own and thus avoid a shovel-whacking himself, or (c) both (a) and (b).

I vote (c). Now pick up the rest of your teeth before I sell them to Steinway & Sons for piano keys.

And give me that vodka. Have a nice day.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Maksim, the "Mohammed painting Mohammed" is one of the funniest things I have seen this year.
Thanks! Coming from you comrade Brain in Jar it means alot, almost as sweet as Pinkie's Beet of the Week award.

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This guy Mohammed...did he pitch for the Phillies?

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Pinkie - be careful who you hate, it could be someone you love!


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I don't know if this is a positive picture of Mohammed or not since I don't read Russian. I assume he's holding the greedy capitalist nations in check.

        Mystery item No. 0

However I'm certain this is a positive picture of Mohammed because he has the support of the People's Cube.

Whoopie - you'll be the death of me!
- Red Square

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Come on, can't we all just get along? VISUALIZE PEACE!

I know at least one person who would agree with me.


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Kind to

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We have found this special book in The People's Library™ for anyone needing a little help on this project:


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Red Rooster wrote:Comrades,

We have found this special book in The People's Library™ for anyone needing a little help on this project:


Red Rooster,

Your "How to Draw Mohamed" book is awesome.

--GAIA Minister Neytiri

(still busted; still seeking to pay proper penance)

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As is always the case in abstract art, whatever one sees is what is there.

Image --GAIA Minister Neytiri

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Red Square wrote:
Whoopie - you'll be the death of me!
- Red Square

I blame the beet vodka comrade, that and the concussion Pinkie gave me.

btw: Your doctor tells me vodka and loose women will be the death of you.
(or maybe a jealous husband)

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This solution is so obvious, I can't believe no one has thought of it before. What can be more positive and appeasing to our Muslim brothers than appearing on an Obama-styled poster?


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Yes Glorious Peoples Director, I am confused as how no one has seen the glory you just presented! Hail Obama! It is so utterly inspirational that I'd like to dedicate this glorious song to Mohammed and all the glorious peoples who are lovers of Mohammed...

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And in the spirit of Loving positive messages, I Red Rooster hereby denounce (temporarily) my suspicion of kitty kats... and in kind positive thoughtfulness devote this song to all kitties and Mohammed...

and let us not forget...

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Leninka, I am not for the sale.

Now to happy Mohammed (PBUH) snaps





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Mrs Al Czarweary,

I had no intention of selling you, only providing a matchmaking service. I thought Comrade MarcoMancuso was quite attractive, myself.

Lovely images of Mohammed, by the way.

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Mrs Al Czarweary,

Please accept my most humble apology if I hurt your feelings.

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"btw: Your doctor tells me vodka and loose women will be the death of you."
New Party Health directive: All male comrades are hereby ordered to indulge only in vodka and TIGHT Women.

Yes. I know. I will go and wait quietly in the corner for the arrival of Pinkie's shovel.

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Mrs Al Czarweary,
Your Positive Mo pictures are terrific.
That produce picture certainly has some lovely peaches.

Thank You

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You are of welcome Terry_Jim.

Leninka, I not of the hurt feelings. ha ha But you should to be knowing all ready that MarcoMancuso is not of my type as he is not to be of the much facial hair and crown if head hair. Though, if I to look at your name I see the Lenin in it and he is of the same lacking of crown of head hair so may be that to be why you to be of finding that type to be of attractiveness.

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Whew! You are most kind, Mrs Czarweary. Yes, it's true, I find the bald types very appealing. You can be sure that there are no lice in their hair.

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Leninka, what are you of having against the midnight snack?

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I prefer crispy Mexican bug lard tacos, thank you very much.

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Forgive me comrades, I had a brilliant idea for a post, but I have forgotten it. I have posted this message in order to commemorate the hilarity that would have ensued had I remembered what exactly was so hilarious. I blame Bush for this lapse in memory. He poisoned my mind.