
Life imitates the Cube: 'Don't buy Jewish products'

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Glorious news from Europe, comrades!

A great step forward has been made in the struggle against the international Jewish oppressor!
The fascist newsmagazine "Elsevier" writes about a courageous action group of SJW's called DocP (translation: service research center Palestine).

These friends of The People™ go from supermarket to supermarket to register all Israeli products, then try to persuade the shop owners to stop selling them, of course. Meanwhile they also hand out pamphlets to the clientele to expose the truth about these evil Jews. According to the article some zealous customers (no doubt religion of peace members) helped them in their search for these foul jewish goods. The leftist minister of foreign affairs (Bert Koenders) does not see any problem with this.

I can not wait for the "Reichskristallnacht" remembrance ceremony later this year (November 9)! I wonder what a mixed Arab-Nazi-Leftist pogrom would look like...

Yours in history-repeating,
Comrade Minitrue

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Minitrue wrote:... history-repeating
yep, Controlchik Progs under the umbrella BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions).

Green edge - on Ami campus (to kill Fossil Climatic Unculture).
Yellow edge - EU, going on since 2-3 years. Of COURSE not anti-Jew, ONLY anti-Zionist.

yeah, Krautland 2014-or-2015 (real-life, only the historic part in 1930-Gothic added by lil' me) :

DE.Boykottier Israelische Produkte.(TPC).jpg
pics (partially) in Krautland streets :
WORLD.(ISR).BDS.(Boycott-Derangement-Syndrome).(Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions).11.(600).jpg
here it is (2:39) :

Friendly Comrades of Truth Revolt also noticed :
EU.2015.09.23.(TR).(ISR.Jew.anti-semitism.BDS.boykott-divest-sanctions).EU to Start Labeling Israeli Products to Target Them for Boycott.(600).1.jpg
EU.2015.09.23.(TR).(ISR.Jew.anti-semitism.BDS.boykott-divest-sanctions).EU to Start Labeling Israeli Products to Target Them for Boycott.(600).2.jpg
and Brave Comrade Andrew Klavan of TR (a jewel, uh, Jewel of a comic persona) commented :
US.Obama.arts.opposed.Klavan.2014.07.03.(TR).BDS = Kill All The Jews!.(600).jpg
here it is (2:21) :

But then there is also Good Ol' Newton : Every action has a reaction . . . (see below)

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Good Ol' Newton : Every action has a reaction . . .

action :


reaction :


( I love the smell of spoof-the-left in the morning : )




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Here in the U.S. a mixed Arab-Nazi-Progressive pogrom would be called a...


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Wonder if they listen to this in the car on the way to the store?

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temporary detoxication - Andy Klavan, again (3:29) :

(Hint : solution for Amerikkka included !)

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and back to business . . .

not exactly OT, but with a nice Kube―Israel connector :

ISR.PAL.2015.10.08.Jew-s back attacks knife.(Minitrue).jpg

and while at that, here 25 minutes from the life of BBC :


what, "KwalitätsSchurnallje" ? no, wouldn't find it in a dictionary.
indeed, even google says : zilch, zero, nada, niente, nix.

KwalitätsSchurnallje ist to "Qualitätsjournalismus" like, uh,
KfalityShournaille (-aille like in canaille) is to "Quality Journalism".