
Planet of the Progressives- a future we can only dream of...

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With the recent successful movie remakes and not to be outdone by the few capitalist market forces that still exist, we at the collective have put together our own movie for the masses.


Planet of the Progressives
A glorious story of a future where Progressives have taken full control and formed a society
that we today can only dream of......
- green friendly and primitive in technology
- we all look the same
- Evolved to be more animal like
- small in numbers

But, the villain, a time traveling white man of technology from our corrupt and racist past poses a danger to our progressive utopia ...

While he tries to undermine the system, his attempts will fail because the state is always supreme.


This is a must see for all Progressives!

It will bring much joy to your mind during this time of politically correct Kwanzaa holiday celebration.

See the trailer here

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Terrifying, Comrade Neo, simply terrifying!

And yet - what an opportunity to feeeel the fear without actually experiencing the truth!!

When will tickets be available?

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Soon I hope Comrade.

Now that the Solyndra funding has opened up, I expect more funds to
come my way to finish this project

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Our Dear First-Couple Of The United States is setting an example for all of us that it is imperative for all of us to redouble our efforts.



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Yes comrade!

Gore as an Orangutan only makes sense

After all, they are one of the most intelligent primates
and use a variety of sophisticated tools, like the Internet, no doubt.

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Bout time - because Al Gore told me this planet is dying fast.


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it is for the children

which is why we must spend their money and their children's money and their
children's children's money, before it is too late....

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Quite true..... we liberals need to go after the low- hanging fruit first........
primarily the children ( both born and un-born).

This is good policy, simply because they cannot defend themselves and this makes our work much easier..... and isn't that what it's all about ?

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Yes the children!

Plus who wants to argue they are against children?