
The Old Is New - Final election day democratic ad campaign

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From the vaults of Party election days past the democrats have put together the most patriotic and inspiring election day message they can find. The message and the appeal to the better natures of democrats everywhere is sure to make even the most dispirited statist smile and turn out to vote!

A vote for the Party is a vote for the future! Make sure you vote in at least five states.

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I best get out the old armor and mace. Old is the new style.

Vote as many times as Dear Leader asks.

Is it just me, Mr. Frito, or does the guy on the left look like Spam Gangree?

"Look, Mister Frito," said Spam, pointing up the road. "Elves, lots of 'em. Oooooo, I must be dreaming. I wish the old Fatlip could see me now."
"I wish I were dead," whined Pepsi.
"So do I," said Moxie.
"May the good fairy what sits in the sky grant yer ev'ry wish," said Spam.

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Comrade Lev Terman,
I can see that you've read " Bored of the Rings ", as have I ( Krasnodar ).

" The Ranger, along with Legolam and Gimlet, continued to chase down their quarry, only stopping for a quick hand of canasta while Arrowroot cooked up some cheese blintzes for breakfast. Nobody could make blintzes like Ol' Arrowroot !" ( paraphrased )

As I recall, this celebrated offering from the Harvard Lampoon was required reading in most colleges and universities at the time.

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Hammer and Loupe wrote:I best get out the old armor and mace. Old is the new style.

Vote as many times as Dear Leader asks.

We no longer need to vote. Automated voting machines will do the voting for us. This is a truly glorious development. We now have machines to do the voting that Americans won't do!

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It's strange... The music was inspiring, the video was alarming in its lack of diversity and personages of color or half-colors.

On the other hand, those nice people were so...similar... so participatory... So obedient to a man in uniform.... Almost "superior"...

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Liberal Hipster Ubermenchen. What a concept !