
The New Face of the Democratic Party

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harry groucho issue.png
Washington DC - ELECTION 2010

Amid the nation's jubilation over the Democratic party's new innovative logo comes a quandary for the party of change. "Everyone is so focused on our new innovative logo that they haven't noticed we've completely changed the face of the party," said Democratic spokesman Rick Roary. This is frustrating. "We aren't the old Democratic party anymore. We have a whole new face and a whole new message. This is how seriously we take the American voters call for change."

In Washington DC the Democratic party is worried. "We're afraid that our new face and new message isn't getting out to the American people," said one insider.

coons - biden groucho issue.png
"We're for fiscal responsibility and lots of it but our message is getting drowned out by the Tea Party's well-funded media machine. It's hard being the underdogs in this fight. The Tea Party is a huge goliath with billions in special interest money and corporate owned wall-to-wall news coverage. It's very hard for our message to be heard through all that noise. But we're in this fight for the American people because the country is still the last best hope and we just can't take even a few more years of Tea Party mismanagement of our country and our economy. It's time the American people won."

Mary Margaret Morgan is an anchorwoman at KMTC Broadcasting's NEWS ON THE MARCH and a frequent contributor to TPC News Service

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Is always good when our beloved communists er socialist er liberal democrats get their tax borrow and spend spread the wealth message out. Is sometimes difficult with their lackey lap dog media whore the right wing media obstructing theirspend like drunken sailorsfiscally resposible message. The new face is good too.

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The NEW standard bearer of the NEW Democrats will be this exciting young bullshit artist Islamic Divinity Student from Yale:

new obama.JPG

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How refreshing to see so many, ummm, fresh new faces with, ahhhh, fresh ideas.

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It Happens First in America:
The Brave New Welfare State
Written by Editor on September 18th in EU, Society, US
Stephen Baskerville (Summer 2010)
The New Presence, [highlight=#ffff00]Czechoslovakia[/highlight]

America, not Europe, is on the cutting edge of the welfare state.

“…do we not in fact stand as a kind of warning to the West, revealing to its own latent tendencies?”
Václav Havel

Like most trends, it is happening first in America.

American conservatives lament that President Barack Obama's health plan makes the United States just another “European-style” socialist state. Leftists likewise are overjoyed that the US has “finally joined the ranks of civilized nations,” as Diane Francis writes in the Huffington Post.

Yet the US is in fact doing more than this. At precisely the time when Europeans are confronting the limits of the welfare state, the US seems determined to vastly expand its own. Noting problems in Britain's National Health Service (NHS) and weak government efforts to reform it, Janet Daley writes in the Daily Telegraph, “The US government, meanwhile, is galloping doggedly in the opposite direction, bizarrely determined to occupy precisely the ideological ground which Britain is abandoning.”

But this is not 1948, and Obama's health plan is not the NHS. The US is not catching up to Europe. As usual, it is pushing the envelope and taking us into new, uncharted territory.


Dr Stephen Baskerville is one of our old friends, and we quote him often. He wrote "Taken Into Custody"

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These new idiots Democratic Apparatchik look like the same thieving scum will surely bring a new bucket of pain glorious fresh blood to the fold of progress.

No bourgeois pseudoscience would fool the children of the revolution, again.

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"We're for fiscal responsibility and lots of it but our message is getting drowned out by the Tea Party's well-funded media machine. It's hard being the underdogs in this fight. The Tea Party is a huge goliath with billions in special interest money and corporate owned wall-to-wall news coverage. It's very hard for our message to be heard through all that noise. But we're in this fight for the American people because the country is still the last best hope and we just can't take even a few more years of Tea Party mismanagement of our country and our economy. It's time the American people won."

Finally, someone tells us here what's really going on. I always suspected it was those Tea Baggers who were responsible for 3 trillion dollars worth of irresponsible spending. Of course. I'll never believe anyone who tells me that it was Comrade Nanski, Dear Leader and the Democratic Congress who passed the stimulus package, etc. It was the Tea Party. That's the Current Truth™, and I'm sticking to it, for now, anyway.

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Leninka wrote:
"We're for fiscal responsibility and lots of it but our message is getting drowned out by the Tea Party's well-funded media machine. It's hard being the underdogs in this fight. The Tea Party is a huge goliath with billions in special interest money and corporate owned wall-to-wall news coverage. It's very hard for our message to be heard through all that noise. But we're in this fight for the American people because the country is still the last best hope and we just can't take even a few more years of Tea Party mismanagement of our country and our economy. It's time the American people won."

Finally, someone tells us here what's really going on. I always suspected it was those Tea Baggers who were responsible for 3 trillion dollars worth of irresponsible spending. Of course. I'll never believe anyone who tells me that it was Comrade Nanski, Dear Leader and the Democratic Congress who passed the stimulus package, etc. It was the Tea Party. That's the Current Truth™, and I'm sticking to it, for now, anyway.

"Would you believe I am 70 years old" Nansky Pelosi nailed those nasty Tea Party folk- (Obviously this was early in the week before the Botox leaked out.) She is so darned purty, I can't believe she isn't telling the truth.

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And she makes a lovely house guest, too. I'll never forget when Comrade Theocritus had her out to the Rancho. Click here for a most classic Cube Post from glorious progressive days of the past.

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Leninka wrote:Click here for a most classic Cube Post from glorious progressive days of the past.

Smerk. Thanks! I don't know how in the world I ever missed that.