
Occupy Wall Street Embraces "Lord of the Flies" Label

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"Lord of the Flies" is the label our enemies in the right-wing media are trying to attach to our comrades in the OWS trenches. Our failure to suppress daily reports of rape, theft, infighting, heroin dealing, underage prostitution, and public fornication at various Occupy camps enables the corporate media propagandists to attach snarky, partisan memes to our glorious movement. What they don't realize - and we aren't going to tell them - is that it is all part of the master plan.

Armed with the invincible Marxist doctrine, the shadow commissars behind the Occupy movement know full well that the old capitalist system must come crumbling down before a new Progressive world can occupy its place. And Occupy rallies are not only our tools to bring down capitalism - they are also a laboratory of new progressive lifestyles: this is what the final revolution will look like.

The archaic ways of thinking are quickly being replaced with new and cool groupthink. Old concepts such as Reason and Morality have lost their appeal and became non-values. It is historically inevitable that the Piggys of the world will be stripped of their technology, which will be repurposed to meet the needs of the 99%. Should some tragedy befall the Piggys in the form of a protest sign upside the head, or a fall on a pitchfork, it will be deemed as death of natural causes, for they had it coming.

Our rallying cry "This is what democracy looks like" only means one thing: a socialist utopia is not possible if the opposition has the right to vote against it. So the conch shell of democracy must be shattered.


Once the Piggys are taken care of and the conch is broken, chaos shall reign. The beast of instability and uncertainty shall cause wide-spread fear engulfing the nation. Then and only then will the people beg for an authoritarian adult leader to save them. Don't you get all warm and righteous inside just thinking about it?

The Occupy movement needs to embrace the Lord of the Flies label, for that is our textbook, our charter, and our moral code.

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Somehow Maksim, the thought of Beelzebub having dreadlocks and tacky plaid shorts
seems strangely appropriate. Very nice.

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Of course, it is a bit unfortunate that the iconic OSW Hero has apparently lost his CHE! Tshirt, but that is doubtless because he has given sacrificed it to Someone More Needy ™ .

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I have not seen a more glorious movement since the progressive bowel movement on the side of the NY police car a few weeks back.

The good news is Dear Leader has attached himself and his political party to the great bastion of intellectualism, the Hoard-Wall Street Shit-ins across the nation.

The Pee-Party has its authoritarian savior in waiting when the rapes, theft, vandalism, drug usage, prostitution, and chaos reaches its climax.

Hoarders Wall Street: Coming to A&E this winter.


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I denounce the heads of pigs on sticks! This is insensitive to PETA and animal lovers everywhere! I demand that we form a General Assembly, and stand around in a circle to discuss this matter, right after I finish prostituting several members of the camp for money.

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Comrades. Be careful not to provide excessive information to the proles. Not all supporters are capable of understanding the depth of the process in bringing the revolution to fruit as designed by Dear Leader and his sponsor the Dark Sith. As evidenced by interviews in our state controlled media, the OWS are following their indoctrination by not revealing the true intentions, but demanding free money, sex and drugs. Also, there may be reactionary elements monitoring this site with vile kapitalist imperialist intentions.

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I agree with Comrade Colonel 7.62! Put Nancki Pelosivich's head on the end of that stick! A pig is too pretty to look at ... relatively speaking.

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Yes I agree Comrade Nancki would have more impact on the end of that stick. But in Nancki's case the stick, sports a higher I.Q. than she does in real life. Yes she is one of the dumbest things in the universe, and embarrassment to stupid......

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality® INC
The Kind and Lovable, Green Commissar
Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma Cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith

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She is a good example of what a Lawer should be, she is a master of deception and circumlocution so none can follow her train of thought. Many think it has already been derailed FOR YEARS!

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What is needed is a 24/7 OWS weather report.
I wish to seek locations downwind where I can glean the many secrets of this band of brothers.

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Navigator wrote:What is needed is a 24/7 OWS weather report.
I wish to seek locations downwind where I can glean the many secrets of this band of brothers.
Please practice safe espionage and wear a gas mask.

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The public school system is incredibly efficient at producing these occupiers.

The most evil union on earth is the teacher's union.

How can I add an image - I have a cool poster for this... think you will like it

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Wonder, click on the "editor for the rich" button below the text entry window here and follow the directions at the bottom of the screen. You must then file in triplicate a bandwidth requsition form with the Party Central Paper Processing Center in Mud Butte, South Dakota. All forms must be filed electronically, and don't forget to use a No.2 pencil only.

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That's right Most Equal Betinov! Or just follow these instructions:


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If water doesn't reduce dehydration, then:

-Food doesn't reduce hunger.
-Air doesn't reduce suffocation.
-Light doesn't reduce darkness.
-Wealth doesn't reduce poverty.
-The news media doesn't reduce truth.
-Barack Obama doesn't reduce intelligence.
-Michelle Obama doesn't reduce good taste.
-Bullets don't reduce crime.
-The Democrats don't reduce the middle class.
-John Boehner doesn't reduce the power of the GOP or the prestige of the House.
-Hillary Clinton doesn't reduce the Russians' belief she's an idiot.
-John Kerry doesn't reduce the prestige of the Senate.
-Obama's “Wall Street guy,” Jon Corzine, doesn't reduce MF Global shareholders' wealth.
-Oprah Winfrey doesn't reduce voters' intelligence.
-Chinese-made drywall doesn't reduce the value of your home.
-Chinese-made dog treats don't reduce the life of your dog.
-The Muslim Brotherhood doesn't reduce freedom.
-Eric Holder doesn't reduce the Constitution to bird cage paper.
-Sonia Sotomayor doesn't reduce the prestige of the Supreme Court.
-Newt Gingrich doesn't reduce Romney's chances of being nominated.
-Jewish liberalism doesn't reduce the safety of other Jews throughout the world.
-Al Gore doesn't reduce science to the level of a scam at a carnival sideshow.
-CNN doesn't reduce propaganda to an art form so lowly, that Joseph Goebbels, even dead, is embarrassed.

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"Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!"
"Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!"
"Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!"

The collective human-microphone has spoken. This is what democracy looks like. May the collective's will be done.

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These are the same moth eaten, flea ridden commie hippies who were marching 'against the war', well the wars continue under Comrade Obama but no anti-war protest marches...very interesting :)

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Red Square wrote:Occupy Pond!
Yea Comrade, Pond scum will reduce the need for Nasty trips to the supermarket. Beets with pond scum dressing......Ummmmm