
Why leftist rioters aren't in jail like I was for my posters

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Columbus day passed with the Portland "protesters" toppling the statues of Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, and smashing windows of the Oregon Historical Society. Nobody got arrested, just like after they toppled the statue of Chris Columbus in June.

That reminded me of how in 2016 I was arrested and spent a day in jail for putting up conservative posters and stickers on the GMU campus in DC suburbs, with the bail set at $8,000. I was charged with a felony due to an alleged "destruction of property exceeding $1,000" caused by the judge's failure to understand how stickers can be easily removed with a $3.99 can of WD-40. I later looked up the judge; he regularly donated to ACLU and SPLC.

Today, insurance companies have estimated the overall property damage due to this year's rioting is over a billion dollars.

And yet these "protesters" rarely go to jail like I did. And when they do get processed, there is a million-dollar strong bail-out fund set up for them by powerful people including the current VP candidate, Kamala Harris. It's likely that my DC suburb judge has also contributed.

How could the laws change so much in only four years? They didn't. The forces that are now running this country have been silently taking over America for years. They would have cemented their rule in perpetuity if it weren't for Trump's win in 2016. So no, these riots didn't start with George Floyd.

Flashback to 2016:

Why I was arrested & thrown in jail by @GeorgeMasonU police


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It is never too late komrade direktor!
Apparently George Mason owned slaves...
If you retro-actively say it was because of that, you might get a soros-check!

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Red Square wrote:Why leftist rioters aren't in jail like I was for my posters?

I hear that it is something to do with either Stalinistic relativity, or Einsteinian borscht.

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Cradle to Grave Marxist wrote:
Red Square wrote:Why leftist rioters aren't in jail like I was for my posters?

I hear that it is something to do with either Stalinistic relativity, or Einsteinian borscht.

that is pure lyrical poetry...


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Mr. Crimson Trapezoid, you are obviously a thought-criminal and were treated as such.

Fortunately for the rest of us, you escaped the re-education camp.

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This is simple Dear Leader! You were destined to be the original post election dissident! This way the history books would read your name before the masses of antifa and blm Come Out™ this November 4th.

It is for the Common Good, Dear Leader, we hope you understand.

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Komrade Direkktor - Me thinks had you offered assistance to Hunter Obiden, in connecting with a Ukranian oligarch, your "offense" would have been squashed by all social media platforms and you might even be in line for a cabinet position in Obiden's administration.

Just sayin'.

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'pelipsky think/feels that George Carlin could provide insight in DearLeader's™ socratease rhetorical question.

But then, Carlin was probably suffering from sluggish schizophrenia and therefore his grim comedic foolish insights of a controlled future for everybody is complete foolishness...what kind of conspiracy nut would think evil even existed behind such smiling happy The People's™ Faces??

If a comrade were to think E.V.I.L. exists, Joe Biden sez..."You ain't Christian." Which of course is agin The LAW of The ConstitutionLand™ and must be dispatched to the place of light it came from in the name of ....the MotherLand's Declarative THING...

It's like living in a Federal Judge imposed Manichean religious cult.

Through an ongoing process that takes place in human history, light is gradually removed from the world of matter and returned to the world of light, whence it came.
In the name of 'equality', light gets snuffed every time... in a Deep State Manichean Cult world.

Then, to get back to SupremeRedLeader's rhetorical question to Socratease we lesser comrades into some form of cuboidsentient hivethink beings, well maybe it all comes down to what this karaoke hooligan can reeducatemuzzien in lyrical fluidity like a RED Cary Grant.

Papa Was A-throwin' Stones

Well, most esteemed Director, all of this, plus a can of WD-40, explains a lot of things to a certain mythical horned rodent wearing shades since Trumputler reeducated us back to a future, in which a comrade can see without nightvision Birx and Fauci® masks™ and goggles™.

C- grade indulgence on Richter Scale of feelthink composite essay that stole art from others to plagiarize a point to get up and out...and into something new.

Russian Asset

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tcha, Komrade Direktor...

Our kollektive memory reminds us that your 2016 posters were, sigh, only deficiently appreciative of the greateness of Dar al-Islam, PBUH.

As we all know, it was Muzlims - indeed, African Muzlims - who discovered America.

Komrade Direktor - instead of wasting $8,000 to bribe the judge, you could have donated that pretty penny to erect a nice monument commemorating African Muzlims' First Landing in the New World, no?

Indeed, I even harbor a suspicion that your unwillingness in contributing to erection of said memorial (and to this day there's none such in Amerikkka, korrekt?) was likely the main driver in triggering Woke People's just wrath and making them topple usurper Columbus' statues across the fruited plain (with Honest Abe and Bad Bad Teddy added for a good measure).

Zealous comrades may further study the "Columbus" hoax on YouTube.

(for irredeemable kuffar a must!)