
Young Communist League Addresses The "Me" Generation

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Comrades, we must stand in solidarity with Communist Party USA and the Young Communist League in acknowledging that without garnering the youth vote in 2010, there is a good chance all of our hard work getting Barack Hussein Obama elected will have been in vain!

From Party HQ:
Our experience historically has been that with the proper attention and attitude, the YCL can rebound relatively quickly.
So, this conference comes at a great time. It's a moment to renew our understanding and approach to the young generation and the YCL, and recommit to helping the YCL in every way possible to tackle this difficult, challenging, exciting period and thrive.
It's a great time because there are so many signs today's youth are developing profound new progressive attitudes that will impact politics for decades to come. These attitudes are developing in response to and as a part of the great labor led people's upsurge against the ultra right, but also the new economic, social and political circumstances they are growing up in.
The changes are so progressive some have dubbed today's youth, the "we generation," embracing the "common good" and rejecting the tenants of right-wing ideology.
I would go one step further and label todays youth the "me" generation, for without the sense of entitlement and world view of America as the oppressor instilled in their minds via our fellow travelers in the Teachers Unions, we wouldn't be able to further the cause of Progressive Communism that we are so close to attaining via the Obama administration.

We are not alone in our quest comrades!

communist youth.jpg
Since 2006, the "we generation" or Millennial' as they are also called, have been increasing their voter turnout markedly. In 2008 they were 20% of the vote, and increased turnout more than any other sector.
And vote they did. In 2006, 18-29 year olds voted 60-38% Democratic. In 2008, they voted 68 to 30 for Barack Obama. The youth were a key part of the coalition that elected Obama and gave the Democrats majorities in Congress. Youth were inspired by the Obama campaign, coming out in droves to volunteer and staff the operation across the country and cast their ballots.
Their orientation is also why Organizing For America is making the mobilization of the youth vote a top priority of its work this year.
Surveys show youth have widespread support for government action on jobs, more education funding, urgent action on the environment, changing US foreign policy, universal health care and regulation of the banks. They embrace social transformation on a grand scale.

Indeed! But rest not comrades, there is much left to be done or as I said before, we risk losing all of the gains towards Communist Utopia that we have made under the Grand Guidance of Dear Leader Obama.

Gains we cannot afford to lose!

Obama Supporters.jpg
Each generation comes of age under a unique set of global, economic and political circumstances that shapes its outlook, mood and attitude. Distinct experiences are impacting them - they are growing up in a time of unparalleled economic hardship and environmental catastrophe.
This bleak outlook certainly gives rise to pessimism and cynicism among a section of youth. And yet Obama's election has given many youth a sense of optimism despite the dismal economic and social prospects.
In painting the picture of this generation we see the gray hues of suffering and pain.
This is the first generation fully experiencing the decline of the US as a world power, and has grown up in an era of general economic decline in the living standards of their families and communities. They see the need for a new role for the US in the world.
This generation is experiencing the greatest gap in wealth of any generation in history.
The economic situation facing youth is dire, especially among African American and Latino and other oppressed youth. Forty-one% of children now live in low-income families. The special impact of racism has pushed 61% of African Americans, 62% of Latinos, 31% of Asians Americans and 57% of American Indian into low-income families.

Comrades! This simply will not do!

And now Dear Leader wishes to speak directly to you:

Why reject the Tenants of right-wing ideology? Better their right-wing landlords.

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The problem with mobilizing the youth vote lies in mobilizing the youth. I fear we've made a grave error in promoting "pop culture" as much as we have. The youth now have a dystopian and lackadaisical attitude. "What if" is akin to "why bother."

Furthermore, the youth are inherently rebellious of authority and since we are now the authorities...well, you see the problem. "Question authority" has come full circle and now bites us in the ass.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:The problem with mobilizing the youth vote lies in mobilizing the youth. I fear we've made a grave error in promoting "pop culture" as much as we have. The youth now have a dystopian and lackadaisical attitude. "What if" is akin to "why bother."

Furthermore, the youth are inherently rebellious of authority and since we are now the authorities...well, you see the problem. "Question authority" has come full circle and now bites us in the ass.

Additionally, all of the "Sacred Cows" have been slain.

There's not much more filth to try to mainstream.

Perhaps cannibalism and marrying inanimate objects?

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I see your point Comrade Whoopie but surely Dear Leader with the assistance of his trusty teleprompter can move the youth to the polls, no? If that fails, I fear we may have to motivate the ACORN element and "pad" the ballot boxes with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck votes again.. hint, hint.

Did you watch Dear Leaders video? Chock full of truths isn't it?

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Comrade Buffoon wrote: Did you watch Dear Leaders video? Chock full of truths isn't it?

Naw. Every time he starts talking, I start yelling at him and then the wife starts yelling at me.

I have mis-spent an entire lifetime of NOT saying what I am really thinking.

A smart man wouldn't.

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Yes, thanks to our glorious policies, the youth of today emerges from college with a paltry $100,000 in debt in return for which they obtained advanced degrees in progressive topics like gender studies, counter-revolutionary musical theatre and multi-cultural puppet making. They are well prepared to lead the way to the future as they live in their parents' basements while serving fries at McDonalds and struggling to pay off their student loans. So why wouldn't they now be and certainly remain WITH US, for we have already done so much for them, eh? And we now continue to do so much to pave the way for their future like building roads where NEW McDonalds can be built so there will be so many more places for them to serve fries as they continue to struggle to pay off their student loans.