
It's March 8th - Happy International Women's Day!

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Dear oppressed women and non-women who identify as females!

On this wonderful spring holiday the Party takes a day off from the usual revolutionary struggle in order to celebrate all the international contributions to social justice made by self-identified female-gendered persons and wishes for them to crush their oppressors anywhere they can find them - and get even!

Remember: 50% of the world's population has 100% of the Y-chromosomes and 91% of the testosterone.


We will never have a truly equal society until we can eliminate Penis Envy by eliminating the penis.


The State is the only power which is wise enough to decide when, where, and how they should be used.


And our personal greetings to Comrade Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin![/align]

International Women's Day: Who was Clara Zetkin?

Originally known as International Working Women's Day, its roots lie in the socialist, rather than feminist, struggle of the early 20th century. Although national days had been celebrated prior to 1911, the 18 March of that year marked the first International day, following a proposal from German communist Clara Zetkin.

Clara Zetkin died in 1933 [in the Soviet Union]. In her obituary, the Manchester Guardian referred to her as the 'grandmother of communism,' yet the legacy of International Women's Day, and her contribution to it, should also be recognised, and celebrated.

Brought to you by "Americans for Sex-Hope & Sex-Change" and "Society For Advancement Of Secondary Sexual Characteristics."

And finally, greetings from the People's Cube beet kollektive!


This day in history:

Islamic Ban on Female Flatulence Benefits Women Worldwide

"Without government regulations, women would have absolutely no idea how to dress, eat, drink, speak, move their bowels, obey their husband, or pass gas," acknowledges Fartima, adding that the ruling has also improved women's sense of responsibility with the provision of 20 lashes for small farts and up to 3 months prison time for larger ones. "It's a gift that keeps on giving."

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I will drag myself off my couch briefly to say "Thank you" Komrade Direcktor for the acknowledgement of past times when movements were glorious and meant something. Please note this day was originally known as International WORKING Women's Day NOT go on strike from work day, put on a stupid pussy or vagina hat and march around with false pretenses as aptly explained here............................


I feel like my glorious International Woman's Day has been put into a ninja blender of modern progressive 'safe space' mentality and pulverized into a meaningless frappe shit smoothie.

I'll be glad when this day is over.

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Support the cause! Vivá la Revolución! Womyns gots rights!

#freethenipple and proudly display the pussy...


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Just put the damn toilet seat back up ladies. I don't care what day it is.

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When do the international hair styling championships begin? (armpit division) I can hardly wait! Where's Putout?

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Are we to believe the woman digging in a fake beet field is a "real" woman? Ha!! I spotted her as a fraud several kilometers away. The male supervisors have been provided beer, but NO SANDWICHES!! Unbelievable.

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On this International Women's Day my testes identify as ovaries.

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Papa Kalashnikook wrote:Image
...The male supervisors have been provided beer, but NO SANDWICHES!! Unbelievable.
The sacrifices we are willing to endure for our female comrades!

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So the womyn are PMS-ing because they were only paid 73% of the attention afforded to men...

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Did you know? International Women's Day is one of the biggest State holidays in Russia. Coincidence? Could today's celebration be a Russian influence operation? That Russian bots are responsible for promoting this holiday in the West? #RussianCollusion anyone? Surely looks like it.

The postcards below say, "March 8th, International Women's Day." I remember these and many more like these from the old days in the Motherland.


How International Women's Day is affecting Hillary's "retirement":

- Hillary locks Bill in a closet for the day after he refers to it as "Bang the Waitresses at the International House of Pancakes Day".
- In an interview, Hillary gives 100 reasons why turnout is so low, including "women will be under tremendous pressure from fathers and husbands and boyfriends and male employers not to celebrate a 'girl' day".
- Hillary and Bill decide to celebrate Women's Day by Bill having sex within the marriage. To get it on, Hillary has to pretend to be another woman and Bill pretend to be another woman.
- Those attending rally confuse Hillary choking on her own bullshit as "hear me roar" inspired bellowing.
- Hillary divides the Women Day's march into 2 groups. Sends the "deplorable" group to a special place in hell. A speech by Pelosi.

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Is it not discriminatory to celebrate only international wymyn? What about local wymyn? (I would have said "domestic wymyn," but that would have sounded like domesticated, i.e., tame wymyn, upon which fie, fie, and fie again.)