
Rosa Koire, Agenda 21: Behind the Green Mask

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This is not a parody!
Rosa Koire (sounds like Corrie) Agenda 21 (21 refers to the 21st Century)

I recently listened to her hour-and-a-half talk at a Tea Party Group in Santa Rosa, CA. In it, she explains how Agenda 21 is implemented.

My attention was riveted. She speaks well and honestly. She is a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her twenty-eight year career as an expert witness on land use and property value has culminated in exposing the impacts of Sustainable Development on private property rights and individual liberty.

I recently saw this post on some friend's Facebook sites, only to see it taken down about an hour later. You can, of course, Oleg, take it down too. I just wanted to post it because I think she might have something going here.


ps: OMG! She has hair just like mine!

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I didn't even have to watch the video. I had the misfortune of dealing with Agenda 21 facilitators in the early 2000s. They convinced someone that they had "good, workable ideas" for Anchorage Alaska.

The first thing that struck me was their arrogance. Their primary assumption was that if anyone was already doing something, it was wrong.

The second thing that struck me was that they were completely impervious to logic. Their first stated goal was to force people to get rid of their cars. They wanted to force people to live in apartments above their places of work in high population density areas at gun point I actually asked if they wanted to do that at a meeting and they gave a resounding "Yes". They felt it was perfectly reasonable to expect people to walk everywhere they wanted to go.

Mind you they were in Anchorage in July. I asked them how the elderly and disabled would get around when the snow was deep and it was -20. I was told they would have to think up "solutions" to take care of that problem. I bet they would.

OK, I've gone on way to long. The Agenda 21 crowd is anti freedom. They want to control every facet of your life and then provide a "solution" should you become a Useless Eater. One of the Agenda 21 facilitators actually used that term when addressing a group of us citizens.


I denounce myself for offense to The Collective

Painfully aware of the Current Truth

Red Salmon

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Comrade Red Salmon: (thanks for your insightful post)

Useless eaters? We all know what happens to them, don't we?

I can't believe this is happening in my wonderful country. And, what's more, it's World Wide!
The total disregard for life, in the name of saving humanity, is appalling.

Do they not realize that they, too, will one day become old, maybe disabled? If they do, they must feel they will be exempted somehow from extermination because of their elite status. These people are less than sub-human.

Here's a telling comment from Prince Philip, himself:

Prince Philip: “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”

There's more after that statement here:

Rosa does say it begins at the local level and we can combat it there. It's a tough fight. Not pleasant. She points out the “key phrases” they use to intimidate you. It's called The Delphi Technique, developed by the Rand Corporation as a Cold War mind control technique. Delphi is used to channel a group of people to accept a point of view that is imposed on them while convincing them that it was their idea.

Going on too long, here. If you wish to pursue, watch the video and click on the above link.

Your pal,

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Prince Philip: “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” - See more at: ... PJ0kh.dpuf

The inbred. They can afford to be crazy.

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Kelly Ivanovna/келя ивановна wrote:
Prince Philip: “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” - See more at: ... PJ0kh.dpuf

The inbred. They can afford to be crazy.
Ha! To support your post, I read a comment today where someone referred to these inbred twits, as inbred twits! Im sure you know, Comrade Kelly but, I'll say it anyway. Their inbreeding creates twits, just like the scientists say. You don't marry your cousin, etc., etc. I mean, all these inbred guys are "all in for science" right? Except when it applies to them, of course. A sure sign of a genuine "twit."

(Reminds me of Appalachia where inbreeding happens all the time.) After all, they are so isolated, and all. What's a twit to do? (I'm laughing to keep from crying!)