
Let's Do Environmentalism Right! Earth Day Special Column

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Okay, let's get one thing straight, I am an environmentalist. We do live in and our lives are dependent on a complex web of life. This complex web of life sustains us, nurtures us, gives our lives meaning, and provides for us in every conceivable way. If that sounds odd coming from me it should, but that is only because the collectivists have muddied the intellectual waters so much that most people don't understand what the hell is going on. The simple fact is the environment we live in and the web of life that sustains us is being destroyed by the very people that claim to be the champions of environmentalism. The collectivists are destroying our environment.

The so-called environmentalists, the champions of collectivism, are clear-cutting all the wealth in this great country. They are poisoning our soil that grows the fruits and grains which civilization needs to eat and thrive. The collectivists are bulldozing and paving over modern medicine, transportation, and education. They have clouded over the sunshine of the culture of individualism and achievement on which civilization itself depends and replaced that wonderful culture with an ever colder and colder ice age engulfing our globe and our environment.

The collectivists are destroying our precious environment and they are destroying it at an ever rapacious rate. But in the face of their destruction they are denying it! They are, in their own terms, deniers.

There's a very simple reason why they are deniers of their own destructive ends and since this is just a short article I'll just say that the collectivists are wrong on all counts in everything they believe, all of their pathologies can be summed up and understood by understanding that they don't understand and have denied their basic humanity. I know, I know - that explains everything and it explains nothing. So, the short explaination:

The foundation of civilization is built of a very simple yet profound fact of human existence. It is that you own your own life and you have every right to your life. This is Individualism. Make no mistake - Individualism and the ideas on which it was fully discovered are the basis of the Rule of Law, property rights, and everything else on which civilization was made. The collectivists completely deny that there is such a thing as a real "individual." To them the individual is a social construct. From this denial of their basic humanity they created a reactionary philosophy to counter Individualism: Socialism. There is the philosophy of Individualism and there is the philosophy of Socialism. Individualism isn't a economic system and Socialism isn't an economic system - they are bodies of thought from two different ideas on the nature of Man. This is another lie of the Left - that there are opposing economic systems. There are, in reality, opposing views of Man. Their lie about opposing economic systems is very destructive because many well-educated egghead bozos buy into it and think that there can be either a capitalist economic system or a socialist economic system, it doesn't matter as far as maintaining civilization is concerned. But socialism is based on the denial of the very foundation of civilization - Individualism. It is a denial of the human spirit that animates and gives purpose to our lives. And the collectivists lie further by claiming that Socialism isn't Socialism unless the government nationalizes industry and the means of production. If you'll excuse me, this is complete bullshit. You and me and everyone you see - people - are industry and the the means of production and Socialism is about collectivizing people. We are the means of production. Next time some asswipe collectivist tells you his socialist ideas aren't socialist because he isn't trying to nationalize industry lay that on the little creep and see what happens.

Humanity is a beautiful thing. The planet is our garden to make ever better and more pleasing to us. It is our birthright to enjoy our lives and the many blessings of being free from knuckleheads that deny their very humanity and want to foul our precious environment of civilization.

Your life is a ray of sunshine, baby - and the bright minds of millions and billions of megawatts of that sunshine is even more better because more people create ever new things that give our lives more pleasure and more meaning.

Celebrate the day by celebrating our environment of civilization and your life. You, me, everyone and our embrace of Individualism carry the seed of civilization. Celebrate the day by celebrating your life. We are the flowers struggling to grow on a planet covered by the ice sheets of the life destroying ice age of collectivism.

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Socialist have to define people by what "group" they belong to because that's easier to control than a bunch of "individualists" running around doing their own individual thinking.
Individuals are a big threat to the kollective because they have their own minds to do their own thinking not relying on group-think.

That's why personal responsibility isn't mentioned at all with leftists, and has been replaced with "shared sacrifice"; an imposter and a deception. Even commies and socialists will have to give an account of their own lives in that day. And they won't have the "group" to back them up either.

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My husband is watering his internal garden with beer right now.
You've got a terrific post, I'll be sharing it at a right minded political information page that I run at facebook: ... 6023926747
My post denouncing the propaganda day is not nearly as eloquent, but you can find it here: ... ve-it.html