
Osama Jr. is blaming Obama!

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The Peoples Current Truth & Miscelaneous Times was delivered to my door step yesterdays p.m. and you can imagine my surprising to see Comrade Omar bin Laden placing blame on our own Osama Obama.

"The sons of Osama bin Laden have issued a statement that accuses the U.S. of violating international law by killing an unarmed man and dumping his body in the ocean." Dear son said, "Osama bin Laden was denied the presumption of innocence and a fair trial. It said the "assassination" of Osama bin Laden "blatantly violated" international law.

He also said,"bin Laden's sons do not believe President Obama's account of the operation that killed their father and would be following up with both U.S. and international courts. We ... demand an inquiry," says the statement, "[into] the accuracy of the facts as stated by the United States into the fundamental question of why our father was not arrested and tried but summarily executed."


HOW CAN THIS BE? What does it mean when our friendly comrades speak of our dear Leader with such malice and disdain? Does Mr. bin Laden Jr. not know that Obama is a Mooslimic and like his Mooslimic brotherhood more than the USA? Has he so quickly forgotten that lovely weekend in Hawaii and the Pina Coladas with all the chortling with Mr. O and the other Mr. O??

I DENOUNCE this Omar bin Laden. He needs to get his mind straight and stop with the embarrassing comment about dear Leader. Poor Barry Barack had no choice but to murder . . . to have papa Osama shot . . . to try to take Osama into legal custody . . . and, umm, he was shot on accident. (that is the most current truth and revised Version #102. please update your Talking Points and Blackberry's).

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Revised Version #103?
The alligators in the moat killed Osama.

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Talking Point confusion-

Up until now, it's all been Bush's fault.

So if popping Osama goes badly in the Public Relations realm, is that still gonna be Obama's glory at the top of the rainbow?

Or once again Bush's fault?

Help me Comrades!

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Comrade Rock,

Which head are you talking about? The one between his shoulders or the one between his legs? Does it make any difference?

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Comrade Scratchy,

It will be Boosh's fault by default, but more so because he was stoopid and didn't bag Osama on his watch (even though he set the stage to fighting terrorism and eventually getting Osama). Obama will get the credit because he's clean, intelligent and articulate. Mooslim terrorists, like Osama, have no chance against such things.

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Before Dear Leader can offer Omar Bin Laden (43) a Cabinet position as Czar of something or other as part of new and improved Mooslim outreach program, or be accused of wrongdoing we must distract with best sleight of hand the Media to something else.

Clearly Bush and Cheney still hate the Black Democrat-voting Peoples of New Orleans and are trying to kill them again by flooding the rivers upstream! ImageLast time their attack from the Sea almost worked, but the new levees will serve as backstop, keeping the water IN this time...Our Glorious Leader will save those who contribute enough to his campaign and all will forget about Comrade "fish-food" Osama Bin Laden (41).

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Our dear leader is not bothered by anything. Let them cast their aspersions!
"Hey, I know. Let's go camping!"

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"Osama corpse into ocean + BP oil spill + Fukushima radiation = Zombie Terrorist"

He'll be back.

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LnT, you are korrect. Children will no longer sleep with lights off, and I must move AK 47 to arms reach at night. How many times has Godzilla returned to Tokyo for similar reasons?