
Why Sex Is Progressive.

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Hello, comrades. For long, I've been wondering whether sex is progressive or not. If you ask me, sex is progressive for a few reasons:

  1. Sex is wrong in the novel 1984. Bush is Big Brother and he's watching you. We must do our best to creat a different society than 1984.
  2. Sex is human nature. Human nature is a good thing because it doesn't cause Global Warming(tm) unlike technology. Also, another proof is that the novel Lord Of The Flies mocks human nature. Lord Of The Flies is capitalist.
  3. Emotions are good. Logic and thoughts are the opposite of emotions. Sex is emotions.
  4. Playboy, Hustler and Penthouse are liberal.
  5. Hating pornography is censorship. We don't like that kind of censorship. It's conservative censorship.
  6. Rape, like all kinds of "criminality", is resistance to the gouvernment. Also, rape is resistance to women which are capitalists. Only sex-positive feminists and whores (who got a pimp) are good women.
  7. Sex can distract people from seeing the flaws of Communism being capitalists.

By the way, in case sex might offend Islam - I believe someday we shall overthrow all religions and Karl Marx will be God.

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I see that you are Jung and easily Freudend

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Ivan Betinov wrote:I see that you are Jung and easily Freudend

Your words are indeed Mystiquel, from a feminine perspective.

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Is there a Doktor in the house to prescribe our comrade with some Risperdal?
I'll buy the "kid" a drink to go with it.......

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As I sit in front of my computer "masturbating for peace" I find myself in total agreement with comrade Skinnee Jay.

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If I remember correctly, Comrade Red Jim is the current Obamissar of Perscription Drugs.


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Che Gourmet wrote:Is there a Doktor in the house to prescribe our comrade with some Risperdal?

Sorry, I only have a Master's.

Comrade Whoopie wrote: As I sit in front of my computer "masturbating for peace" I find myself in total agreement with comrade Skinnee Jay.

Where's Premier Betty? I need one of his trandmark "Ewwwwwww"s.

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Allow me to answer these questions, comrades.

1. Sex is wrong in the novel 1984. Bush is Big Brother and he's watching you. We must do our best to creat a different society than 1984.
Not so. I would be comfortable living in a society that resembles the Well Planned Utopia of North Korea. Sex is bad though, comrade, because sex causes you to burn more calories, requires you to eat more food, and finally has you sitting in the lavatory of your ditch condo. Your calories should go towards shoveling permafrost and not having sex.

Also, you can't shovel permafrost if you're pooping or having sex. Besides, pooping is bad for the environment and your calories should be used solely for the Common Good (shoveling permafrost at your new Obama shovel-ready job).

I am all for the creation of a Commissar of Bodily Functions so that we may *regulate* comrades and see to it they aren't spending the bulk of their time pooping when there is work to be done.

2. Sex is human nature. Human nature is a good thing because it doesn't cause Global Warming™ unlike technology. Also, another proof is that the novel Lord Of The Flies mocks human nature. Lord Of The Flies is capitalist.

Human nature is WRONG, WRONG, AND MORE WRONG. Our goal is to *perfect* human nature through a system of rewards and punishments issues by caring and compassionate Commissars.

Our Commissars will use brute force to perfect humanity into the Communist New Man/Woman/It who will strive daily to fulfill 5 Year Plans and other assorted production quotas for the Common Good.

3. Emotions are good. Logic and thoughts are the opposite of emotions. Sex is emotions.

Emotions are good when it serves our purpose. Angry, sad or overly chirpy comrades make for bad workers and bad workers do not fulfill production quotas and unfulfilled production quotas leads to mass graves and mass graves leads to panics and panics leads to purges and purges leads to fear among the Party Inner Circle and the fear in the Party Inner Circle leads to fear among the Party Magnates and fear among the Party Magnates leads to me having to carry a nasty and dangerous gun around just in case Theocritus or someone else tries to off me. See, look at that run-on sentence you made me have to write, comrade! I denounce you!

4. Playboy, Hustler and Penthouse are liberal.
Anything disrupts the family unit is progressive. A man who is more exhilarated by the pictures in Penthouse than his own wife may be more tempted to find such exhilaration outside his marriage. This in turn leads to adultery, the wife finding out, divorce and finally the family unit splitting up. Hopefully the wife has a dead-end job and a shit load of kids who will be in need of, erhmm, Government Assistance.

5. Hating pornography is censorship. We don't like that kind of censorship. It's conservative censorship.

We like censorship. We will be ban pornography once we have broken enough families and have total control. Even Stalin disliked debauchery, comrade, and held to strict moral standards. Depravity is a means to an end and nothing more.

6. Rape, like all kinds of "criminality", is resistance to the gouvernment. Also, rape is resistance to women which are capitalists. Only sex-positive feminists and whores (who got a pimp) are good women.

No, only women who want to be men are women. Let Janet Reno be your shining example.

7. Sex can distract people from seeing the flaws of Communism being capitalists.

Sex is the best way to placate the toiling masses who begin to question whether or not the Progressive World of Next Tuesday is coming or not which I can assure you will come next Tuesday!

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Che Gourmet wrote:Is there a Doktor in the house to prescribe our comrade with some Risperdal?
I'll buy the "kid" a drink to go with it.......

The prescription is in the mail.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:I am all for the creation of a Commissar of Bodily Functions so that we may *regulate* comrades and see to it they aren't spending the bulk of their time pooping when there is work to be done.

Beloved Chairman-

I nominate Comrade Bloomberg for Obamissar of Bodily Functions. His work in regulating Salt and Trans-fats are already advancing The Party Cause of diet regulation and its derivative (calculus is such a joy!!) of excrement control. However, I cannot emphasize enough that he must only be an OBAMISSAR, overseen by a Commissar who can ensure his efforts do not contradict or hinder the Five Year Plan for PTC production.


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Comrade Jay-

Nice Progressive tits you've got there! It was sweet of Comrade Red Square to buy you implants in celebration of Operation Cast Lead. Your fascination with sex and your suggestion of dispensing pornographic, non-cute, filthy, raunchy, hard core, hymen bursting anime as a new Opiate of the Masses is truly inspiring!

You overlooked a few:

8. Sex can lead to STDs like pregnancy that can either provide JOBS at Planned Parenthood clinics all over the world, or put more bodies at the end of shovels.

9. Sex FEELS good, even when it's by yourself. Anything that FEELS good MUST be Progressive.

10. Excretions resulting from sex make great PTC toppings or coffee creamer.

11. I have a picture that shows how a bottle of Red Army Vodka can get pretty Progressive with a willing Commisarka who, while not our beloved Pinkie, is certainly pink.

12. Commissars and Obamissars can have their way with young, nubile, supple proles. And that's the way we like it!

13. This FANTASTIC WEBSITE!!!! (don't worry- it's not porn)


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I'm happy Obamissar Vodkavich agrees with me. Also, I'm glad you agree that cuteness should be abolished. We need to desensitize the masses (Violent sex is a great way to desensitize the masses).

Regarding censorship: The censorship on pornography is CAPITALIST. That's why it's BAD censorship. Only censorship by liberals and socialists is good censorship. Censoring anti-porn statements is liberal censorship. Censoring pornography is bad censorship.

Also, another reason why Anime should be abolished: Japan isn't like Red China.