
"That'll learn him..."

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Artist Slices Off Own Earlobe to Protest Putin's Politics


Putin just won't listen!

Sew your mouth shut and wrap yourself in barbed wire, and does Putin listen? Nope.

Nail your sack to the wall in Red Square (the geographical one, not the People's Director...) And does Putin pay any attention? Not yet...

Peel down to the altogether, and hack off part of an ear while sitting on the roof of a loony bin....and Putin says...


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Well, Tovi, if that wasn't prurient enough, I believe this same guy also had the audacity to nail his scrotum to Red Square!

I mean, as if Red Square didn't have enough balls to nail this same guy! Unbelievable!

You're right. That'll learn him.."

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[color=#C0392B]Tovarichi[/color] was being modest when he wrote:Artist Slices Off Own Earlobe to Protest Putin's Politics

Another view of the 'artist' reveals the real hero of this protest!

I am compelled to mention that for the third time this month you secured your scrotum to the giant Cube™ in front of The People's Cube™ complex with a railroad spike and then consumed a full box of Dulcolax. This was indeed performance art!

Tovarichi, you seem upset over something... can I/we help?


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Comrade Putout exhibited her inexperience with [color=#C0392B]spikes[/color] when she wrote:
[color=#C0392B]Tovarichi[/color] was being modest when he wrote:Artist Slices Off Own Earlobe to Protest Putin's Politics

Another view of the 'artist' reveals the real hero of this protest!

I am compelled to mention that for the third time this month you secured your scrotum to the giant Cube™ in front of The People's Cube™ complex with a railroad spike and then consumed a full box of Dulcolax. This was indeed performance art!

Tovarichi, you seem upset over something... can I/we help?.

Comrade Putout,

Take a closer look at the "spike" package. (model railroad spikes, maybe!)

Zoom Brad.jpg